I brought Maori and Pakeha (NZ European) together to fight a common enemy, not to fight each other.
When two brothers fight against a common foe, first one brother leads, and then the other- and so on. Respect and might carry them in the battle.
Mark you know, everyone knows that Maori and Pakeha fighting together are an indomitable force, feared by many armies down through history – but the reason I drew you together was to fight an invisible army.
God why do you insist on talking about things that I know nothing about??
That’s the nature of a conversation with me Mark, when you learn to hear me speak about the little things, you’ll hear big things too. Things you know nothing about.
Ok well I’m not sure I want to hear these ‘big’ things God. They’re too big. You’re talking about crazy things like The Haka, the sound of the wild spaces, and the didgeridoo. I’m going to be labelled ‘fringe’ for these discussions. People will say I’ve gone ethnic.
You have gone ethnic Mark! You all have. The moment your people set foot on this land you ‘went ethnic’.
God do you have to talk like this?
Mark it needs to be said. It needs to be blown on the Maori war trumpet and the Pakeha bugle. Your enemy needs to be put on notice that a new people is beginning to stand up.
‘Maori war trumpet’? Is there even such a thing God??
Look it up Mark.
Ok I did and Wikipedia talks about Pkaea and Pututara.
Yes, that’ll do but there are others, Maori know the correct names and there are sacred names too.
This subject needs to be announced, to the land and to your enemy. It’s well overdue. The land trembles with anticipation for it. And no, I’m not talking about the earthquake Mark, it’s much deeper than that! It’s the reason you Pakeha want to rise up, shout and stamp when you hear the haka. It’s why kiwis of all colours love the stories of the Maori Battalion and their bravery, the way other armies were terrified of them in the world wars. When you’re on the same side you Pakeha and Maori are dangerous -- wild and dangerous!! I knew you would be before you first set eyes on each other. It’s why I called you together. There is a spiritual battle to fight and my plan was that you fight it together.
I didn’t bring you here to fight the Maori, and I didn’t put them here to fight you. I wanted you to fight alongside each other against a number of invisible enemies. Unseen armies that already warred against both of your peoples. You need Maori to help you fight the demonic forces that already warred with you before you came. They need you Pakeha to help war against their own demonic enemies. But instead you have been fooled into fighting each other. It takes your combined attention off your common enemy. His strategy is divide and conquer and he has achieved it well with the two of you. He is afraid of you together so he has kept you apart.
God I worry that my Pakeha friends will think I’ve ‘gone Maori’ and that my Maori friends will think I don’t know what I’m talking about (and I don’t!)
Mark don’t worry about what others think. You haven’t gone all Maori, you’re still as white as the day you were born. These issues we’re discussing are neither Maori, nor Pakeha, they’re kiwi. I’m not asking you to be a Maori. And I don’t want the Maori to be Pakeha. That’s the whole issue. You tried to make them Pakeha, but it doesn’t work for them. And neither will it work for you to try to be Maori. You can learn and borrow the best from each other’s culture but you need to retain the strength of your own. They need you to do that. You need them to do that.
I think I can hear you saying this is important in any relationship?
Of course! Whether it’s a relationship between two cultures or two people, the principles are the same. One must not smother the other. Neither must one try to become the other. Each does best by learning the other’s strengths without losing their own. That’s what gives a relationship strength.
So where are we going with this God?
I’m talking about why I brought your two cultures together. It was my plan. My spirit called your people here. Not because the Maori needed you, but because you both needed each other. It’s the same in any great relationship, it works best when you both need each other equally. And you do.
That’s what this was supposed to be about, each culture building the other up but instead one dominated the other. And make no mistake, they would have dominated you even more effectively if the numbers were in their favour. Your people are warlike, but theirs even more so. And that is one of the things I wanted you to learn from them – their wonderful warlike strength, but instead you stole their land, smothered their language and squashed their spirit. Yes they would have done the same to you had they been able. And that’s my point. I brought you together to fight, but instead you fight each other.
You fight alongside each other in sport and war, but at home you are not ready to fight together against the invisible armies that war against you. You leave yourselves wide open because you operate as two peoples, each suspicious of the other. But my plan was that you would be two separate and unique peoples fighting as one.
Part of the invisible army that wars against you was here already shadowing the Maori – and part of it came here shadowing you.
Is this like the story that Graham Turner told me in Ohope?
