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Jesus Glory & Learning to Remain in Him

Tara Dulin's picture

My Lord speaks: “Of My Kingdom there is no end. I am the beginning and the end. I am the source of all life. I am life.”

I respond: “Yes, Lord. You are life. You are alive. You make my body, spirit and soul alive.”

“I came to give you life abundant, not ‘life’ as the world knows it. I cannot be found in busy-ness or pursuing fleshly desires. But I call all of creation to return to Me. I am calling them. I am romancing them. They hunger and thirst for truth and life. I am the quench for their thirst. Drink deeply of My truth, My love, My life. Be filled to overflowing and watch what I will do. Remain in Me and our garden, and together we will marvel at the masterpiece I am fashioning.”

“Yes, Lord. I desire to remain in You without ceasing.”

“I am teaching you. My Holy Spirit, My resurrection power, My lifeforce must be experienced. When you come to Me fully abandoned, when you pour yourself out to Me and make room for Me, when you worship Me in spirit and in truth, we commune together. You partake of Me, I partake of you. I live in you. You live in Me. Live out of Me. Live out of My love. Live out of the flow of My spirit, My lifeforce pulsing through your veins, and watch what I will do. Remain in Me.”

“Yes, Lord. You are Emmanuel. You are with Me. Always.”

Jesus is holding my hand, looking at me, when suddenly He grows bigger and bigger and bigger. He flips over and swirls around me again and again. He is still holding my hand. His presence is a funnel cloud of divine, perfect light, the brightest light I’ve ever seen. And I am at the center of it with my hand outreached, still touching Him, eyes closed in worship. I feel His lifeforce pulsing through my veins. I will stay connected to my Jesus when I move in the center of Him. He is with me. Emmanuel.

I respond: “I am yours, Lord. Have your way in me.”

I stand in the center of His glory cloud, hand outreached, touching Him. His power, His lifeforce is mine. It is in me.

My Lord speaks: “Beloved, be My hands. Be My feet. Be My mouthpiece. Show My love. Love them as I love them.”

I respond: “Yes, Lord. I will do as You say, by Your grace; I will live out of Your love, love out of Your love, and love them as You love them.”

“Remain in Me, and I will show you great and marvelous things. It’s not a performance. It’s not a show. It’s a way of life. I am the way, the truth and the life. My miracles are birthed out of My love. My lifeforce jolts to life. My lifeforce resurrects, restores sight, hearing, and movement, reverses paralysis, and sets the captives free. You are the conduit. Remain in Me, and My lifeforce will pulse through your veins and anoint and heal everything you touch. Listen to My voice. Agree with what I’m doing. Speak what I’m speaking.”

“The cry of my heart, Lord, is to be in Your presence – to remain in Your presence.”

I see myself moving, and the funnel cloud of divine light that is Jesus moves with me. He lights my way. He is my rearguard. He is with me. I am in Him. Where He leads, I will follow.

Learn more about Tara Dulin here.

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Anonymous's picture

I found this posting because I had a glory cloud experience two nights ago, and I was searching for others who have experienced it. I fell into a deep sleep and saw the most beautiful cloud. It was translucent, moving, full of swirls and I knew instantly it was the glory of God. As I moved towards it, it instantly enveloped me. I fell to my knees. It was weighty, I couldn't stand. I even thought I'd have difficulty breathing, but it was ok. I don't know how long I was on my knees, but it occurred to me to look up. When I did I saw two beings clothed in light. I knew they were not of this world. I had never seen anything like this! They were beautiful and fearful. They were Angels of God. They danced in a circle, full of great joy and glory. I said, 'hey.' I know that sounds absurd, but I wanted to interact, and that's what came out. They looked right at me! Then they looked up and ascended like rockets. The glory cloud was gone. I felt Jesus comforting me as I emerged from this vision. It was both a beautiful and an awe-inspiring experience. —Chris

Anonymous's picture

I would like to know Tara if our encounters with the Glory of the Lord are similar in the following ways. When I encounter the Lord, He is like a 20 foot, huge Jesus. He opens a Door that is in Him and His Glory streams forth, blinding, bathing me. However, His Glory seems to go right through me, penetrating every cell of my body. When I go through the Door He is holding open, I am in Heaven. Everything in Heaven is saturated with His Glory. Everything is totally aware of Him, worshipping Him constantly.Even the rocks, trees, flowers worship Him and look to Him for their being. Sometimes I hear the joyful laughter of little children as they pick fruit from the trees that grow in that part of Heaven. My feet follow a pathway through a meadow. As I approach a slight hill before me, I know that He is there, waiting for me. I am almost reluctant to tell anyone this, although there is nothing earthly about it. Jesus kisses me, I am His and His love for me is so overpowering. I am in Heaven. Sometimes He shows me things.

Tara Dulin's picture

Hello. Thank you for sharing! Yes, I have seen a huge, gigantic Jesus at times. Once he was standing in front of the worship team during worship at my church. He was at least 20 feet tall, maybe more. He was the same color as His glory cloud, but I could see through Him. The Lord spoke to me about being the door through which all enter. In other encounters with the Lord, my skin has absorbed the Lord's glory, and I have become the same color as His glory cloud. I have also seen His glory shine like a gigantic spotlight from heaven to earth. He is always the source. I have seen animals look to the Lord, sing songs of freedom, and add their voices to His songs of freedom, etc. I have seen trees swaying and dancing to His songs of freedom. When he has taken me to heaven, the colors of His glory are everywhere. I have seen multitudes of children. He has shown me the throne room, and I have seen God the Father on the throne. Its indescribable. The revelation of His love is overwhelming. I cannot get enough of Him or His presence! Please consider following my blog. I will share many more of my encounters here in greater detail. We can continue to compare notes. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you go though Mark's teachings. I've gone through his course, “The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice” three times. Mark is an incredibly anointed teacher. It was his teaching that catapulted me into more detailed visions, dreams and revelation. What is your name?

