Jesus, I just read the book of prophet Joel. The big message that I got is for the great need for your people to humble themselves before you, to repent as needed, so that you can bless them. Add to this is how horrendous
will be the end times events that are to take place. Your comments, please, about if I gleaned from Joel what You wanted at this time for me.
Ben, you got the basic message. You see that I repeat this over and over and over. My people are so stubborn.
Yet I recognize this, for I programmed this (stubbornness) into their very beings. However, I want them to
use that stubbornness to walk with Me in My love - not to do their own thing!
Lord God, I can see where we, Your people, can get so involved in trying to figure out what You have recorded
in the Scriptures that we fail to spend time with You, in Your wonderful presence. I think especially of end time events.
Ben, I so want My people to spend time with Me so that we can love on each other. When My people are so busy trying to figure out the jots and the tittles in all that is written, they lose sight of Me, of My love for them.
Spending hours charting out end time events is one of these areas. I desire that all of My children come to
Me so that I can reveal to each one that which they need to know about coming events. Let My Spirit be
your guide as you read My Scriptures! He is a wonderful teacher, and He is always right-on!
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