Tumbleweeds and Wind

Jesse Birkey's picture

I was spending some time with the Lord and I suddenly saw a picture of a large tumbleweed.  The sticks and twigs and debris were wrought together in a very cruel looking way.  Edges stuck out exposing sharp points.


Surrounding the tumbleweed was a vast expanse of desert.  The ground was dry and cracked and the only things moving in the distance were other tumbleweeds. 


My attention was drawn to the tumbleweed I’d seen first and I noticed there was a person trapped inside.  There was no escape as there weren’t any holes big enough for the person to crawl through.  Then the wind began to blow.


Suddenly the tumbleweed, with the person inside, began to move and shift with the wind.  It wasn’t too long before a gust picked it up and tossed it across the desert.  As it landed it rolled and wasn’t able to come to a complete stop before it was picked up and tossed again. 


It remained moving when I head the Lord begin to speak.  This is what I heard:


There are those who are blown all over by the slightest change of wind.   They are not steadfast, they are not sturdy.  They’re feet are not planted in a solid foundation.  There is no time for them to take root because they are blown somewhere else in an instant.  Because of this everything remains dry around them.  They look all over for water to refresh them, for an escape.  But they find none.  They remain thirsty.


As I was seeing and hearing this, I felt my mind drawn to those of us who are grabbing onto books, conferences and whatever else in a desperate attempt to obtain something we know is missing in us, in our hearts.  We search and look for the final key, the final piece of the puzzle that will end our drought.  We’re thirsty and we’re tired of it.  It’s not like we don’t know we need a change.


But the books and conferences and other things (though we get some great information and some great things happen) aren’t able to quench the thirst.  They aren’t able to open the doors of whatever prison has bound us, kept us out of the place we desperately want to get.


This isn’t a rant about books and conferences.  It’s not a rant about how many there are and how many we attend and read.  I believe this is about God giving us the answer to our deepest hearts need, the need to be close to Him, the need to be free in His love. 


As I continued to listen this is what I heard:


But I can plant the feet of those who feel they have no solid ground at all.  I can be the cool pool of water that will anchor their roots.  It’s my love, it’s my heart.  That’s where rest is, that’s where the solid foundation lies.  Those who stand on it, and in it, stand steadfast.  They are not blown around no longer.


The answer is love; it’s intimacy with Him.  Conferences, books and such may very well give us some great tools for developing intimacy with God but they won’t actually give us intimacy.  That is something we develop with Him ourselves as we climb into His lap and just be still with Him.  I’m getting an image of Tommy Chong saying, “Hey maaaannnnn.  Just relax,” haha.


If this blog has resonated with you then I want you to know that I don’t feel that God is questioning your motives.  Your intentions are good He’s just calling for a change of strategy. 




Jesse and Kara Birkey


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