It was once accepted that only one style of music was suitable for Christian worship. Now you encounter many more styles depending on the setting. Do you enjoy the increase in variety or does it disturb you? You are entitled to your own preferences and these can be as narrow as you please. These are called tastes and are uniquely yours. Yet my Kingdom is broad and inclusive rather than narrow and selective. Do not let your tastes become a basis for division. I criticized the Pharisees for letting their traditions make my word of no effect. Don’t let your taste in music or anything else divide my body.
A Much-needed message!
by Anonymous
I appreciate this post. As a musician and former Christian radio announcer, I was in the middle of a lot of this very controversy, and quite frankly, it got very old very fast.
I think it's important to honor our own convictions and leave it to God tobdeal with those whose standards are different from ours.
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