Ray Broad, a dear brother in our Lord, resides in New Zealand. As a retired pastor, He found new freedom in two-way communicating with our God through the teachings of Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler. Following is one of Ray's journal entries he shared with me that reflects this new found freedom and speaks to our Lord's great love:
John 17, verse 24: "For you loved Me before the foundation of the world." Dear Lord, the love the Father had for You was everything to You. Please speak to me of this love.
I lived constantly and continuously inside His love. Not for a moment could I escape it. This meant that nothing could throw Me. A little child fears nothing of the world so long as its hand is in Daddy’s hand. The trust is implicit and seamless. Nothing broke through the tranquility which existed inside Me. Because I dwelt constantly within His will, doing only what He indicated, I walked confidently into situations which would terrify other men. Madmen, soldiers, rulers who had the power of life and death; nothing gave Me cause for concern. Only one thing terrified Me; the knowledge that Father would, at final count, not be there to be relied on. Yet even in that moment, I reached out by faith believing that He would subsequently return. Because although His presence and support may be withdrawn, the love we had dwelt in through eternity would never be withdrawn. It would remain – unchanged and eternally reliable. You, my children, need to know this. Day by day, increase the strength of the cords of love which bind our hearts to yours. 'Nothing shall remove us from the love of God'. Just as His presence appeared to depart from me, it may appear to leave you at times but the love – never. It is eternal and unbreakable. In this matter, God is Himself at stake, because God is love. For His love to cease would be for Him to cease. So, all the way back into eternity this love had remained a fixed constant as durable and reliable as the very existence of My Father God. For Father not to love would require Him not to be. Know this – every day. Know that there is no place outside His constant love for you.
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