Do you ever visit other churches? Do you think that yours does things the way they should be, so doing them another way is wrong? There is more than one way to do things right. In my Father’s house there are many mansions, and in my church there are many local assemblies. I want you to feel at home in my Father’s house because you are among brothers and sisters of your own kind. There is liberty in the expression of observations and worship. I am willing to accept things that may not fit your taste or comfort level. I still receive them as worship in spirit and in truth. I want you to grow to share my joy in every manner of worship that is pleasing to me.
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Unity of believers
by Anonymous
This post is absolute confirmation for me. I was journaling yesterday, asking The Lord about Philippians 1:27 where it says "I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel..." I was told much the same, but since my question to The Lord was somewhat different, He did address my questions in a different vein.
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