10,000 Downloads and Counting! by Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

“I'm approaching 1 year of meditating on and recording my dreams and I still can't believe what God is doing…
I think I use the 
Dream Keys app more than any other app on my phone!” –  D.W.

I remember speaking at a dream interpretation conference in Texas and one of the other presenters made an excellent comment. I’d never really thought about it before, yet it is absolutely true, and the implications are profound. She pointed out that, throughout Scripture, there is no record of any believer needing someone else to interpret their dreams for them.

Sure, we see people like the Egyptian cupbearer and chief baker and Pharaoh needing Joseph’s assistance in making sense of their dreams. And King Nebuchadnezzar looked to Daniel to discover the meaning in his dreams too. Yet when Mary and Joseph and Daniel and Paul dreamed, they looked to God Himself for the interpretation.

We see the biblical example then, is that the people who needed someone else to interpret their dreams for them were not in relationship with God. Significantly, those who did know their God were able to translate the picture language He was speaking and understand His revelations of the night. No dependency on a third-party meditator or middleman required. 

What Does That Have to Do with You?

This is so encouraging because that means you already have all you need to understand your dreams!

Joseph said that interpretations belong to God (Gen. 40:8). The legendary biblical interpreters were filled with the Spirit of God, and it was through Him that the understanding of dreams and visions was revealed (Dan. 4:18).

If way back in the Old Testament, before Jesus was resurrected and Holy Spirit was poured out, if even then they were able to receive from God so much that they could make sense of the “crazy” dreams, how much more so now, on THIS side of the cross, do you and I have the ability to flow with Holy Spirit’s interpretive wisdom and revelation and counsel?

In the New Covenant, you have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). Now, as a new creation in Him, your spirit is one with Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). His anointing teaches you all things (1 Jn. 2:27) and He is leading and guiding you into all truth (Jn. 16:13).

How much truth? ALL truth.

Which means, He can definitely help you unpack your dream symbolism and translate the messages from heaven you are receiving while you sleep! It is Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Lk. 12:32), and that includes the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in the secret places of your heart – your precious and powerful dream revelations of the night (Isa. 45:3).

Reverse Engineering Interpretation

We all want to know God’s thoughts and His voice through our dreams. However, before we can actually interpret a dream, we need to remember the dream. And in order to remember a dream, we need to record the dream.

How often have you forgotten these “snapshots of the spirit” so quickly upon awakening? We wanted to help you capture the revelation and not miss out on what God is downloading. To this end, we have sought to streamline the interpretation process, using technology to make this “mystical” discipline as practical and doable for everyone as possible.

For years, readers have been asking us for a way to help them better steward their prophetic revelation nightly. We were thrilled when we were finally able to release an electronic journal that not only provides a secure place to record your dreams, but simultaneously leads you step-by-step through the DAESI Dream Work Method so dreams are not only saved, but most importantly, understood too.

It has been so exciting to see what God has done with the Dream Keys interpretation app. The response has been incredible, and we love hearing how Holy Spirit is using the app to help you make sense of your night visions and decode His messages to you while you sleep. And now, there are more than 10,000 of you dreamers who have downloaded the Dream Keys app, in over 100 countries around the world. PTL!

Power to the Dreamer

In case you didn’t catch it when it was first released, I did a podcast interview on the Behind-the-Scenes Making of Our App. It was fun to share our vision to equip and empower you to be a modern-day Daniel or Joseph. We know the dreamer is the best person to make sense of their dreams, and by providing you the training you need, and simple tools you can use, we’ve literally put interpretation work into the palm of your hand.

If you want to get the right answers, you must ask the right questions. So often, we get bogged down in unnecessary details and look at symbols first, instead of last. With the Dream Keys app, we take you by the hand, reminding you of what the right questions are, and how to match them up with your waking life setting. This puts you in the driver’s seat, personally receiving wonderful counsel from the Wonderful Counselor Himself, each and every night of your life.

Thank you for the beautiful testimonies you share and the amazing reviews you have posted. You have demonstrated – by putting the principles into practice and using these tools – that there really is no mediator between God and man, except Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5). That is, you don’t need to seek out a “professional interpreter” to understand heaven’s messages. You can hear from God yourself! All day and all night.

Cut Out the Middleman

Hear from heaven personally and directly, consistently and continually, just like these dreamers. Your testimony can be next!

“I have attempted dream interpretation for years and have struggled…this.is.the.very.first.time I have been able to consistently make sense of and be so encouraged by my dreams without consulting someone else. I am so thrilled and am sharing this with everyone! Portersgrandma

I finally understand my dreams!!! The simple keys in this app help me to uncover the ways God is ministering to me every night in my sleep. For so long I knew God was speaking to me in my dreams, but I couldn’t unlock what he was saying. Finally, this app has helped me see what he is ministering. I go to bed so excited to hear God and I wake up encouraged by what God is ministering.” – A-Mich

“This app is simple yet so helpful in saving & interpreting dreams. Even if I dream in the middle of the night, I can just grab my phone & speak the dream - then fill in the rest in the morning - this is easy & I can save the dream & figure out its meaning later when I wake up!” Valerie

“I’m a dreamer and was scared to try to interpret my dreams from some bad experiences with other people. I realized recently that God was trying to speak to me through my dreams and I wasn’t listening. I searched out many teachings and learned a lot BUT I had SO much more success and breakthrough through Charity’s teachings!!!! I’m so thankful!!!! This app is super helpful to keep track of your dreams and also keep me on track as I’m interpreting. SO thankful!!!” Lloy5

“It works! think it’s the most helpful resource I have used for dream interpretation. I even went back and made sense of a handful of older dreams that have plagued me for a long time!” Deberdee


You can find more user reviews and learn all about the app’s exciting features here. There is no cost to download, and we have even just added an entire teaching session from the Hearing God Through Your Dreams Master Class and made it available on that page for free viewing as well!

So what are you waiting for? Download Dream Keys and try it for yourself today:



“I was asleep, but my heart was awake. Listen, my Beloved is knocking…” (Song of Solomon 5:2)


Related Resources: 

Dream Your Way to Wisdom   
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