A dream interpreted: Being a First Responder

Tara Dulin's picture

[Note to Reader: Several people have asked me how I receive interpretations of my dreams from the Lord. According to Mark Virkler’s teaching in the study “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice,” receiving an interpretation to my dreams is as simple as: (1) quieting myself down, (2) fixing my eyes on Jesus, (3) tuning to spontaneity and the flow of the Holy Spirit, and (4) writing down the first positive thought / picture I have, then the next one, then the next one. I then submit the interpretation to my 2-3 spiritual advisors / those with whom I walk in accountability. This is how I journal, this is how I pray, this is how I receive from Him. Read this to learn more about dream interpretation: http://www.cwgministries.org/Principles-of-Christian-Dream-Interpretation. Here is an example of journaling where I received an interpretation of a dream from the Lord. I had this dream in April 2012. I journaled about it the next day.]

I quiet myself down: “I am here, Lord. I look for You. I watch and listen for Your presence, vision and Word. I tune to flow. I tune my Spirit to Yours. What is it You want me to know about the dream I had last night? Al Pacino? Women? Those that entertained Al Pacino? The lawn service guy that was attacked by a big dog? The property owners who were not concerned about the attack, even after witnessing it? The steep driveway/hill? Moving stuff out of the way for them to back out of the garage? The team of people I had with me?”

My Lord speaks: “The window you were looking out of when you witnessed the attack was you seeing in the Spirit. The people that were with you were My ministering angels. You are not alone. When you do My work, I equip you, and My angelic hosts work alongside you. They will do your bidding. You saw the attack on someone else’s property and went to help them. You are a first responder. The occupants of that house were unconcerned because many are so absorbed in their addictions, in entertainment/BEEPS (Behaviors, Events, Experiences, People, Substances **) that they are desensitized to the needs of others, and what their addictions/BEEPS invite into their own home. They do not understand My law. My law clearly instructs on what is permitted and what is dangerous, and therefore unlawful. My laws are still in place. I fulfilled them, but I did not remove them. By My grace, My children obey My laws, not because they need to earn My love, but because they love Me and show their love to Me by obeying My commandments. My law is in place to protect My children. Just as you instruct your children not to run into the street and not to talk to strangers because you love them and you do not want them to be harmed, I instruct My children to not steal, kill, covet, commit adultery, have other gods, bow down to or worship idols, take My name in vain, bear false witness, to honor your parents, and keep a Sabbath. These laws are for your blessing and safety. I do not demand My laws be kept, but they are a warning. If they are not kept, there are consequences. When My law is broken, a door is opened for My enemy to come in. Many are desensitized, so they don’t care about the consequences of their choices. Many others are ignorant, so they don’t know their choices opened a door for My enemy.

He continues: “I showed you in the Spirit, you dispatched a team [from the angels] to help the victim [of the dog attack]. After you dispatched the team, you went to inform the owners of the house of the attack. They were too busy entertaining Al Pacino (representing lust, entertainment, and the enemy – as in the movies Scent of a Woman, and Devil’s Advocate ***). Al Pacino was in the room with them. They were catering to him, entertaining him, serving him. You woke them up and made them realize they should be concerned about the consequences and what was happening on their property. [In the dream, when I saw their faces, I realized the property owners had seen the attack but did not care. The attack was vicious and the lawn service guy was seriously injured. They continued to entertain and serve Al Pacino.] When you approached them, the property owners realized they needed to take action, but they could not move forward or backward. [In the dream, their cars were boxed in on every side by massive stacks of stuff in the garage. They were trapped. I directed my team to move the stuff out of the way to make a path for them. I directed the drivers as they backed up, and thus helped them maneuver out of the garage.] You mobilized a team to move stuff out of the way in order that they could back out of the garage to take action. The Holy Spirit will show you obstacles. The Holy Spirit will use you to lead people and guide them to address obstacles legally in the Spirit in order that the obstacles can be permanently removed. In order for them to move forward, they needed to back out of their garage and down the steep driveway. There was a lot of stuff in the way, but the Holy Spirit facilitated a way out quickly. You are a first responder. I can trust you and I am sending you to show people I am the way, the truth, and the life. For My children to move forward, they must address obstacles (i.e., move backward) as My Holy Spirit leads in order to break agreements with lies, ungodly beliefs, generational curses, and receive My healing through Emmanuel. I sent you to be My mouthpiece, My hands and My feet, to lead them on My path – My way – so together we would remove the obstacles and they could move forward.”

I ask: “Was this dream for [individual’s name], Lord?”

My Lord responds: “This is for many. I will send you to many.”

** As taught by Ed Khouri: “BEEPS are a new way to describe addiction. BEEPS are attachments to Behaviors, Events, Experiences, People or Substances (BEEPS) that are used to regulate emotions, increase pleasure or decrease pain. BEEPS are important, because they mimic the neurochemical processes associated with genuine joy. When the brain learns to rely on BEEPS – and not the genuine joy that is produced by authentic relationships with God and others – the brain is hijacked by BEEPS. This means that BEEPS gradually assume increasing levels of control in our lives, and take us places that we never wanted to go.” Learn more here: http://www.thrivingrecovery.org/faq.php

*** The language of dreams is symbolic. In this dream, Al Pacino represented some of the characters he has played onscreen. I have nothing whatsoever against Al Pacino. I speak the blessings of the Lord over Al Pacino!

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