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How to give the Supreme Slimeball a darned good thrashing.

Mark Holloway's picture

Mark some people are very famous for casting out demons.


I don’t like that Mark. It’s not my idea. I don’t like some people being famous for casting out demons.

Oh oh God… I don’t like the sound of this.

Why not?

Because when we have these conversations I write down what I hear you say and people are not going to like what I just heard you say. Not one bit. So it’ll be me that gets in the gun, not you.

Yes. That’s the nature of having a conversation with me. People hold you responsible for what you hear me say. Everyone who embarks on a conversation with me needs to recognise that. As they put form and words on the silent voice of the invisible God, those looking on will blame them when the things I say don’t suit the listener.

Great. Can’t wait God. Sounds like a wonderful sort of life.

I want to talk about it – I don’t like it.

You don’t like what?

I don’t like SOME people being famous for attacking demons. I don’t want that! I want EVERYONE to be hunting down demons and attacking them. They’re attacking you all day long, and yet most of you are completely oblivious. That’s got to stop. You ALL need to hunt down your enemies and give them a decent thrashing. But right now most of you are a laughing stock to the dark angels who surround and taunt you.

God the average Christian would rather not think a lot about Satan and demons and dark angels. And I don’t blame them really. It’s a bit too… I don’t know, a bit too uncomfortable. It’s unnerving enough to think about you hanging around all day watching, but at least you’re on our side.

Mark what has happened to you to change your own opinion on Satan?

It’s only since I discovered this conversation with you. He’s annoyed me so much that I’ve ended up hating him. Not for any holy reason, but simply because whenever I’m struggling to hear your voice he’s chattering on like a demented kid distracting me. It just about drives me spare. If I could see him I’d like to get my hands around his throat, take to him. He WON’T shut up. He keeps interrupting when we’re talking, and does it SO often that I just want to inflict some pain on him. And then once I’m thinking like that, probably a bit too angrily, I find I warm to the idea and instead of just telling him to go I imagine myself actually pushing him a LONG way backwards, inflicting some really good blood-letting blows as I do it. But then I get worried, we’re not supposed to attack him unwisely, he’s big and we’re small and all that churchy stuff God.

Exactly. But actually you’re a lot bigger, all of you are a lot bigger than you think. Don’t take on a battle with him unwisely. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE ON A BATTLE WITH HIM. You ARE supposed to.

So how do we avoid doing battle with him unwisely?

How do you think?

I guess you’re going to say listen to you.

Yes. You could try another approach, but if you want to do damage and come out undamaged yourself, then you’re going to have to listen to me. I could do nothing worth doing, and neither can you, without hearing the voice. Simple as that. But let’s keep talking about doing damage, hunting him down, inflicting pain, pushing him back. Because Mark either you’re going to do that to him, or he’s going to do it to you. Your choice. But most of you are avoiding the choice, and leaving it to him. So the choice becomes his, and he’s taking it with glee.

He HATES you Mark. Hates all of you with a passion. Not particularly because you’re Christians, but rather because you’re humans. He HATES all humans, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, whatever; it doesn’t matter to him. He hates you because you have ALL ended up closer to me, in a better position than him. You are created in my image and he HATES my image. Do you get that? You need to all wise up a little and see what’s really going on around you.

You’re all being led about by the nose by Satan. He is talking to you all day long, and you think so much of what he says is just your own thoughts. You Christians hear him just as much as anyone else. Read Job 1:6 Mark – if he can front up to me bold as brass, you’d better bet that he can do the same to you. And whether you choose to believe it or not, he can. And does. And you even think that a whole bunch of his dribble is actually me. He finds that incredibly amusing. But I don’t Mark.

God so…, well so what are we supposed to do?? I mean you talk about hunting him down but how?? And what about when we are suddenly face to face with him, what then? I like the sound of beating the snot out of him, but he’s big, he’s the lord of the powers of the air. There’ll be people reading this, who run off and show it to their pastors God -- and their pastors are going to say “ummm, that Mark Holloway guy’s dangerous. If he wants to go out on a limb and take a swipe at the devil, then let him, but don’t you get all crazy like him”. They’ll say that God!! I’d probably say it too if I was them. What’s this all about? I never heard anyone talk like this about the Devil in church God. Actually I don’t want to hear it now either.

Why not. You always tell me in private that when you get up here, when all the medals have been handed out, you say you’re going to ask me if you can go downstairs to the basement, and go shirts-off and man-o-man with the devil, you say you want to beat some REAL pain into him, draw blood, bring him to his weeping wailing begging knees. That’s what you ask Mark. You wish for that as a special treat, to be allowed to use him as sport, to repeatedly harm the devil. You ask if that’s ok. So why the change of heart?