Yes exactly. Graham has part of this story. So does Brad Haami. So do many many others. I have given parts of this story to many people, many of them don’t fit the status quo, but the carry the story nonetheless. The more you share it the more you will discover. Tina’s dad told her the story of Orakau and his dad told him. The healing has begun, but as Tina told you the hurting (maemae) is still there. And Mark the land still holds that hurt. So many stories Mark - some white, some brown. No one has the whole picture. When two brothers join forces to fight a common enemy first one leads, then the other and so on.
That’s what this country was meant to look like. I brought you here as a gift to Maori, and I had them here ready as a gift for you - but neither of you looks anything like a gift. You have brought wonderful benefits but at huge cost, far too great a cost. I wanted you to share their country with them, and they would have shared it with you if you had come open handed, but you tore the country from their hands and mine.
This sounds very one-sided God!! What about the stuff they did?
Mark I will talk to them about what they did. And there is much to talk about. Far more than you can imagine. But my focus isn’t just on repentance.
Good one God!! I just lost half my readers right there. Us Christians are convinced that you are focused on us repenting and you forgiving.
Yes there is a great deal of confusion surrounding that. Of course repentance is extremely important, but not as important as you all think! Repentance is a solution to the problems that occur on a journey – but is NOT the journey itself.
I didn’t put you on earth to repent, I put you here to create. When mistakes are made repentance is sometimes required, but it’s not the end game, not what you’re actually here for.
Mark the journey is what I am focused on. The things that each of you, Maori and Pakeha, understands in the physical realm, I wanted you to bring to the unseen journey. Each of you gives lip service to the things that the other brings to the journey – Pakeha acknowledge the Maori love of the journey itself -- Maori acknowledge the way you Pakeha focus on the final destination. But neither of you learn from the other’s focus in any great depth. You’re too busy pushing the other away or repenting for pushing them away.
It’s time to learn and move on together. A wild and dangerous band of brothers!
And sisters God?
Of course and sisters!! Without the sisters you cannot even hope to fight. Of course there is more repenting to do, there often is when you put a relationship back together. Just when you think it’s all wonderful, you come across old wounds that need addressing, but there is a time when the main focus needs to be going on together, not saying sorry for the past. That time is here.
It is time to work out how you will move forward together. There’s a battle coming at you in the hidden realms, you need to be preparing to fight it.
What about the people who are doing the repenting?
That’s good. That’s their job. They know it, and are doing it. But it’s also time to focus on the reason I called you together, time to prepare for war.
How on earth do we prepare God?
You learn from the other, you teach each other your individual arts of spiritual warfare. And you practise the fight - together. You’re in for a fight Mark, in for a pounding, but I have plans for you to stand your ground – two peoples standing as one army. To fight like there’s no tomorrow with the courage that Maori bring to the fight, and to fight a planned fight the way you Pakeha do.
Mark stand still and listen to this: I am looking for the combined fierceness of the two people, melded together like a spear thrown with great might and striking home at your enemy.
The Freedom Diaries will stretch you. It describes Mark’s real life struggle with Doubt as he discovered that he could hear God’s voice every day.Dr Mark Virkler. Author of 4 Keys to hearing God’s Voice. Buffalo. New York.
Like a child on Christmas morning, I was delighted to discover how simple yet wonderful it is to place my hand into the hand of God and listen to his whispers and enjoy his affection. I could only ask why no one had ever told me he was this good and this close. I wish I had read this book a long, long time ago. Daniel Walker. Founder and Executive Director of Nvader. Author of God in a brothel.
This is new and exciting. It’s not the idea of hearing from God that’s new, it’s having conversations back and forth, question and answers. That’s new for most of us. Now I am enjoying my own conversations with God, which always leave me with hope. David Garratt of Scripture in Song. Hawaii.
You can purchase your own copy of Mark Holloway's book, 'The Freedom Diaries - God Speaks Back' on this website. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE THINKING IT'S YOUR OWN IMAGINATION WHEN YOU TRY TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH GOD - read the 'Practical Tips' section. How to have your own conversation with God in The Freedom Diaries |
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How to Hear God's Voice!Related Blogs:
How to Hear God’s Voice
Knowledge of New Zealand
by Anonymous
Please journal about what I am posting, Mark.
The Lord has told us to emigrate from South Africa to New Zealand to do what He has told us to do Christian wise.
I am keen to get in touch with people who journal in New Zealand, my family do as well.
We all got very excited about your previous posting, which we felt was also speaking to us directly, as will the above one.
You can contact me on Mark Virkler's Koinonia Network.
I am a member.
Blessings to you and yours
Doug Vermeulen
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