Airplane Revival

Jesse Birkey's picture

I had noticed the woman sitting next to me.  She wasn’t doing anything special to attract my attention but the Holy Spirit pointed her out letting me know that He was going to ask me to do something at some point. 

To be perfectly honest I was trying to ignore the whole situation.  I was on my way home, flying into Tampa International Airport at the end of a long week.  I was tired and just ready to be done for a while.  But that didn’t give me the excuse not to care right?  The line was a little cloudy for me at that moment.  So I kept to myself, wrapped up into my own little world the whole flight home.

It wasn’t until we were landing that things started to change.  The reason for the change was really self preservation more than anything else.  I happened to look over at the woman just as the wheels were touching the ground and she looked terrible.  I mean, she looked like she was going to hurl over everything within a 3 foot radius.  I was certainly in her range.

So I sort of panicked and did the only thing I could think of that might keep me from getting hit by vomit.  I gently touched her shoulder and asked her if I could pray for her.  She looked at me wide-eyed and said, “What?”  I repeated myself quickly thinking it was only a matter of seconds before the eruption.  She stared at me for a moment and just sort of nodded her head like she couldn’t believe I, a complete stranger, was going to pray for her.

Amazingly I had enough awareness to ask the Holy Spirit how He wanted me to pray.  The reply shocked me.  Peace and Comfort.  That was what the Lord wanted me to pray over her.  Nothing about an upset stomach or vomit or anything like that.  So I obeyed and prayed for the peace and comfort of the Lord to rest on her as we taxied to the gate.

I watched her eyes grow wider as she began to tell me about a relative of hers who had just passed away.  She began to get excited as we came to a stop and began to wave and gesture to her sister who was sitting behind us telling her to come up to where we were so that I could pray for her.  She relayed our entire interaction to her sister a couple of isles away.  Many people were now paying attention to the scene developing.   

I kind of chuckled nervously.  I couldn’t believe what was happening.  Sure enough the sister came up and wanted to know if I would pray for her.  I kind of just stared at her, shrugged my shoulders and said, “Absolutely”.  As we exited the plane and entered the terminal I asked her what she wanted prayer for and she told me that she was seeking God and she wanted to know that He was real.

So I took a few moments to listen to the Lord and He began to give me the words to speak to her.  She stood wide-eyed, just like her sister, in the middle of the terminal with stranger’s curious looks, being touched by the perfect love of God. 

When we were finished she excitedly told me to hold on.  She came back a moment later with her husband asking me to pray for him too!  I was totally swept away by the Holy Spirit by this point so there was no hesitation at all.  The Lord began to speak a word for him and I gave it as I heard the Lord speak it.  The man was tough but I could see the Lord working on his heart.

After that we all talked for a few more minutes and went our separate ways.  It was an amazing encounter with the Love of God. 


Jesse and Kara Birkey

View the Trailer for our new book, Life Resurrected, Extraordinary Miracles through Ordinary People Here and purchase here.

Click Here to find information on an exciting new documentary called DeadRaiser releasing in October!


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