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What Goes on in Heaven?

Ben Lunis's picture

What Goes on in Heaven?Holy Lord Jesus, I wonder about believers who have died and are with you in heaven. What is there involvement with us here on earth? Would they be viewing us here, seeing Your big picture? Perhaps this is one of those questions that should go unanswered. Your comments, please.Ben, this is not one of those questions to go unanswered. It should be answered so that My people understand what is happening. Ben, My people in heaven are busy about My Father’s business just as I want My people on earth to be doing. What is My Father’s business? It is bringing freedom and hope and love. It is setting people free of all that hinders them from walking in love with Me. It is experiencing fellowship, one with another and with Me. It is not religion, nor is it pursuing religious stuff. It is a deep relationship with Me! Would that My people look beyond their religious activity and experience My love, My grace, My forgiveness, My fellowship. They take life too seriously. I want My people to relax in Me, for I am the way, the truth, the life, and the light. Why do they try to make it so difficult? A walk with Me is literally a walk in the park - an act of joy and fellowship! Lean upon Me. Do not lean upon your own understanding for it will guide you down paths that take you away from Me. Remember, I love you, you are Mine and I am yours! Jesus, now I see that believers who have gone on before us are doing what we should be doing, yet with the added advantage of seeing Your big picture. As You have already shared with me, I know that you are wanting us to see beyond the details and to see Your big picture. Your comments, please, on my thoughts.Ben, you have hit the nail on the head, so to speak. The more you see the big picture, the better you will understand the events that occur around you. Continue to seek My face so that I can reveal to you My big picture. This takes away undo concern, this sets people free to worship Me in Spirit and in truth. Remember, it all boils down to a deep love relationship between Me and you and between others.Jesus, who do I share this with?Ben, share it with anyone and everyone. I want My people to understand more of what I do and why I do it.Lord, this raises many thoughts and questions. For example, Your comments, please, on people in heaven praying for us, somehow encouraging us, etc. I know that we need to look to You for our answers and not our departed kin.Ben, yes, they do intercede for you. They are interested in what you are doing but they see what you are doing as part of the big picture, so they do not see the situations the same way you do. While I do want My people to know the big picture, I do not want them to look to their departed kin for their answers. I want them to look to Me. Here again, you can see a situation where people will take what is revealed to them and then run in their own direction. This is religion. You will see, as I reveal more and more to you of how I operate, you will see more and more where people can misapply what I am doing or wanting to do. But there is nothing new under the sun. This has been going on from the beginning.

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