Are you familiar with the parable of the sower and the seed? There are different outcomes for the seed sown in different areas, but the parable implies that all of the seed is good. The difference is in the conditions it finds for growth. The seed represents the word, full of divine life and potential for growth. The sower could have found good soil and planted all the seed there, but the story says that the seed fell in all types of soil. Has your garden ever grown in ways you didn’t expect? You can’t always tell good soil from bad by a casual examination. This is all the more true in the story. I give you an unlimited supply of seed. Sow it everywhere.
sowing and seed
by Anonymous
I spent a great deal of time studying this passage today in Mark 4. I didn't want to be limited to my mind so as I do each day with my Bible study, I follow the 4 keys to Heaving God's Voice. He spoke some of the exact things you shared in your post. It is a great affirmation that God was speaking to me. It is so rich and was so personal for me. I praise God for His seed and what He can do with it in any soil when we just obey and sow. I praise Him too for your timely post. Overflow blessings. Mike Wilder
by Dale Cresap
Mike; Thanks for the reply. It means a lot to me. DC
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