Calling the Bride; New Life Out of Our Fellowship

Tara Dulin's picture

I quiet myself: “Here I am, Lord. Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Open the ears of my heart. I want to see You. I want to hear You. I tune my heart to Your flow. Flow with me, Holy Spirit. Speak to me out of Your flow. Thank You, Jesus that You are alive. Where are You, Lord?”

I am standing with Jesus in heaven. I watch as He presents people to Father God. They stand before Jesus. Jesus extends His hand and invites them to Father God’s lap. Father God opens His arms wide for each one. Father God and the Son are giving each one a heart transfusion. Jesus pulls black tar-like stuff from each heart. God re-creates each heart. I look and see. There are hundreds and hundreds of people lined up.

My Lord speaks: “There are many who are hurting, many who are dying. Many are dying on the trellis. They think they are connected to the vine, but their connection is broken and they are isolated, trying to live in their own strength, trying to reach their roots into the ground for nourishment instead of toward Me, their source. I am the source of all life. I am the only source of living water. Drink of Me, and you will never thirst again.”

Jesus is speaking as He and Father God are performing heart transfusions. [See my post dated 11/11/12:]. I am watching. They do the work. He is showing me what He and Father God are doing.

My Lord speaks: “On earth as it is in heaven. Bring them to Me, and I will do the work. It is time. Call My bride forth.”

“Who do You want me to reach out to, Lord?”

“[He speaks names to me.] Be faithful with the ones I’ve given you to speak to. Keep building relationship. Keep loving. Keep speaking truth. I am drawing them to you.”

I ask: “What do You want me to say to them?”

“Invite them. I am issuing invitations through you. You are My mouthpiece for this hour. Do not allow others to silence you. Do not allow their fears and doubts to silence My words in your mouth. Remember who chose you. Remember who called you. Remember who anointed you. You are Mine. You are marked by Me for My service. You are chosen of the King.”

He walks to me and places His hands on my shoulders. When He touches me, I see visions of our past encounters. I see:

  • Jesus and I flying with the eagles – into and out of the supernatural.
  • When He taught me how to move a mountain.
  • When His River bubbled up from inside of me, washed me from the inside and flowed out of my belly as a fountain; His River pooled around us, and we floated in the River together spinning on our backs.
  • When His River flowed out of my belly and I saw His words in the River.  I opened my mouth to speak and I saw names coming out of my mouth. The names and His words would find each other and swirl around one another creating a mini funnel cloud of His glory.
  • When I saw people lining up along the River with empty bowls.
  • When I saw the River leap up and baptize people.
  • When I saw people fall like dominoes under the Lord's power.
  • When laser beams shot out of Jesus’ eyes into mine and I saw through His eyes as He taught me how to have a word of knowledge.
  • When we walked on water and rode the waves of love together.
  • When He embraced me and my head sank into Him, then my body sank into Him while my form remained the same. I was fully in Him.

All these visions and more flashed on the screen of my mind.

My Lord speaks: “We are one, Tara. My River flows out of you. Tune to flow. Open your mouth. And allow My words to pour out. You have been faithful. I am coming. I am bringing more. It is out of our love, our relationship that life springs forth. It is out of our fellowship and our union that I create new life. The picture on earth is the fruit of your marriage. It is out of the intimacy that you and your husband share that I brought forth your beautiful sons. It is out of our intimacy – yours and mine – that I am creating new life. On earth as it is heaven. Not only in your life, in your marriage, in your family and in your home, but also in your sphere of influence. I have you right where I want you. My River of life is flowing out of you. Others are watching. They see. Do not take things into your own hands, leave them in Mine.”

My hands were at my sides. Jesus lifts my hands, cups them together, and speaks: “Hold what I give you with an open hand that I may have My way.”

I respond: “Yes, Lord. Not mine, but Thine will be done. I submit my life and my heart to You. I entrust every detail to You.”

Jesus’ hands are cupped together under mine. I see my children, my husband, my family, my family’s future, my business all in my hands, but Jesus’ hands are under mine supporting the weight of it.

“Yes, these are the things I have given you authority over on earth as it is in heaven. My yoke is easy. My burden is light. I am the burden bearer.” 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30, NASB)

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. Selah.” (Psalm 68:19, NASB)

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Anonymous's picture

Today I asked the Lord how I could encourage you Tara. What I sensed was that He blesses you, He blesses what you are doing, what you are sharing with us. He holds you by His mighty right hand and draws you near, holding you tenderly. He knows how fragile we are. I have been praying for myself a heart like His.

I too bless you in the name of Jesus as you humbly stand before the Father and the Son. May God impart on you each day a freshness of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your obedience in saying only what you hear the Father saying.

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