Yes I ask if I can hurt him God, but I’m just mouthing off when I do. Acting tough. Not for publication. It’s when I’m angry, when I have been so down trodden by him, so beaten up, so tormented, so frustrated – when he’s going on and on and on, distracting me from hearing you, and just generally inflicting pain – making me feel small, reminding me of all the things I worry about and don’t like about myself; days like that when I realise it’s him; well then I DO want to go downstairs, take a cat-o-nine tails and give him an absolute, well… well you know what I mean God.

Not for any holy reason God, but just because I so want to hurt him for the simple reason that he hurts me. NOT for ‘Christian’ reasons, but simply because he, well… he hurts. He’s a right b…, you know what he’s like. I wonder sometimes God why, why you possibly would have created him. He’s a…, well anyway I wish I could say out loud here the words that best describe him. But you know what I mean.

I do Mark. And actually you don’t have to wait. Not only is it NOT bad to want to go ‘man-o-man’ with him, but you don’t have to wait. I want you to go downstairs and get stuck into him NOW Mark. Will somebody PLEASE go downstairs and get stuck into him. No I’m not too weak to do it myself, but here’s the picture I want you to see. I want YOU to inflict the harm on him, it will teach him AND YOU such an important lesson about the order of things. I so badly want people to see this. First they need to realise how much of a thrashing he’s giving them, and how he’s doing it, because he’s not doing it the way you all think.

How is he doing it then?

Wait. I’ll explain that later. First I want to tell you why I want you ALL to go downstairs and give him a DARNED GOOD THRASHING, on a daily basis. It’s simple. He has destroyed so much of what I have given you, inflicted so much pain, the extent of his filth knows no limits, the scope of his hate and the depth of his murderous intentions… you have absolutely no idea.

I could remove him with a thought, frizzle him, uncreate him. But how much more humiliating for him if you do it. Can you see that?

God people want you to do it for them. To somehow just make him not there.

Yes they do, but that’s not going to happen. I want YOU to teach him a lesson. YOU! I did it and said that you’d do greater things. Paul did it and said to imitate him. Satan has inflicted so much pain and destruction in all of your lives. Broken, broken humanity, and all by his design – every broken life you see – he designed that. Every broken marriage, every lost and lonely and rejected child – he thought that up and planned it. Every crushed businessman, every raped girl - lost, dejected, and broken, hope all gone – he patiently crafted that. Every wife feeling unloved and unlovely and second-class; he conceived it, planned it, patiently brought it to pass.

He hates you! All of you. He convinces you all that you are useless, hopeless, no good, less than acceptable, sinful, bad and unloved. And as you listen to him, you begin to fulfil it all on your own. Because you think his thoughts are actually your own you believe them. You try not to believe them, but because you don’t recognise where they’re coming from you find yourself unconsciously listening to his drivel day in, day out, all day long.

You humans, especially you Christians who are meant to know better, who are meant to lead the charge against this enemy, you don’t even understand how he fights you, so you’re completely unable to fight him back. Most of you have this crazy idea that his job is to tempt you to think naughty thoughts and do naughty things. That’s his greatest lie. You think you understand the scripture when it tells you he’s the father of lies, but you don’t. He’s a liar. You need to understand that. Before he attacks you with his lies, he lies to you about how he is going to attack you.

He tells you his job is to tempt you with naughty sins, but that’s a lie – it’s actually the least of his intentions! WHAT. HE. REALLY. WANTS. IS. TO. CONTROL. YOUR. THOUGHTS. ABOUT. YOURSELF.  That’s his job. When he can control what you think about yourself he can control you. He works constantly and tirelessly to convince you that you are nothing. He knows that the less you think of yourself, the more your life will implode. He is able to do this so easily that if you could see what was going on you’d be appalled. At yourselves. You let him control your thinking, and all the while you think it’s your own thoughts.

Why this happening God??

Simple Mark. It’s because you don’t know how to hear me. And as a result you don’t know how to hear me explain what he’s up to and what to do about it. You are all so bound up in your religious systems and customs that you are blind to the war that rages around you. As he devours you and your loved ones you all sit about blind to what’s going on.

And yet you, just you, just you humans, you can push him back and thrash him. But you don’t. Oh Mark he finds this all so amusing. He mocks, I don’t mind that he mocks me, but it’s you… it hurts me that he mocks you. But I hold back. I don’t hurt him because I want you to hurt him, it would be doubly painful for him if you hurt him, because it would be so humiliating. Mere humans, the ones he laughs and scoffs at – do you understand that Mark? – when your kids feel lost and alone, HE SCOFFS AT THEM. That’s who this is, and you can inflict pain after pain after pain on him, but you don’t.

