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Living Loved

Charity Kayembe's picture

God did not create employees for a corporation or soldiers for an army. He created children for a family. That is His heart for us and our reason for being—so He could love us!

Not only that, but because we are made in God’s image and He is love, we are, in fact, wired for love. In her book, Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health, cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf teaches how it has been scientifically proven that we have no circuitry for fear; fear is a learned response. We know there is no fear in love; so again we see even through our physiology how God designed us only for love (see 1 John 4:18).

There is actually a term, optimism bias, to describe the phenomenal fact that we all naturally and instinctively tend to express positive feelings, think healthy thoughts, and hope for the best. Love, hope, joy, peace—these Kingdom emotions are what we are intended to run on and anything contrary interferes with God’s perfect design. Fear, anger and unforgiveness short-circuit our systems and cause stress neurologically and biochemically as well as emotionally and spiritually.

There are so many revealing Scriptures that teach us about our mind/body/heart connection. We know we prosper and are in good health to the degree that our soul is in good health (see 1 John 3). And I especially appreciate what the Aramaic Bible in Plain English brings out of Proverbs 14:30: He that cools his anger is a healer of his heart, and envy is the decay of the bones.”

Perhaps we have considered these to be more poetic refrains and not taken them literally, but science is finally catching up with ancient wisdom and research studies confirm their truth. The Lord let us know in no uncertain terms that negative emotions bring negative physical repercussions in our body. The empowering insight, though, is that the converse is also true—when we cool our anger, we heal our heart. When we walk in love and forgiveness and positive emotions, it has an equally transformative effect for good in our bodies as well.

God wasn’t just giving us rules for the sake of rules; He was literally giving us instructions of how best to take care of ourselves. In fact, the Hebrew word for “commandment” (mitzvah) is also translated “prescribed,” so we see how God’s commands are a prescription for us that turn on healing genes and keeps us healthy. Proverbs 19:16 puts it this way: “Keep God’s laws and you will live longer (GNT). His laws really are for our own good!

To summarize, we can consider a simple picture: If we fill the gas tank of our car with chocolate syrup, we know it’s not going to fuel the engine and the car isn’t going to go anywhere. Similarly, when we fill our hearts and minds with negativity, we won’t get very far either.

The fuel of our lives is peace and faith, compassion and gratitude. We were designed first and foremost, above all else, to love and be loved. God’s love is the energy we are meant to run on, so we must practice giving and receiving it. Every moment of every day, we must learn to live loved.

Need help?

If you know God loves you, but still don’t feel it, we can help. Emotional Freedom Techniques allow you to release unhealthy emotions and experience Father’s heart – unsurpassed peace, unspeakable joy and unrelenting love.

Learn more in our book or download the training MP3s I recorded with Dr. Jim Richards. There is more! Tap into God’s peace and joy today.


Related Resources: 

How to Be Emotionally Free!   

Related Blogs: 

Emotional Freedom Techniques   
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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Teacher's Guide eBook

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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint Download

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint Download

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Donate toward leaders in developing nations

A Gift for Leaders in Developing Nations: One-time Donation

To the Ends of the Earth! Missions Outreach
Karen Tanner, Missions Coordinator

There are two ways we reach into the mission field of developing nations. One is through a free hidden website with copies of over 25 of Mark’s books and MP3 versions of our core classes and the other is sending courses to prisoners in Namibia, Africa. We offer a Bachelor’s Degree from Christian Leadership Seminary to those that complete 120 credits of coursework.

Donate to prison ministry

A Gift for Prisoners: One-Time Donation

Many prisoners are hungry for God and word is spreading in prisons that they can contact this ministry for deeply discounted courses. You can help us provide materials to these prisoners by your generous gift. Our ministry sends books into correctional facilities below our cost, making no profit at all. You can make a one-time gift, or pledge $20 or more a month and “adopt a prisoner” as s/he works through book after book, maturing in the Lord.

Adopt A Language

Adopt a Language - Variable Price Donation

Choose the amount you can afford to go towards a translation of our books.

We are looking for people or groups to help us spread the message of Communion With God by sponsoring the translation of 47 sessions of Mark Virkler's teaching into one language for a tax-deductible gift of $3000. Our goal is the 11 key languages in India as well as another 50 other languages worldwide.

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Donate to Communion With God Ministries: One-time Gift

A wise man sows good seed in good ground, expecting a harvest back from the Lord. If these books, CDs and seminars from Communion With God Ministries have blessed you, and you would like to sow into this ministry, saying “Thank you!” with a gift that will be used to help spread the message of Communion With God worldwide, there are many ways you can be involved. All gifts to CWG Ministries are tax deductible.

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A wise man sows good seed in good ground, expecting a harvest back from the Lord. If these books, CDs and seminars from Communion With God Ministries have blessed you, and you would like to sow into this ministry, saying “Thank you!” with a gift that will be used to help spread the message of Communion With God worldwide, there are many ways you can be involved. All gifts to CWG Ministries are tax deductible.

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Donate: Leave a Memorial

This is an opportunity for you to give an offering to the next generation and invest in their lives. Leave a gift in your "Final Will and Testament" that transforms lives. This gift can be made to Communion Wtih God Ministries, which is a 501C3 tax exempt organization. If you wish to speak with someone at our offices, you may contact us.

Give a "Thank You" Gift to Mark and Patti Virkler: One-Time Donation

If you or your friends or family have been blessed by Mark and Patti's ministry, this is an opportunity to say "thank you" by blessing them with a financial gift. 

Checks can be made out to Communion With God Ministries with a notation that they are a gift for Mark & Patti Virkler, 11918 Lazio Ln., Orlando, FL. 32827. For electronic giving, adjust your contribution by typing any amount into the white box below.

Hear God Through Your Dreams PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler

If you are teaching the course Hear God Through Your Dreams, then these 18 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. 


Price: $9.95
