Ben, I so want My people to come to Me. I want them to turn aside from doing things their own way. I want them to seek Me, to humble themselves before Me, to repent and to turn to Me. Tough times are coming and I want My people to be prepared. If they do not spend time with Me, them I am not able to communicate to them that which I desire for them to do. You are correct in praying for My people to come to Me, for this is critical to healing your land. Just praying to heal the land is not the answer. If and when My people come back to Me with their hearts and their time, then I am enabled to bring needed healing into the land. Follow the pattern I have set forth in the Scriptures. When My people return to Me I am then enabled to heal their land.
Please get the cart back behind the horse, so to speak. First things first. Your nation would not be in the mess it is in if My people had stayed true to Me and not sought to do their own thing.
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