Haiti Final Report: More miracles and blind eyes opened!

Steve Stewart's picture

Today, we are in Savory. It is a rural village that is a few miles from Gracette. It is very hot today. We looked into moving our mobile clinic outside, but with no success. As I walked along the trail that bisects the rice fields, I saw men and women bent over, picking the rice by hand. I expect their methodology hasn't changed at all in millennia. It is hard to imagine working in this heat day after day--and it will only get hotter during the next two months. Outside the clinic, there is a fairly large crowd waiting. As I encourage them with stories of the healing and miracles we have seen during the past seven days, repeatedly they break out with cheers of 'Amen' or Hallelujah!'.

The pastor has been working here for 23 years; her love and concern for the people are obvious. Like every poor area we go to in the developing world, it is the women who are most vulnerable. She tells me that it is this, more than anything, which keeps her in Savory.

The weekend was very interesting. We went back to a community called Seguin on Saturday, where we conducted a medical clinic. The team is really working well together; we saw over 100 people in just two hours. Meanwhile, the prayer team was very busy. Every person wanted prayer. The Lord continues to pour out a remarkable grace to heal blind eyes on this Journey. Once again, blind people were completely healed. One woman received prayer for all-over body pain (fairly common where people are drinking unsafe water). After prayer she jumped up and shouted to one and all, "I can see!". She had been completely blind in one eye for a long time. The team hadn't known that, so they did not pray for her eye, but still she was healed. A number of people who could only see very dimly because of cataracts instantly received clear vision.

Near the end of the clinic, a young deaf man was brought in. He had been completely deaf his whole life; as a result, he was also mute. After prayer he could hear. The team then began to say words to him. As I sat back and watched, this young man repeated each of them back clearly, while tears of joy ran down his cheeks. In a moment, his entire life had been changed. This is the rescue and restoration of the Kingdom. The pastor excitedly confirmed that he knew this young man well and that he had, indeed, been deaf His whole life.

(As I write this report, repeatedly I hear cheering from outside the clinic each time another person is healed. What a privilege and adventure we are in the midst of.)

On Saturday afternoon we drove to St. Marc, then drove as far up the mountainside as we could. From there we went by 4-wheeler until it could go no further, then we got out and walked to the top, working hard to maintain our footing on the incredibly steep and rocky trail. There we met a man whom The Lord has sovereignly called to that place. People hike up the mountain each week to pray over this community that seems to be holding on for dear life to the side of the hill. After meeting with the pastor, we walked back down, praying for many families over the next hour. We are going back on Tuesday and Wednesday, with both supernatural and practical expressions of God's love.

Yesterday, we preached in two different churches. God healed in both congregations, but there was one particular healing that touched us deeply. A grandmother who had not been able to see for several years was instantly and totally healed. As soon as she called out that she could see, something wonderful happened--her grandchild was brought to her. The woman began to laugh uproariously as, for the first time, she saw her grandchild. Last evening after supper the team passed a photo around, showing the grandmother laughing while her daughter (the child's mother) wept with joy as the little child looked on curiously.

When Jesus says, "Follow Me", He invites us to join Him in a journey that is often marked by adventure and great joy.

As they say here in Haiti, "Merci Jesu".
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