Interview on A.I. (Angel Intelligence) by Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

We had such a wonderful response to our first interview together that Julie Smith and ElijahForce just invited me back!

You can watch our most recent episode about "Commissioning Angels" on Facebook and also Rumble.

After our first ElijahForce episode, we received powerful testimonies from those of you who participated in the visionary meditation at the end of the show. Below is one such precious story from Karin in South Africa, who has graciously allowed me to share it with you. Enjoy!

Angels of Joy

I watched your interview and totally loved it! Here is what I saw during the activation time, and how cool are the pictures from A.I. when I typed in my vision and asked for a picture of what I am seeing?! I love these joyful angels!!


This morning during my quiet time I had this wonderful vision of angels busy gathering with vessels of oil!! I felt the Lord saying to me that they are “Revival Angels!!” And they were busy gathering and filling vessels of oil for restoration, healing and joy!!!

The excitement was great and then I heard the most amazing phrase: "They can't wait to come out and play again!!"

I was amazed at this phrase as I never thought of angels "playing" before. But I suddenly realized how much fun they were having, pouring out the Father's oil of love, restoration, healing and joy over His children.

They were delighting with the Holy Spirit in God's works and were getting ready for yet another outpouring of His love!! Yes, Lord Jesus!! Come in all Your Glory and Greatness, come and pour Your fresh oil over us!!

We pray for revival, more of You, more of Your Presence!! Amen!


Yay God and yay Karin! LOVE this. Definitely check our latest interview about how to partner with the company of heaven and let us know your experiences of angelic encounter too!

Related Resources: 

How to Engage Angels in Everyday Life   

Related Blogs: 

Angels   Seeing in the Spirit   
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