Current Special: Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Free Video Event
Discover How the 5-Fold Gifts Give You An “Unfair” Advantage


Karen Barnes's picture

There are so many times in their little lives that children are told “No, you can’t do that, you are too young – no, you can’t, no, you can’t”. When it came time to title my first book, it was very obvious to me what God would want to say to children around the world in whatever situation they were in – “YES! KIDS CAN”!

Even the subtitle of “HEAR-DO-GO” seems to cross the line that society has placed on our children. How many years have we held back our children, believing that they were too immature to hear God’s voice, too young to do anything practical for the Lord, and especially too small to go out into the world around them to minister effectively? Could it possibly be that part of that reasoning is that we ourselves have not recognized their position in the Kingdom or taken the time to seek out their callings early on?

Children CAN hear the voice of God quite clearly, if encouraged, trained and given the opportunities. We’ve seen this over and over again both in the States and in many different countries. History shows us that many revivals were actually started by children receiving the anointing first, then it moved onto the adults. Kids are great receivers, as they don’t carry the doubts and worries that we adults have grown to take on. They are much more pure in thought, and trust with such ease!

There are things that children can do that no adult can. There are places they can go where adults cannot reach. How many times has your heart been warmed by a 7 year old who gives you a big smile? Perhaps you’ve seen the cutest 3 year old scampering through the park with their parents, and it gave you a chuckle, or a 10 year old helping their young brother along on a tricycle made you feel good inside? You just don’t see adults giving you those warm fuzzies like a kid does!

What would you say if a bright eyed 8 year old little girl came up to you and asked in that sweet voice if there was anything she could pray for you about? We’ve found that the innocence and purity of these children can melt the hardest of hearts, cut through the heaviness of sins, and pierce through the darkness of despair like nothing else. We’ve seen huge, tough men fall on their knees in front of these children, asking for prayer with tears in their eyes, and receiving God’s forgiveness, clear prophetic words, comfort and healing, all through the laying on of small hands.

God is all about using the small things in our lives to bring great things about – it’s not about how big we are, it’s about how big a God we have! Jesus used a little boy’s lunch of fish and bread to feed the multitudes – that little guy was amazed at what his “little bit” could do! It’s all about what we’re willing to give, and kids are willing to give so much – if we allow them! It’s amazing to see what the Lord can do with those “little bits” that are given to Him in faith and excitement. He LOVES a willing heart, and can feed the multitudes with it!

My book will give you tools to get you started in equipping your children and yourself for the awesome ministry of building the next generation of “five-folders”! If you ask, He will show you whether you have an apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher or evangelist in your children’s ministry or under your roof, and then how to start pouring into them to prepare them for the work God has created them for. It’s currently available in the CWG bookstore and on our ministry site:

We also hold summer camps, weekend retreats, regional conferences and equipping sessions for kids and adults in hearing God’s voice, and how to go and “do the stuff”! Our next camp is this June in Tennessee. More information can be found on our website.

God is doing a powerful thing in our children, and as He’s raising up this next generation, we adults need to be aware and ready for this move – not pushing it down or holding it back. As we encourage and train up our children, the blessings will flow down from the Father into our kids, and right back to us again, and oh, what wonders we’ll see! I promise.....cross my heart and hope to fly……

 Karen’s calling is to bring children into the manifest presence and glory of Jesus, lead them in experiencing His deep abiding love, clear unmistakable voice, wise Godly direction for their lives, and to ignite a spirit-led passion for serving Him in many ways at any age.

She is available for children’s and adult conferences, retreats, church dates, camps, leadership training and regional equipping sessions. Fire For the Nations hosts a summer camp for kids and periodic kids mission trips during the year. Her first book, KIDS CAN is now available in both the CWG and Fire For the Nations bookstores. For more information on the book or to schedule dates, check out the website (, or email her at

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Anonymous's picture

We lift a hearty "Amen!" to this blog post. I encourage your readers to check out to see how Christian children 12 and younger are engaging in mission to children in China - without leaving home! This ministry was started from the heart of a 5 year old girl named Emma who felt God's call to pray. Now Emma and others are building friendships and sharing Christ's love through our secure online pen pal program. Check it out!

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