One of the deep passions of my heart is seeing normal, everyday people like me being used by God in extraordinary ways. I love seeing the light switch on as we discover that the extraordinary life of Jesus isn’t just for pastors, ministry leaders, and so on. It’s for me and you and your neighbor. It was this passion that led me to write Life Resurrected, and it’s been such a joy hearing amazing testimonies come in from other ordinary (extraordinary in God’s eyes) people who are saying “yes” to God.
A few weeks ago God spoke to me about using this blog to share the stories of others. Stories from extraordinary people, but people without ministries or big names, etc. I’m very excited about this. Testimonies from people we can relate to are desperately needed. Below is the first one. It’s from my friend Ginny Wilcox.
I’ve reached out to some people but please understand that this is an open invitation to share your stories. You don’t have to be a writer, author, or anything like that to share a testimony. I’d love to hear and then share your favorite testimony of how God used you in someone else’s life. No story is insignificant. Any way God has used you to bless someone is extraordinary and we all need to hear about it. Please email your story to and I can get it out to uplift and encourage us all.
Now, here is Ginny Wilcox’s story.
This Is How God Uses Me
God has used me to encourage people many times. It’s kind of cool how he’s spent considerable time pouring things into me that others need and then sets up situations where I get to pour those things into them.
Unlike many people I’ve come to know, I haven’t gone out on the streets and prayed for many strangers. Instead, he’s used me while serving in healing rooms and also while teaching and equipping others.
It was in the healing rooms that I began my journey, literally. When I first came into the kingdom my husband Paul was already in leadership in a local healing room so it was natural for me to step right in and begin praying for people…right?
People came to the healing rooms seeking spiritual, emotional, or physical healing and they expected results (at least that was my assumption). So when I got saved and joined Paul on Saturday mornings I was placed in a position where I was an active team member. I was responsible for hearing from God and praying, imparting, or prophesying what he said. I was very intimidated and had no clue how that was supposed to happen. But Paul urged me to simply open my mouth and let God fill it.
I knew I didn’t have anything to give to those who stood in front of me. I didn’t want to disappoint them so I figured I could, at the very least, speak blessings over them. I would begin by saying things like, “God loves you so much. He knows exactly where you are and he wants you to trust him and just expect that things are going to be fine,” etc. What I didn’t know was that God really was speaking through me. All I needed to do was open my mouth and he filled it. I had no idea what to bless someone with but he did.
Often the person I was praying for had, that very morning, asked God for confirmation on some issues in their life. I would unknowingly speak the exact things they had asked for. I had no foreknowledge of what they had prayed. God gave them what they’d asked for and it didn’t take any kind of knowing on my part to deliver it. It only took obedience. This went on week after week for almost 2 years.
One time I was on a team praying for a lady who wanted healing/release from an addiction. For whatever reason, she didn’t want to tell us what the addiction was and we weren’t getting any words of knowledge. As is the norm in these situations, the team was taking turns praying over her binding the spirit of addiction and blessing her in general. I sure didn’t feel any knowledge bubbling up for her. My ‘knower’ didn’t tell me anything, but it was my turn to pray.
I stood in front of her, grabbed her hands, and looked into her eyes. “I don’t know what your addiction is but I feel like I’m supposed to tell you the testimony of when I quit smoking.” Her eyes got huge and she stared at me in disbelief as if someone had told me her secret. Well they had. The Holy Spirit that is.
When I stepped in front of her I had no idea what I was going to say. But when I opened my mouth I knew. I had a knowing that I didn’t have moments before. Once I realized Holy Spirit was using me I continued telling her how I overcame cigarette smoking. I explained that the Holy Spirit came to dwell in me once the addiction was broken. When God uses people like you and me to read someone’s mail it goes a long way in letting them know that he’s right there. It assures them that he knows exactly what they need and when they need it.
Since those days, in home groups, in book studies, and even on social media I hear God a little better and it’s not simply opening my mouth. I get to actively participate. The voice of God I hear is usually not audible but rather a very small impression or vision. Sometimes I just know something in a moment that I didn’t know before. If I focus on that vision or knowing and ask God what to do, I can always trust that he will fill my mouth so I can pour out what is needed. Sometimes I do know what I need to pray and sometimes I don’t.
All it takes to be used by God is stepping out right where you are. Don’t wait until everything is perfect and safe in your own mind. Trust him and jump. You’ll be in for a great surprise when you do.
Ginny Wilcox
Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Chef, Baker, Soap Box Performer, Encourager
Jesse and Kara Birkey
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