Me: “I am not worthy of You, Your sacrifice, Your love, Your forgiveness, Lord.”
My Lord responds: “I love you because I created you. You are mine. What you do cannot earn my love. What you do, or what you do not do, cannot change My love for you. Does your newborn baby have to earn your love or prove his worth before you care for him? No. You love him because he is your son. You are compelled to meet his every need before he asks for it. He brings you great joy and you are his world, his lifeforce, his sustenance. This is a picture of My love for you. My love for you is all that, and so much more. You are born of My spirit in the same way your children are born of your flesh. You delight in their beauty, their features and mannerisms that resemble you and your husband. I delight in everything you are that resembles Me. I made you in My image. When you speak My words of love and truth, I delight. When you agree with what I’m doing, I delight. If your eyes wander away from Me momentarily, I remind you of My love, My presence, and invite you to fix your gaze on Me again. I am slow to anger and abounding in love. I do not control you, I delight in you. I do not demand your love, I desire it. I do not mandate you to fellowship with Me each day or live according to laws and rules to earn My favor. Rather I invite you to live out of My abundance that you will know Me intimately and fully experience my glory, love and power. I am only safe, only love and only life. The great lie My enemy speaks is that you don’t need Me, that you know the way of life. You see it in your children, when they reject your loving request or guidance. Love them out of My love. If you demand respect, you lose it. Love wins every time. Judge by the fruit of your relationship with them. When you love them out of our love, you win their hearts. This principle applies to all of humanity – your family relationships, and every imperfect human being. My love is perfect. Live out of My love. Remain in Me, your gaze locked to Mine that My perfect love will commune with your spirit every moment of every day. I perfect everything concerning you, by the power of My Holy Spirit, simply because I love you.”
“You and You alone are worthy of all praise, Lord. Oh, how I love You. What do You have next for me, Lord?”
“Follow Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I will show you in the Spirit. Remain in Me. trust Me. I am doing a new thing. Be anxious about nothing. In all your ways, acknowledge Me – ask Me and look to Me in the Spirit – I will give you what you need. A word of knowledge. I am building My Kingdom. Your dynasty is in My Kingdom. One step at a time, I will show you the way.”
“Yes, Lord. I trust You. Have Your way. I invite You to have your way.”
He does not deman my love, He desires it.
by Anonymous
I thank the Lord for your blogs Tara. Everyone of them speaks to me personally even though He is speaking to you. It seems He is using what He says to you to touch my own heart. My heart aches for the Living God and for Him to dwell in and through me with my flaws and all. I want to walk and live in Spirit (His Spirit) and Truth. God Bless you, your family, and this blog.
Response to "He does not demand my love, He desires it"
by Tara Dulin
Thank you so much! I am so grateful that you are encouraged by what the Lord gives me. He has told me many times to “give it away.” His words are love, life, truth and freedom. I am giving His words away. I am giving the Truth He reveals to me away, as He instructed, just for you. May you be taught by the Holy Spirit. As you continue to yield and surrender to Him, you will experience more of Him, His love, His freedom, His power. You will experience true Spirit to Spirit communion with Him, where your Spirit will literally be one with His. Remain in that place. Abide in Him, and your heart's desire shall be fulfilled. (Have you done any of Mark and Patti Vikler's studies? If not, I highly recommend you go through the study, “The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice,” then “Counseled by God.” These studies are anointed to lead you into encounters with Jesus that will change your life!) God bless you and your journey!
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