Current Special: Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Free Video Event
Discover How the 5-Fold Gifts Give You An “Unfair” Advantage


Karen Barnes's picture

I love how God sometimes zeros in on us. He can be so incredibly specific and show us the most amazing things! I especially love it when He shows us things and confirms it through others, or gets so right on the money with us that we can’t ignore it! That’s way cool!

Our ministry, Fire For the Nations, takes 8-12 year old children on mission trips during the year, and on one of them several years ago, one 9 year old boy, Ethan, received a cool vision from the Lord. We were doing some soaking prayer during the beginning of the trip, and afterwards comparing notes on what we’d gotten from the Lord. He told us he saw a vision of crystals, lots of beautifully shaped crystals, and he said God told him they were crystals that no one had ever seen before. He said they were very big, really pretty, and new. Several others in the group had also seen the word crystal or seen a single crystal, but not to the detail Ethan had. We didn’t know what it meant.

The next day, his mother, who had not been on the trip, called us. We told her about Ethan’s vision, and she was very excited, because she had just been on the internet and read about a discovery in a large cave in New Mexico that had just been made the day before. It was a “river of crystals” that contained microbes never before seen by man, and it was over 4 miles long! This was an exciting scientific discovery, and made the papers and television the day AFTER Ethan had seen this!

This was Ethan’s first mission trip, and he was very uneasy about ministering to others and unsure about his ability to hear from the Lord. With this little “boost” from Jesus at the beginning of the trip, he was encouraged, and was extremely powerful in ministry during the rest of our time out. God is faithful!

We had several other instances over the years on our children’s mission trips where, during prayer, the children were shown pictures of specific people they did not know. We traveled into many different cities on our trips, and encountered many people during ministry times. It never ceased to amaze me when the kids would excitedly come up to me during our ministry times and tell me, “Miss Karen, the man I saw in prayer last week just came up to me”. They would see these people either before the service or presentation, or these people would come up during prayer times, or maybe come up to speak to them in parks or malls and the kids would end up ministering to them!

Our God sees all and knows all. He rearranges the day to day patterns of our lives so intricately and so beyond our sight, even in children! When we ask Him, He is faithful to give us vision and open the spiritual realms so HIS will can be accomplished, and it’s so much FUN! What an adventure to be a child of God!

Karen’s calling is to bring children into the manifest presence and glory of Jesus, lead them in experiencing His deep abiding love, clear unmistakable voice, wise Godly direction for their lives, and to ignite a spirit-led passion for serving Him in many ways at any age.

She is available for children’s and adult conferences, retreats, church dates, camps, leadership training and regional equipping sessions. Fire For the Nations hosts a summer camp for kids and periodic kids mission trips during the year. Her first book, KIDS CAN is now available. For more information on the book or to schedule dates, check out the website (, or email her at

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