Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Have you noticed that people in a group tend to think alike, and serve to reinforce one another whether they are right or not? You can see the risk from immersion in an unbelieving culture that does not share your faith and values. Can you see that this could be a problem even in a church? Is it possible that the believers you commonly associate with have a narrower view than I do? I told my followers that I had other sheep who were not of this fold. This was a struggle for them at the founding of my church and the same principle and struggle still apply today. I want you to accept all who are my sheep that there may be one flock under one shepherd.
February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!
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