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When the Black Dog comes knocking.

Mark Holloway's picture

God it’s a sunny weekend afternoon, I’m tidying my garage. I’m having fun. But I think you’re saying to take a break? You want me to get my computer out and have a written conversation with you?

I do. Why do you think that is?

I think it’s because even though I’m enjoying myself -- somewhere in the back of my mind I’m feeling a bit anxious, worried, alone – maybe just a bit down?

Yes. Why are you feeling like that?

I’m not really sure. That’s the silly part. It’s a great day and I’m enjoying tidying my garage.

Does that happen to you a bit – even when you’re having a good day - momentary feelings of anxiety, aloneness, and worry?

Yes I suppose. That’s not very good though is it?

It depends what you mean by ‘not very good’. You haven’t done anything bad to cause it – and everyone experiences it at some level, so it’s completely normal. But you’re right, it’s NOT good. Do you think it’s good??

No. A lot of the time I don’t even realise I’m feeling that way. It’s just sort of subconscious, in the background somewhere, just grinding away quietly. I’m so used to it that I don’t even really realise it’s happening.

Exactly. It’s the same for most people Mark.


Really. No matter how well things are going, most humans experience anxious moments, worry and doubt as they go about their day. Often just for a fleeting moment, but sometimes longer and harder to shake.

I think you’ve been bringing this to my attention a lot in the last few weeks??

You’re right. I have. It’s time this was addressed. There’s a simple reason for the problem, a reason you are NOT going to like. It will seem much too religious to you - too simplistic, too naïve to adequately address this ‘quiet desperation’.

This is not sounding very appealing God.

Mark the reason that feelings of anxiousness, worry and doubt are so common is so simple that it will seem a naïve argument - even to Christians. You won’t like it. It will seem too religious, too narrow minded.

Oh no! Surely not that God!! You’re not really saying that all those negative feelings, the momentary anxiety, the worry, the feelings of loneliness – you’re not saying that it comes from the dark side?

I am.

You’re right God -- that DOES seem WAY WAY too religious. Actually it sounds like a cop out. If anyone else but you suggested this I would say they were being naïve.

Nevertheless it’s the truth. And it’s not because of that list of bad behaviour that Religion waves in your face to make you feel guilty. Whether your behaviour is good or bad – you’re STILL going to be attacked by ‘The Black Dog’ That’s what your sons call him, and it’s an apt description. The author of those negative feelings and ideas is a being – it’s not your mind that’s the trouble, it’s his. A mind that is dark in nature, and completely focused on your demise. He hates you, hates all of humanity with a passion.

God people aren’t going to buy that. I’ll seem like a fool to say it. There’s a huge industry of medicine and counselling based around this subject -- and enough books to fill an ocean! Some of which are actually quite helpful.

But do you agree that if you understood the source it might help the treatment?

Yes I guess – but God please don’t tell me the answer is a whole lot of that loud religious sounding prayer and overly demonstrative ‘rebuking of the devil’?? Please not that!! And not more of that guilt-ridden battle to extricate myself from whatever ‘sin’ I’m currently feeling guilty for??

No. Those are short term solutions. I’m looking for something more long term. The first step is to be ‘naïve’ enough to accept that the author of anxiety, despair, worry, and desperation, is the Dark Side. It doesn’t matter whether the feelings are fleeting, or entrenched. Those feelings are whispered to you by monstrous beings, dark rulers and their servants intent on ruling the mind.

Oh man God!! You’re going to make me seem like a crackpot.

What’s the matter Mark? Your generation watch Lord of the Rings, and enjoy that world of misshapen and wonderful beings – the reason that movie is so popular is that hidden in every human spirit is the knowledge that the unseen world looks a lot like that too.

Still sounds WAY too religious God.

Religion is not going to help you solve this problem Mark. This doesn’t fit with normal Christianity. But knowing who the enemy is and understanding his battle plan will help you and anyone else who wants to overcome this darkness.

You need to understand his battle plan. You need to realise that it’s the complete opposite of what you Christians think it is. Religion, one of his many names has blinded you to what he’s really up to. It’s got to the point that those with no faith often have a better understanding of what’s going on in the spirit world than those who believe.

That ought to go down well God! (Not!) Neither side will like that one.

Mark you religious types think that the Dark One is focused on tempting you to do ‘naughty’ sins. But actually it’s him that’s telling you that – not me. Every religious group has a list of naughty behaviour that it holds up as the barrier to a relationship with me. You use the bible to justify that view point, but if you read and studied more carefully you’d find a completely different picture. Consider Mary and Zacchaeus, Paul, David. Your entire system is based around making you feel guilty when you do those things, and happy when you don’t. It presents to you a God who, although forgiving, is seriously unhappy with you when you do those things, and much more on your side when you don’t.

