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Jesse Birkey's picture

The other day I was spending some time with the Lord just resting and worshiping Him when I suddenly saw a vision. 


A green stem burst from the ground as if it’d been holding it’s breath for years and began to rise through the air.  As it grew the base became thicker and I watched leaves begin to develop on the top and sides.


I could sense the joy as it continued to reach to the sky.  It wasn’t long before fruit started to grow on the branches reaching out from the stem.  They were ripe, full and inviting.


At I watched the scene unfold I began to understand that the plant lies waiting in each one of us.  It’s waiting for the love of Jesus to nourish it,  to give it the life it needs to grow inside of us.  As it grows life grows. 


The seed is alive in each and every one of us.  For some it never gets the chance to develop.  For others it grows to varying heights and stalls making the fruit underdeveloped.  For others it grows into a beautiful tree and the fruit from its branches are life giving.


Our role in the growth is critical.  Only God can nourish the seed, growing it into a mighty tree but it’s us who decided whether or not to let Him do the work He longs to do in each one of us.


May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,

18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God’s devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];


[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! 


--Ephesians 3:17-19


I stopped to think a little about the importance of the fruit and a couple of things came to mind.


1.     It will sustain you.  I don’t think that the fruit is only for others.  The fruit produced is from the heart of God.  That love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, patience and self-control should be a part of our regular diet.  In fact, as we pursue God and dive even deeper into the ocean of His love I think we are feasting. 


2.     Others will take it and we might not even notice.  When we are producing the fruit of God, people will be drawn by the sweet aroma.  They will see the shade and come running.  The way we live our lives will have a dramatic impact on those needing the love, peace, comfort etc.  We might hear later on about how a simple word or action, seemingly insignificant to us, changed someone’s life.



3.     We will take hold of it and hand it to those the Lord highlights leads us too.  Every time we use the gifts and abilities God has given us we are feeding someone who is desperately hungry for what God has planted and grown in us.  The seeds of the fruit we given them will be planted in their hearts where God can nourish and grow them into mighty trees producing fruit themselves.   


So let it GROW!  (My kids watched Frozen twice yesterday)




Jesse and Kara Birkey


Jesse and Kara Birkey are committed lovers of Jesus who seek to show others the extraordinary life of Jesus is available for everyone.  They have authored two books, been featured in films and seek to serve the Lord in whatever ways they can.  Follow their blog here.    


Bring Jesse and Kara to your venue.  Find more information here.


Life Resurrected, Extraordinary Miracles through Ordinary People has been endorsed by Sid Roth and Mark Virkler and is a collection of inspiring stories making it clear that the extraordinary life of Jesus is available to all who love Him.  It’s also the testimony of Jesse’s life, the road he travelled bringing him into the arms of Jesus.  Get it on Amazon hereView the trailer here.    


Marriage What’s the Point? One couple finds meaning in a crazy mess is the story of their marriage—The tragedy and the restoration.  They bear their hearts in an attempt to get others to bear theirs and finally receive the freedom they’ve longed for.  Get it on Amazon here.


Jesse is also featured in the film DeadRaiser, a movie shining the spotlight on resurrection testimonies across the nation.  Find more information here.


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Through the Bible 2: United Kingdom MP3s

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In these books, which cover the United Kingdom, you will learn about the conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua. Read about the early days of the nation of Israel as they lived under judges and kings. The nation prospered under righteous kings and languished under evil kings. Under Solomon, the nation of Israel reached its height in grandeur and glory. Discover what makes a nation prosper and what makes one fall. Learn how one person, living in obedience to Almighty God, can change the direction of a nation! Let us learn from history. 

Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

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Through the Bible 4: Poetry and Wisdom Literature MP3s

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Through the Bible 5: Major Prophets MP3s

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Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ - MP3s

Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ MP3s

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Why are there four Gospels describing Jesus' life? How are the three synoptic Gospels different from John? What does God want to say to me through the life of Jesus? Can I really imitate Christ and be like him? Yes, Jesus came to model the lifestyle God has empowered us to live!

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Through the Bible 7: Acts and Epistles MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through Acts and the General Epistles in 10 sessions. This is part seven of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

In the book of Acts you discover the vibrancy of the early Church. The Holy Spirit descended upon them in Pentecost and filled them and the room in which they were seated. Empowered by the Holy Ghost, they immediatey won 3000 to the Lord. Miracles followed, many were healed, and the world was transformed by these anointed disciples. 

In the General Epistles we learn of the struggles the early Church faced, and the amazing teaching the Apostle Paul provided to keep them on track. You receive a glimpse into the heart of Paul as he passionately encourages his readers to know who they are in Christ and ascend into the heavenlies, where they are seated with Him in heavenly places, ruling and reigning. These books take you into the depths of Scriptural truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

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Through the Bible 8: Epistles and Revelation MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

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This eighth series in the collection covers the following New Testament books: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation.

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Your Extraordinary Life MP3s

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