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Dreams That Changed the World

Charity Kayembe's picture

Harriet Tubman dreamt of escape routes as she conducted the Underground Railroad. She said God spoke to her powerfully through dreams, showing her maps and helping her find safe houses to guide slaves to freedom. By honoring her dreams and acting on them, she became a hero and saved the lives of hundreds of people.

General George Patton developed effective military strategies by listening to his dreams. His commanding officers were accustomed to hearing from him at 3:00AM with new battle plans he instructed them to implement. It was said that he actually trusted his dreams more than he trusted his soldiers' intel on the ground. By honoring his dreams and acting on them, he became one of the most successful military figures in US history.

Larry Page, founder of Google, had a dream when he was a 22-year-old grad student at Stanford. In the dream he managed to download the entire internet onto his computer (!) and then carefully examined the links between sites. He awoke, spent a couple of hours writing down the connections he saw in his dream, then spent the next year working it out and perfecting it. This was the algorithm for the original Google search engine. By honoring his dreams and acting on them, he became one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Jamaican Dreaming

We share many more inspiring examples of creativity, inventions and scientific discoveries received through dreams in Chapter 8 of our book. What I’m excited to share with you today is that I just met one of these creative dreamers at our last seminar! Carol Robinson attended our conference in Kingston and shared with me how God has been speaking to her through dreams for years. It struck me that the process she described is actually similar to Larry Page’s Google revelation, in that there is a flash of insight in her night visions that she then works out upon awakening.

For example, the Lord will give her the name of an herb or a description of its benefits in a dream at night, and then she will research it during the day. God may give her a unique medium in which to display it or an extraction method. I love that she says it’s actually a two-way conversation with God over a period of time after she receives the dream as He continues to teach and show her things, working together with her to get a new item ready for the market.

I was grateful when she gave me a bottle of her latest dream creation! Salisbury Repellent Gel is an all-natural insect repellent that is made entirely from essential oils with no chemicals. Not only does it work, it smells nice too. What else would we expect from a heaven-inspired product? Thank you, Carol, for listening to your dreams and blessing us with the revelations you received through them!

You’re Next

As we can see from the various examples above, God cares about what we care about. Whether you’re a soldier, software engineer, mother, musician or mechanic, He wants to help you with whatever you’ve got going on. He knows all the answers and He already has the solution you’re looking for. When you go to sleep ask Him for His perspective and insight on your problem or project and expect to receive His wisdom and counsel. He is the giver of every good gift and He can’t wait to bless you through your dreams!

Facebook Announcement

If you’d like to see even more ministry updates from our trip to Jamaica, please check out our new Glory Waves Facebook page. We've posted some fun pictures and invite you to Like the page to stay connected, as well as Share it with friends. Thanks so much for helping us spread the word that God is speaking through our dreams!


Related Resources: 

Dream Your Way to Wisdom   

Related Blogs: 

Christian Dream Interpretation   
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