Lord Jesus, there is a teaching that says we are working under the law when we apply the self examination in I Corinthians 11:27-30 for communion to things we have done, when instead we should look at this through the eyes of grace and look to You and what You have done for us. What do You say about this teaching?
Ben, too much of what is done in churches today is looking at things through the law rather than through grace. I want My people to view all of Scripture through the eyes of grace. I want them to see what I have done for them and not for what they can do for Me. When My people see through the eyes of grace and spend time with Me, they can see themselves and others as I see them. This is all part of becoming like Me - seeing others and self as I see them.
Jesus, how then do we see these verses on communion through the eyes of grace?
Ben, I want My people to look at the communion service through My eyes, not theirs. I want them to see what I have done for them. When they put forth their efforts to see what I have done for them, they can learn to walk in My love. When they see what I have done by taking the stripes upon My back for them, they can then receive My healing. Too often, the emphasis is upon My shed blood for their salvation. Do not forget that healing is also part of the picture,so to speak.
Jesus, there are those who place the Scriptures higher than a relationship with You. How do we respond to their belief that we are tampering with the written word?
Good question, Ben. Continue to pray that the eyes and ears of their hearts be opened to Me so that I can reveal My truths to them as I am doing with you.
Jesus, please increase my understanding of grace.
Ben, it is everything that I have done for you and for others. It is My unmerited favor. It is My love in action. Oh that My people would quit looking at things through the eyes of law but rather to look through the eyes of grace. When you read Scripture, ask My Spirit to reveal the truths of grace to you in what you read.
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