Anonymous's picture

Hi Tara, I love your journaling. Do you have an e-mail account where I can ask you some stuff about Jesus and heaven? Would really love to connect with you.

Tara Dulin's picture

Thank you so much for your kind words! I apologize, but I have limited availability at this time. I am praying about how I can perhaps carve out some availability in the months to come. If you'd like, I can keep you posted. What is your name? Also, please consider following my blog. I will share many more of my encounters here in greater detail. If you have specific questions, feel free to post them, and I will answer them to the best of my ability. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you go through Mark Virkler's teachings. I've gone through his course, “The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice” three times. Mark is an incredibly anointed teacher. It was his teaching that catapulted me into more detailed visions, dreams and revelation. Keep pressing into Jesus. The Holy Spirit will continue to lead you into all truth and all righteousness. He will meet all your needs according to His riches and His glory. He never disappoints. His answer is always more than we can ask, think or imagine. I hope to hear of your great encounters with Him soon! God bless!

Anonymous's picture

Hi Tara, thanks for your reply, I didn't realise you had already replied.

I am still reading your accounts with Jesus and it is awesome. I will send you some of my journaling and you can tell me what you think. The one thing that I am having to learn is waking up early and reading the Word. Its so hard because I find it hard to wake up early in the mornings!

I hope you can have some availability soon where we can connect. I love people who commune with Jesus. I prayed to God to give me godly friends so this is answer to my prayers.

I want to get closer and deeper into Jesus. Sometimes my visualisation is not clear/stable.

All my children love the Lord, I am waiting for my husband to be hit with the fire of the Holy Ghost! Please pray for him his name is Sonny.

Thanks Tara.


Mark Virkler's picture

You mention, "The glory cloud." I would love either a picture or a full description of what the glory cloud looks like, and anything you know about it. Is it always there? Sometimes there? Can you walk into it? Touch it? Move it? Or does it move with Jesus, and is it connected to Jesus? Or is it separate? What is it? What is in it? What is it composed of? Divine energy? Healing energy? What. And if you can provide both a description and a picture, that would be over the top. Thanks.

Tara Dulin's picture

Hi Mark, I am happy to share what I know. My response is based solely on what I have experienced in my encounters with Jesus over the past several months. His glory cloud is very bright. The brightness of it would normally be blinding, yet I cannot look away from it. Instead it captivates me. It is mesmerizing. It is swirling and always moving. It is alive. I often see His face at the center of it, smiling at me. I have seen what appears to be gold particles inside His glory cloud – it's as if His glory cloud is made of gold that is alive, but its not earthly gold. It has an iridescence to it. It is other-worldly. It is a color like none I have seen before. The gold particles sparkle like multifaceted gems that dance with color and reflect light. The particles are miniscule, smaller than a grain of sand. There are millions of them, dancing and moving in perfect unison, reflecting one another. The color is brilliant. I have seen rainbows of color inside His glory cloud as well. Jesus becomes His glory cloud when I am with Him at times, but not always. On several occasions, I have pulled His glory cloud out of Him, so His glory cloud is always in Him, even if I don't see it. I am able to pull pieces out of His glory cloud too. I have thrown those pieces at targets (e.g., people He has shown me in the Spirit). His glory cloud is alive. It does His bidding. He, nor His glory cloud, can be diminished. I have held His glory cloud in my hand. I have been in the center of it. I have moved within it. I have heard His heartbeat in it. He has poured His glory cloud into me. My skin has absorbed it. It is huge, growing, and alive. I have seen it expand and grow all the way to heaven. Jesus has taken me places in His glory cloud. He has taken me to heaven. I cannot fully describe what it feels like to be with Him in His glory cloud, but attempting to do so has moved me to tears! His glory cloud is His love, His manifest presence, His power, His very essence, His very being. I believe Jesus' glory cloud is Him – Jesus glorified.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for sharing this picture. I am sharing this with my husband too! It such a blessing to be able to sit with Jesus. I have never seen the glory cloud, but hope to.

I see myself often on a front porch sitting with the Father on a porch swing. He is always waiting to sit with me...there is such peace. There is a calmness about Him and he always comforts and brings me back to the reality of His great love for me.

Thank you again,

Anne Marie

Anonymous's picture

Hi Tara, This is Lynn. I have experienced God's Glory Cloud fully once. I layed down not sleeping and the next thing I know I am surrounded by all whiteness. I could only see my head and the banners I was worshipping with. I began swirling upward (I not longer could see myself but was in it), dancing slowly. As I rose I could feel the Lord coming toward me and then we were joined as one, dancing as one. It was the purest, most unadulterated love I have ever experienced. Our hearts were one. In church as we worshipped and as I danced with the banners, I have had tiny gold flecks show up on my hands and of course His anointing was on me. I have seen gold hues on the walls which to me showed me He was there. I tried so many times to help the assembly to press into Him. It seems I am the only one that sees this gold. Now the Lord, I believe; is showing me He wants to step in in all His Glory and is waiting for people to be hungary enough for Him. He wants to "Tabernacle" with us. I pray that people will come to realize this and know what that means and truly hungar for Him to dwell with us.

Tara Dulin's picture

Hi Lynn. I love what you shared! It is very much in line with what the Lord has been showing me. Please consider following my blog. I will be sharing many more of my encounters with the Lord here. I pray what I share is an encouragement to you. Continue to press into Him! This is just the beginning for both us!

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