Blessed Holy Lord God, what is Your word for Your people today?
My word is My great love for each and everyone! My word is My
constant abiding and presence with each one, no matter the circumstances
of life! Remember, I never leave you nor forsake you, for I am always with you,
no matter what you do or say. Spend time with Me so that I can shower My
love gifts upon you. Be open to Me in everything, and I do mean everything!
No matter is too large or too small for Me! Remember, I did create the whole
universe and everything that is in it. I do see the end from the beginning.
Oh that you would spend more time with Me so that you too could see the
bigger picture, not just the little picture of your creation and understanding!
Know that I do love you beyond your understanding. Grow in My love so that
in turn you will grow in love for yourself and for others. Remember the big
picture: I operate out of love and desire that My children do the same!
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