Have you ever had a day when everything went wrong, bringing woe upon woe and sorrow upon sorrow until you thought that the only redeeming feature was that it eventually be over? Do not lose heart. I did not desert you at this time, even if you were not aware of my presence. In the beginning I divided time and punctuated days with nights that you may take them in increments. Don’t worry about tomorrow before it arrives or yesterday when it is gone. Honor me by conforming to the structure of my creation and living in the day at hand. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Tomorrow will be another day, and my mercies will be new again.
I had a disturbing dream about my sister Monique this morning that prompted me to contact her to see how she was. She is not doing well mentally and based on the dream I think she is suicidal. Her boyfriend also called this morning not even knowing that I had been in contact with her. Please pray for her. I am flying to Winnipeg to see her tomorrow. Please share this with your distribution as I do believe in the power of prayer and the strength of many. I will be sharing the love of the Lord with her but there is a rift between her and her son that I know is the much of the problem she is having right now.
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