I guess.

It’s all a smoke screen to distract you from what he’s really up to, which is far more devious and destructive. The Dark One is much less interested in getting you to do something naughty – all he really wants is to get you to feel anxious.

Really? Are you sure??

Positive! Once he has you experiencing just a touch of worry, a passing moment of anxiety about money, or a fleeting negative thought about something someone said he has a toe-hold.

He whispers those thoughts to you in a way that makes you think they’re your own. They seem to come out of your own mind. As a result you make room for them without even realising you’ve done so. Slowly they become reality in your mind. What starts as a vaguely negative feeling becomes a powerful and destructive belief about yourself and your value and potential. That’s what he wants. Why do you think that might be?

Because if I start acting out of worry or aloneness or doubt I’ll damage people?? If I think I’m not very loveable I’ll act that way -- I’ll be protective and insecure. Likely to react badly to anyone who seems critical.  And if I think my chances of success are low then I’ll be less likely to try. I’ll end up angry at you, myself and others.

Yes. And why would he want that?

So that I’ll achieve less of my potential and damage others too??

Exactly. Those feelings of worry, anxiety, doubt and aloneness are common to humans. Everyone experiences some level of that kind of thinking. The reason is simple. HE. WANTS. TO. BREAKDOWN. HUMAN. RELATIONSHIPS.

If he can break down your relationships he can destroy you as individuals and tear apart the family groups that you are part of. Once he has destroyed your relationships he has become your ruler. Your religion might say he’s the enemy, but if you listen to his subtle whispers – momentary doubt and fleeting concerns, eventually he becomes your boss. He’s happy to keep a subtle backseat, while he carefully gains control of the most important part of your life. Your thinking about yourself.

He does it by quietly grinding away at your level of hope and self-belief. That’s all it takes to command you and get you beginning to unwittingly destroy yourself and others.

So what’s the answer?

Do the opposite.

You mean positive thinking?

Yes, but not what you think that means. Positive thinking as you know it is like physical exercise – it’s a very helpful discipline. But it’s not the first step.


Mark the problem is listening to his lies and whispers without realising it. The only effective solution is to listen to my voice. You’ll recognise it’s me by the encouraging things I say about you. Your own positive thoughts are not strong enough to counter his discouragement. You need to listen to what I say about you - not some nice positive Christian saying you heard from someone else – YOU NEED TO HEAR IT DIRECT FROM ME. If you don’t he’ll carefully wear you down. He’s spirit and powerful, you’re human and less. You need to listen to me speak encouragement to you – not someone else, me.

Every single time he whispers an anxious thought to you, you need to recognise that it’s him, not your own mind. I know that seems naïve and childish, but it’s true. When he whispers a quiet little lie about you or someone you love, or suggests to you that something might go wrong – STOP! Stop right there. Recognise what just happened and ask me for comment.

And then listen to what I say about you right there. Listen until you hear it. You’ll be very pleasantly surprised by what I say. You’ll need to practise it until it becomes a habit.


IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE THINKING IT'S YOUR OWN IMAGINATION WHEN YOU TRY TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH GOD - read the 'Practical Tips' section. How to have your own conversation with God in The Freedom Diaries. 

You can purchase your own copy of Mark Holloway's book, 'The Freedom Diaries - God Speaks Back' on this website.


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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Anonymous's picture

~"The only effective solution is to listen to my voice. You’ll recognise it’s me by the encouraging things I say about you".

Thanks for the correct diagnosis and treatment for this malady that plague many of God's people.
You are right on with this teaching.

Thanks and Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

HIS VOICE AND HIS WORD.....are the Truth.

The black dog want to rob us of our peace and hope and effectiveness in the Kingdom of God.


mery's picture

Mark, it is so neat how these conversations go between you and the Lord. They bear witness to my spirit when I read them and know exactly what you mean. I've been find myself lately, when these 'dark' thoughts show up (because I'm becoming more aware of them), in faith I say to the thoughts, "I can't afford that, so I won't go there." And those 'dark' thoughts haven't been hanging around then. It's funny because usually when we say we can't afford something, it's about money. I started saying I can't afford whatever the enemy wants to put on me. Maybe that's called 'rebellion in reverse.' Thanks, Mark!

Anonymous's picture

Thanks for the encouragement Victoria. Regards Mark.

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Hear God Through Your Dreams PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler

If you are teaching the course Hear God Through Your Dreams, then these 18 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. 


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