You get involved in your oh so limited deliverance ministries, you cautiously rebuke him when alone, you are systemised and timid when faced by him. He cautions you to be cautious because he knows that if you ran at him, he’d have to turn tail and run himself. You’re all like Saul and his men facing Goliath. You need to get a little crazy, indignant, and run at him WITHOUT all the normal armour and weaponry. Just run at him wanting to tear his throat out with your bare hands if you can. But instead you are all so timid.

What Mark?? WHAT!?!? I want you to go downstairs, upstairs, outside, inside and give the supreme hater, the liar and the destroyer, that one, and his sidekicks -- I want you ALL to give them a thrashing. BECAUSE IF YOU DO IT, YOU WILL AVENGE YOURSELVES. If I do it, then it will just be me doing it. Will somebody please stop their religious bandwagon for a moment, get off, and take time to thrash the thrasher!!!???!!!

Mark I think you’re all so wonderful, I champion you, I want to stand on the side lines and cheer while you knock him to his knees and while he’s down, kick him under his jaw, snap his neck and then get out your sword and cut off his head. Do you understand? And if your detractors want a scripture – give them this one… EPH 3:10. And this one, Gen 3:15. And if they want more, tell them to search for more. They’re all in there.

Ok God what are you saying about our thoughts?

Plenty; but let’s just leave it at this for now.  He is constantly, CONSTANTLY in your thoughts. He keeps you all at ‘glass-half-empty’ or less. And you think that it’s just your own thinking. IT’S NOT!! For goodness sake, will someone tell people that it’s not? Someone, anyone! The enemy is running your lives for you, feeding you a generally down, less than happy, less than positive, even if just a little, but sometime a lot…. the enemy is feeding all of you, from small child to famous preacher – all of you – he is feeding you with lies about yourself.

Every single thought you have about yourself that is less than ‘I am great, I have great potential, I LOVE and am LOVED. I am good and can be better.’ EVERY thought that is less than that, AND. MOST. THOUGHTS. ARE. LESS. THAN. THAT. Every SINGLE one of those thoughts is him. Not you!! Him.

Will someone please tell my people that. You Christians go on and on about ‘watchmen’ but Mark who is watching??? You need to be a little less religious and a lot more practical. You can’t win a fight unless you fight. Will you all stop thinking that your best shot at him is laying hands on people and delivering them. That’s good, but I want you to push him back in your OWN lives first. If you all listened to me and ALL pushed him back, thrashed him, hunted him down instead of being hunted down. If you ALL did that, then you would seldom need someone else to cast him out. First things first, thrash him before he needs to be cast out.

Thrash him at the level he’s running your lives, the thinking level. I don’t want ‘SOME’ people to be famous for attacking demons, I want EVERYONE to be attacking them. All of you need to be hunting down the dark angels in your lives, the ones who tell you how to think, and putting them to flight. It’s not something that just a few of you are meant to be doing – you all need to be doing it.

Ok God. Ok. So when we hunt him down, that’s all very well for you to say, but when we catch up with him, when we’re there face to face, then what do we do? HOW do we attack him, break his neck and cut off his head? HOW!?!?

You do what David did with Goliath.


You ask God. David asked and we gave him the steps – “tell that giant his pedigree, tell him what you think of him and what you’re going to do to him, and then run at him, just a stone, sling it at him”.  Every battle is different. No formulas other than listen Mark. You won’t know what to do unless you ask. David didn’t use a sling shot in every battle, he listened for who to strike and what to strike them with. Formulas are out. Satan doesn’t fight by formula, neither should you. There is only ONE formula for everything. Ask me.


The Freedom Diaries will stretch you. It describes Mark’s real life struggle with Doubt as he discovered that he could hear God’s voice every day.Dr Mark Virkler. Author of 4 Keys to hearing God’s Voice. Buffalo. New York.

Like a child on Christmas morning, I was delighted to discover how simple yet wonderful it is to place my hand into the hand of God and listen to his whispers and enjoy his affection.  I could only ask why no one had ever told me he was this good and this close.  I wish I had read this book a long, long time ago.  Daniel Walker. Founder and Executive Director of Nvader. Author of God in a brothel.

This is new and exciting. It’s not the idea of hearing from God that’s new, it’s having conversations back and forth, question and answers. That’s new for most of us. Now I am enjoying my own conversations with God, which always leave me with hope. David Garratt of Scripture in Song. Hawaii.

You can purchase your own copy of Mark Holloway's book, 'The Freedom Diaries - God Speaks Back' on this website.

IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE THINKING IT'S YOUR OWN IMAGINATION WHEN YOU TRY TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH GOD - read the 'Practical Tips' section. How to have your own conversation with God in The Freedom Diaries. 



Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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Anonymous's picture

I read this conversation and was so blessed. Raising pre-teens and teens, I am challenged daily to mentor them to manage their thoughts and feelings about themselves. This entry was very helpful at assisting me in what seems the daily battle for my kids' most live "front" in the war for their well being. Thanks!

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