Jeremy Mangerchine is the author of The Longest Bridge Across Water and his whole-hearted and transparent pursuit of Jesus will draw you deeper into the Father’s love than you ever thought possible. It’s my privilege and honor to have him share on our blog.
Zing! Zap! Bang! Pow! In a day and age where the intense lure of hype and hyperbole appeal to our lust for entertainment, over-the-top and remarkable encounters with God are shoved to the forefront vying for our attention.
Profound visions, dreams, and massive revelation (and God loves giving us these experiences to serve as pivotal and monumental moments in our lives) are amazingly transformative but they aren’t what we live for.
I’ve had what some would consider awesome encounters with God and I love and cherish each one. I share them, as God leads, so that folks can hear what is possible. Chronicling these wonderful testimonies is a means to inspire and empower others, not to impress.
I do so because I was, and still am, impacted by such testimonies. But there is one main misconception I would like to address head on. The misconception is that those who have experienced wild encounters are spiritually superior and closer to God than those who have not.
Perhaps you find yourself looking at someone else’s life and feel a sense of lack. Maybe you feel the need to be validated. If that’s you, I want to encourage you BIG TIME and remind you that the fullness of the kingdom inhabits your very person. You have the same Holy Spirit, the same infinite unity with the always present, indwelling, Jesus as “The Super Stars.”
Let's face it, you’re hooked up.
There are no hoops to jump through in order to realize this fullness and participate in all of the benefits.
The problem is we’ve been told for so long that we’re missing something.
The truth is that you have Him. You have all of Him you are ever going to get. The peace and rest of that revelation is where the best encounters come from. Every stinkin' second of every stinkin’ day is an encounter with an overwhelmingly loving God.
This fact has revolutionized my life.
When you see, by His empowerment, that He really is the "All in all" and He really is the "In all and through all," your heart and mind will melt in His awesome weightiness. It’s a weightiness that’s always fully present.
When you get zapped and realize that you lack for nothing—especially the presence of God—you realize that you are always in the midst of an amazing encounter called LIFE.
To help with this I strongly encourage you to regularly remind yourself of these truths:
1. There is no distance between you and God. EVER! No matter what! You couldn’t change this if you tried.
2. Striving for encounters, as well intentioned as it is, isn't exactly faith and after all; isn't faith what we operate with?
So, chill out. Take a deep breath and understand that God wants you to see this more than you do.
3. This has become one of my new catch phrases and it is trademarked (joke…sort of…):
“You are validated!”
I cannot stress that enough. You are not a second class citizen. You are not a person with a lesser anointing. You have THE anointing in you without measure.
Experiences are not what validate a person Jesus is! Therefore, you are validated!
Living a life of continual engagement, based on the profound simplicity of enjoyment and overwhelmed by conscious awareness of my never ending oneness with God.... that’s as good as it gets.
And that never changes! He tore the veil of separation and united Himself with us so that we can just be with Him.
Simply "being" with Him is what life is all about. So enjoy every moment knowing that He’s in it because He sure is.
I wrote a book that includes some of my encounters with God, but with the purpose of revealing that you can experience Him in the same way. I encourage you to check it out (links below) as it will help you see how my encounters led me full circle in understanding that as great as flashing experiences are, there is constant fulfillment available.
If crazy things happen, fine. If they don’t, fine. Either way, you are fully satisfied.
Jeremy Mangerchine
Jeremy and his wife Shannon serve the city of New Orleans by releasing a loving and inspirational message of freedom in Christ. Jeremy's passion is enjoying a relational God and seeing others experience the same.
Jeremy is the Founder and President of Bastion Ministries. He and Shannon have two sons; Noah and Elisha.
Connect with Jeremy on Facebook!
When you read this book, the first question that keeps popping up might be, "Whoa! Can this be legit? Is he telling us the truth?" And the answer is "Yes!" and "Yes!" I've walked through the past 18 months with Jeremy and seen these things come to pass, watched God heal people, been there as the visions and revelation happens. It's all God, and it's all real -- the playing out of God's prophecy through the Prophet Joel (2:28). I've bought 50 copies to use in ministry, that people will know that God is still active and more eager to bless us than we are to ask.
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