Question: How can I make seeing vision less difficult?
Answer: Practice, practice, practice!
- Your question about practicing seeing in the spirit realm is excellent, and I have several suggestions: The easiest thing you can do is imagine Bible stories. As you read through the gospels, picture yourself there with Jesus as He's multiplying the food and walking on water and playing with the children. Invite Holy Spirit to take over these godly imaginations and the eyes of your heart will be enlightened to see more and more clearly into the supernatural world that permeates this material one. (See Ephesians 1:16-18 and 2 Corinthians 4:18.)
- Also understand that dreams are visions that we have at night while we sleep, so ask the Lord to give you His dreams when you go to bed. When you wake up, go back to the dream and ponder those pictures, and feel the emotions you experienced in the dream (ie, love, empowerment, faith). Practice building your inner spiritual eye muscles by meditating on those visions of the night. (See Psalm 119:148 and Job 33:14-18.)
- Another extremely effective tool is to use the visionary prayer journey, A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee. Anointed music and guided meditation help set the scene with you and Jesus walking together beside the still waters. You can download it free here: www.cwgministries.org/galilee. (See Psalm 16:8 and Hebrews 12:2.)
- Remember who you are! You are created in God's image and He is Spirit, so you are spirit also. The supernatural realm is what you were created to live into naturally. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve easily interacted with the spiritual world as they conversed with other spirit beings and walked with the Lord in the cool of the day. That was His initial plan and intention. So realize seeing in the spirit is part of God's original blueprint and design. He made you to see Him, so feel how wonderful it would be to walk in the Garden with Him and experience how peaceful and joyful you would be in that place. Then in the kingdom of your heart, step into it! (See Genesis 3 and John 4:24.)
- Lastly, as you practice the art of looking into the spirit realm, sing and pray in the Spirit. The kingdom of heaven is within so we want to connect deeply with the river of Living Water that flows from our innermost being. Jesus lives in our hearts (not our heads!) and by praying in tongues we shift down into our spirits, which are joined to His Spirit, and we are able to live into heaven and live out of it that much more easily. (See John 7:37-39, Ephesians 3:17 and 1 Corinthians 6:17.)
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