Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

Testimony Time! by Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

I love hearing stories of supernatural encounters and the last time we offered free access for a limited time to our Everyday Angels training series, testimonies poured in! So in this article I’m thrilled to share two things with you. First, I want to let you know that our Worldwide Video Event for October is Everyday Angels! So if you missed it last time it was available, now is your chance to join us: register free online here.

Secondly, I wanted to share with you a few of these amazing experiences with the Lord of Hosts and His heavenly hosts. You will be so inspired to hear what some of these angels said and did and I hope the examples encourage you to press in for ALL that God has for you.

It was an angel who taught John that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” and we know that means when we share our testimonies, there is a prophetic nature to them which attracts these same experiences into our own lives. The same angelic introductions Jesus made for these students, He wants to make for YOU too. Enjoy!


From the West Coast to the Middle East

Holly in California: “I did Charity's angel class and I met my angels for the first time recently! 'Bo and Jo!' So fun and awesome!"

Moses in the United Arab Emirates: "Yesterday during session 8, I asked my guardian angel's name. Immediately I was given the name ASHURA. I've never heard of that name before. I am from Kenya. I speak English and Swahili. I looked up the meaning and was astonished!!

The meaning of Ashura has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Ashura are:

  • Arabic meaning: Tenth
  • Swahili meaning: One who accompanies; friend who follows you around
  • The name is unisex

The name perfectly fits my guardian angel's work. Am in UAE at the moment and he follows/accompanies me around to protect me. What an encounter!! Am so happy... I didn't realize I had a particular customised angel in my life!!!!"


Mart-Marie in South Africa: “The Lord has been speaking to me about angels and I've been looking for resources on them, but all I could find was old 'don't talk to them' kinda teachings. I thought I was going mad for seeing them, enjoying them and talking to them. I stumbled upon your blog on Destiny Image and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!”

Liz in Ontario: “We really enjoyed Everyday Angels, many new things happened to me while watching it. My husband saw his angel and his name is Gladius – it means SWORD! Thank you so much for your ministry to us, you are a very precious lady.”


“Jesus said I can never ever leave your side, and I never have!”

Sarah lives in Florida and shares the amazing encounter when Jesus introduced her to her angels: Jesus begins, “First let’s meet your guardian angels. Lucious, come here.” He is a small child and so excited (like overly excited). He asks Jesus, “Can I go hug her?” Jesus says, “Why of course, Lucious. Go.”

Lucious grabs a hold of my leg and looks up at me and is smiling, “I’m so excited to meet you, Sarah! I’ve been waiting for this day so long – Jesus told me it would come but it just seemed so long. (He’s talking so fast.) I have so many things to tell you.”

Jesus speaks, “Okay Lucious, let’s give others some time to say Hi.”

Suddenly doubt tries to come in, like, is this for real?! Jesus says to tell doubt to go away. So I do in Jesus’ name, and we continue on with our introductions.

Lucious stands by my side (left leg) and looks up at me, “Jesus said I can never ever leave your side, and I never have!” he exclaims proudly. Now he gestures to hold my hand. He looks at my left elbow and says, “This will be healed and restored one day – you watch and see.” Jesus speaks, “Okay Lucious, I know you are excited.” And Lucious says happily, “I am!” … Jesus laughs … “Come – let’s meet more…”

This HUGE angel – as tall as a skyscraper – comes walking towards us. Brutus – Brutholomis – unsure on name yet. He bends down and says, “How do you do, Sarah? I am here to get a birds’ eye view and see the enemy far off and warn you.” I ask, So are you a guardian angel? He explains, “In a sense. I partner with Jesus to help navigate what the enemy is doing in and around your life.” Wow, I respond.

Then as far as my eyes could see into the next field I see angels, and Jesus says, “These are My warring angels. They are here to fight for you – to fight the battles with the spoken word.”


Things Into Which Angels Long To Look

I love Sarah’s encounter! And I find it so appropriate that her guardian angel’s name is Lucious. That word is derived from Latin and means “light; brightness; to shine.” What a perfect name for one of God’s holy ones.

In closing, I’ll share one more precious email that I trust will bless you too. First Peter 1:12 talks about the mystery of salvation and how the gospel revelation is something into which angels long to look. You’ll see why this testimony was a special encouragement, as apparently angels like to listen in on other things too!

"Hello, my name is Hanna and I live in Sweden. I am so grateful for this teaching about angels. I have learned so much that I didn’t know before. You are a very good teacher!

"I have always felt that I have angels around me. I have never seen my angels but I feel their presence daily. I feel when they laugh and then I laugh too. As soon as I started listening to your teaching about angels, I felt their presence and they also listened and I felt like they said: 'This teaching about angels is very good. We also want to listen.'"


What About You?

Do you have questions about guardian angels? Have you wondered if you're “allowed” to interact with them? Have you ever wished you could see angels, but felt confused or afraid you might get deceived if you do? What if I told you that you not only have God's permission, but also His encouragement to interact with angels? What if I could show you from Scripture how MANY of our biblical heroes received instruction and encouragement from angels, had conversations with angels, and even partnered with angels in evangelism?

If you want to learn more, I invite you to join us for our free Everyday Angels Worldwide Video Event! This allows you to gain access to valuable teaching at no cost from October 14th-21st. Get your questions answered and find out what Scripture reveals about Heaven’s hosts. You can even invite your friends so you can explore and grow together!

And if you just can't wait, you're welcome to pick up an Everyday Angels CD PackageDVD Package, or Master Package - all on sale at a substantial savings until October 21, 2020.

This free video event won't happen again this year. If you’re looking for solid biblical training on the sacred supernatural, register online today.  


Related Resources: 

How to Engage Angels in Everyday Life   

Related Blogs: 

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