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You Need To Turn Around

Jesse Birkey's picture

You know, it never ceases to amaze me just how much of an impact we can make if we have the courage to say, “Yes.”  The abundant life of Jesus is just waiting to touch the people around us and we have the amazing opportunity to unleash the perfect love of God that can, and will, change lives. 


On the same note I’m also amazed at how often I need a little extra encouragement to be a part of it.  You might think that the times we’ve been able to experience the love of God break into someone else’s heart would be all we’d need to step out the next time.  But the voice of hesitation is loud.  Is that really God? we ask.  Or we justify not taking the time to intervene by focusing on our own to-do list.  We think, It’s not really that important anyway.


I had just left the gym and was weaving my way through the parking lot of the plaza when I noticed a woman hovering just outside of a clinic to my right.  It was tough to see much about her since her eyes were focusing on something in her hands. But I did catch her body language that suggested a sort of indifference to the world around her. 


“I really love her.”  I raised my eyebrows as the soft voice of the Lord hit my heart. 


That’s nice, I answered back and drew my eyes to the road ahead of me.  But just a moment later I felt compelled to look at her again.  When I did I saw tender, white flower petals falling all around her.  When they touched her head they tumbled over her body like a waterfall. 


That’s nice, I repeated although more intrigued this time.  It wasn’t enough to get me to stop though.  I was done with my workout and I needed to get home.  My own to-do list was long.  I was almost out of the plaza when I heard the Lord say, “Those are wedding flowers and I have invited her into my wedding ceremony.  She is my bride.”


I was pretty sure I was supposed to go back and share all of this with her but the road leading home was just ahead and, like I said, I had a lot to do.  So I kept the car creeping forward until I heard the Lord say, “You need to turn around.”


This, along with the intensifying feeling that I couldn’t leave, was enough.  “Fine,” I answered with a huff and pulled my car around. 


I felt the love of God for the woman increasing as I parked and approached her.  Every bit of hesitation was now gone and I couldn’t wait to see what God was going to do.  It’s funny how a bit of surrender will change your entire attitude. 


“Hey, my name is Jesse,” I blurted.


She jerked her head up at the sound of my voice.  “Uh, hi,” she managed.


“Sometimes the Lord lays different things on my heart for people and I feel like he has something for you.  Would it be okay if I shared it with you?”


She fidgeted with the paper in her hands and glanced around.  “Sure, I guess.”


I explained how I was driving by and heard the Lord tell me how much he loved her.  I told her about the flower petals and watched her eyes grow wide. 


When I was finished she shook her head.  “This is crazy.  Just last week I accepted Jesus as my savior and then you…I don’t even know what to say.  I’m so new at this that I don’t know the right words.”


I grinned.  “It’s not about that.  It’s about the place that he has for you in his arms.  You will always have a place in his presence.  He loves you so much.”


“I can’t believe this,” she gushed.  “I’ve been going through some tough things and…thank you so much.”


God is just so awesome.  He sent a stranger (me) to let a her know exactly what happened when she surrendered her heart to him the previous week, and to also let her know who he wanted to be to her for the rest of her life.  She is his bride.  And so are we.


We all need this message and I’m convinced that God is always trying to give it to us.  It’s just that sometimes we can’t hear and need others to relay that stuff for us.  If I hadn’t turned around, who was going to tell her what God wanted her to hear?  Just think for a moment how that must’ve felt to her.  Just a few days ago she makes probably the biggest decision of her life to surrender to an invisible God and then he makes himself visible by sending a stranger to describe the wedding that just happened.  His love blows my mind.  


The enemy is relentless and people are on the edge of life and death every single day.  I’m not saying this to try and get us to minister to every single person around us because that’s not reasonable.  But when God highlights someone to us we should pay attention and dig deeper regardless of our own schedule.  It’s probably more important than we think. 


Put on the self-sacrificial love of a servant and be a source of abundant life to the world around you. 




Jesse and Kara



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