Perspective; Unlocking Secrets

Tara Dulin's picture

I quiet myself: “I am here, Lord. I ask for vision. Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, that I may see You. Open the ears of my heart that I may hear You.”

I sing: “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see You. I want to see You. High and lifted up. Shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your power and love. You are holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy. You are holy.”

I ask: “Was there anything important you want to speak to me about the dreams I had last night? I remember my husband and our two sons under the cover of darkness opening a ‘safe’. I was ‘standing guard’. I sensed that the safe was not ours. But we were not doing anything wrong. We were not stealing. My husband had a ladder. The safe was up high. To gain access to it, he needed a ladder. My husband was opening it up and my boys were watching him. He was almost teaching my boys how to open the safe. Then he moved the ladder to open another safe that was also up high. It was close to the first one. After he opened the other one, we made a quick get-away up a large hill. I do not know what we got out of the safe. We were not afraid. We had perfect peace. We were just moving quickly. Is there anything important or significant about this dream?”

I see Jesus above me in His glory cloud. He is smiling. There are colors moving in the cloud. In His eyes is peace and love. His perfect peace and perfect love pour into me. Our gaze is locked.

I respond: “Oh, how I love you, Lord. You and You alone are worthy of all praise, honor and glory.” Again, I long for His embrace, but in His eyes, I see everything I need. In His eyes I see His glory. His eyes communicate with my Spirit. Spirit to Spirit communication and Spirit to Spirit communion. His gaze is piercing and alive. I remember how in “Restarting” **, love and acceptance is communicated many times per second via eye contact. I look into Jesus’ eyes and I receive everything I need. Perfect love, perfect acceptance. I desire more of You, Lord. Give me your wisdom today. Speak to me of your mysteries today, Lord. I am here. I am listening.”

My Lord speaks: “I will show you great and marvelous things. No eye has seen, no ear has heard that which I have planned for you.”

I am still looking into His eyes, His gaze is filling me up. He is filling me up with Himself, His very essence. His Spirit. Spirit to Spirit communication and communion. We are one in the Spirit.

My Lord speaks: “Your Spirit is married to mine. We are one Spirit. As you and your husband are one flesh, you and I are one Spirit. Where you end and I begin is no longer distinguishable. You can only be Spirit-led in your decisions, actions, words, in your every interaction with others – on your job, as you parent, as you love, school and train your children, as you love your husband and fulfill your duties at home, when you come to Me first, and get My perspective. My ways are not your ways. Spirit-led does not mean led by your spirit. Rather it means, being led by My Spirit. If you are led by your spirit, then you are led by your reasoning of My holy word. Unless you reason with Me, your reasoning originates in your mind. To be Spirit-led by My Spirit in your reasoning, in dream interpretation, in any area, you must come to Me first and get My perspective. This is why I often place you on My shoulders. I lift you higher so you can gain My perspective. I lift you higher and appear above you so you can see My eyes, be filled with My presence and then see through My eyes. Unless your eyes are fixed on Me, you will reason in your own strength and power, but remember it is not by might nor by power. Yes, your mind is powerful. Yes, you are brilliant. (It is OK that I call you brilliant. You know your children are brilliant, don’t you? I gave you a great mind. And I know you are brilliant.) But how much greater is your brilliance when it is anointed by My power? Look into My eyes. Look into Me, and you will gain My perspective. I will show you great and marvelous things. Look into My eyes and you will see My heart. Look into My eyes and you will see what I have for you today. You have heard it said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But My eyes are the window to the Spirit. In Me there is no shadow of turning.”

I am looking into Jesus’ eyes and I literally am seeing through them. The laser beams that I have seen before are shooting from His eyes to mine. And I am looking through His eyes into the Spirit. WOW!

My Lord speaks: “When you look into My eyes in the Spirit, I can show you things in the Spirit. When you dreamed yesterday [see previous post:] that you were looking through a window, you were seeing in the Spirit. Through My eyes, you will see in the Spirit. My eyes are a window into the Spirit.”

My eyes are still locked with His. I am seeing through His eyes into the Spirit.

I ask: “What is it you want to show me today, Lord?”

My Lord speaks: “When you fix your eyes on something other than Me, that which your eyes are fixed on becomes the thing through which you see. When you fix your eyes on TV or movies, you will see situations through the perspective of Hollywood. This is how Hollywood has such powerful sway over your culture. The values they espouse are planted in the minds of the masses one movie at a time, one sitcom at a time. It has been called brainwashing and programming. It is true. Hollywood has made unlawful things – such as infidelity, and pornography, to name just two – appear acceptable and even glamorous. This is a lie from the pit of hell. Infidelity destroys lives and marriages. When marriages are destroyed, children are affected forever. Generations are affected. Yes, I can redeem all things, and given the opportunity, I will do so. However, My desire is that My children would choose fidelity, choose purity, choose life. This is the better way.

“If you fix your eyes on anger or offense, you will see the situation through that lens. You cannot see My perspective, and you cannot see what I am doing in the situation when you only see your hurt. When you fix your eyes on your hurt, you cannot see My heart. My heart is always to redeem, work all things together for your good and My glory. Look to Me. Lift your eyes to the hills from where your help cometh. Trust Me. Gain My perspective. Invite Me into your situation that I may heal your hurt and redeem your pain.

“If you fix your eyes on the wisdom of a human being such as a celebrity, a political figure, Oprah or one person’s opinion, then you will see through their wisdom, not Mine. Unless their wisdom is anointed by Me, it will be the wisdom of man. Unless their reasoning is anointed by Me, it will be the reasoning of man. I have given humans talents and giftings. Certainly Warren Buffett has learned principals and wisdom that others can benefit from with respect to wealth creation. However, take what you learn from him and present it to Me. Look through My eyes and I will show you how I want you to apply a person’s wisdom or revelation in your life.

“Perspective changes everything. Choose Mine, and you will invite Me to make a way where there is none. Choose Mine and you will invite Me to breakthrough and bring My Kingdom to earth. On earth as it is in heaven. Choose Mine that you may agree with My will and not your own.”

I pray: “Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.”

My Lord speaks: “Choose My perspective and gain eternity – on earth as it is in heaven. My perspective is eternal. Only I can weave all things together perfectly to create a masterpiece that reflects My glory for all of eternity.”

My response: “Yes, Lord, I choose to see through Your eyes. To fix my eyes on You. If I fail to do so, please remind me immediately to look to You that I can gain Your perspective and see in the Spirit. I desire to agree with what You’re doing and speak what You are speaking.

“What about the dream? Is there any significance there?”

My Lord speaks: “I am taking from the unrighteous and giving to the righteous. I am returning to the rightful owners. I am restoring inheritances. I am giving [your husband] and you the keys to unlock secret things in order that your children will have their rightful inheritances restored to them not only in My Kingdom (the safes were up high), but also on the earth. I am taking you to a higher place (the hill). On earth as it is in heaven. ”

** “Restarting” is the first module in a program taught by Ed Khouri:

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Anonymous's picture

My sister Ann went to hospital Emergency Room. She later asked if i wanted to know what's wrong with her so we could pray. I told her no. Call an Elder of our church but i will pray too. Emotionally i'm @ a deficit we lost our mom to renal failure. Ann is the eldest of 14. Our glue besides our faith. What's her secrete i choose healing & life for her not sickness or death. She's 58 & im 55 both unmarried but she has one daughter & hundreds of children who love her.

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If you are teaching the course Hear God Through Your Dreams, then these 18 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. 


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