I urge that prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be made for all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
The moment we are living in offers the church one of the greatest opportunities I have ever seen to affect the direction of our nation. Will we seize it? Or will we merely consolidate into two divided camps, spending this time weeping or celebrating, depending on our personal view of what happened on November 8?
Our prayers at this special time will radically impact and shape the next presidential administration. As Donald Trump and his transition team search for the people who will serve for the next four years in the highest levels of government of the most powerful nation on Earth, consider the following.
He is an outsider. That is one thing on which almost everyone agrees. Virtually the entire political establishment has rejected him and done its best to defeat him. (For good reason, because he has taken aim squarely at that political establishment.) But the advantage of this right now is that he will not be relying on the worldly systems that are currently in place to influence him and provide hand-picked candidates who will perpetuate what already exists. By going outside of the traditional sources in the search to fill these positions, this leaves them, and the process, much more open to our positive influence. Divine appointments, chance encounters, spontaneous thoughts and ideas...These will be more likely to happen in such an environment.
I truly believe that we have been given extra divine leverage in this kairos moment. Will you join me in using it? Will you join me in believing that the positive visions being given to the prophets about the future of our country are true? Will we see and declare together that in the spirit realm, the Lord is looking into his face and saying "During your Presidential season I will make you like King David, a man after My own heart." That is what the prophetic voice of Lana Vawser is seeing and proclaiming. Why would we want to expect or declare anything less?
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