Do you think you know more about yourself than anyone else does? Some people deceive themselves even though others can see right through them. Have you not heard of someone described as being too close to a situation to see it clearly? Surely you are this close to yourself. This principle can apply even to those who are diligent to avoid deceiving themselves. There is safety in a multitude of counselors. In particular I have given you someone who is a spiritual authority in your life. They watch for your souls and will give an account. For this purpose I can give them insights into your life that I don’t give you. You can have confidence in seeking my direction through them.
value of counselors to guard against self-deception
by Anonymous
good one, Lord, and Dale!!! How true it is and the last thing we would see without being reminded..for any of us whose first response was...that was not ME!...know that it was written for YOU in particular and those who said AMEN to that pray for me and I am praying for you. The subtlety of deception is such that we NEED the Spirit to reveal it and help us get past ourselves to all that Christ has for us. If we feel too good about ourselves we are not resting solely "in Christ"...if we feel too bad about ourselves the devil is having a heyday and we are not resting solely in all Christ did for us for "it" all to be "finished"....thanks for getting my day off to a wonderful start...made me rush to the Cross and stand on the Rock! thanking the Holy Spirit for His faithfulness to keep us in the Truth at all times for ultimate effectiveness in Kingdom matters!
by Dale Cresap
Thanks for your kind and encouraging remarks.
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