Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

Blogs Indexed from Mark and Charity for Easy Reference, Inspiration and FREE Sharing


We Are the Bridge - Exploring HOW You Have Spiritual Experiences

Click Here for a Short List of Mark's Key Blogs

Spirit-Led Prayer Organizer – 60 Prayer Approaches to Meet Your Specific Needs

Discover 100+ Blogs on Vibrant Health and Divine Healing

Charity's blogs: Dreams, Angels, Seeing in the Spirit, Back to Eden, Kingdom Warfare, Emotional Freedom, Down Under Diaries

Freely Re-post These BlogsEmail these blogs to your friends or post to your website these free, practical, biblical, trusted, training blogs that guide you into mature Christian spirituality and health. You may copy and paste these blogs into the emails you send out. Share this link:

NEVER miss a new life-transforming blog Sign up to receive them here.

Quickly locate what you need! Below are 1000+ of Mark and Charity's blogs arranged in 47 topical categories.​​​​​​

SHARE this treasure chest of Spirit-filled training with your friends. In doing so, you are helping to spread revival!


Audio and video training - Enjoy!

  1. Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe hosts video interviews and video teachings - see categories 42 and 43 below
  2. Audiobooks by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe
  3. Enjoy listening to short podcasts? It’s a great way to learn!
  4. Mark Virkler is interviewed on national broadcasts

Blogs - A free Bible college education at your fingertips! 47 Hyperlinked Categories

  1. Re-Thinking Daily Devotionals - What Might They Look Like?
  2. Resource Gallery - Sixteen Categories
  3. Easily Learn How to Hear God’s Voice
  4. Training Children to Hear God's Voice
  5. Spread Revival by Saturating the World with Communion with God - Make a Difference! 
  6. Experience Salvation and ALL Its Benefits! Welcome to Your Extraordinary Life
  7. Examples of Two-Way Journaling 
  8. Ways to Test Your Journaling for Accuracy
  9. Holy Spirit, Which Prayer Approach Shall I Use Today? (60+ Prayer Patterns)
  10. Restoring Vision - I Pray That the Eyes of My Heart Be Enlightened (Eph. 1:18)
  11. Vibrant Health - Discover God's Health Plan
  12. Introduction to Vibrant Health
  13. Principles Underlying Healing
  14. Word of Faith - One Way God Heals - Meditating on Scriptures
  15. Miracles - Another Way God Heals
  16. Testimonies and Journaling About Miracles and Healing
  17. Gifts of Healings Are Additional Ways God Heals
  18. Digestive Health
  19. Healing Emotional Dis-ease Causes Physical Diseases to Evaporate
  20. Restoring Emotions by Hearing the Voice of the Wonderful Counselor
  21. Casting Out Demons
  22. Summary of How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
  23. Worshipping in Spirit Releases the Manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit
  24. Receive God's Counsel Through Dreams - Most blogs are by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  25. Everyday Angels by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  26. Seeing in the Spirit by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  27. Back to Eden: Restoring the Super to Our Natural by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  28. Kingdom Warfare by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  29. Emotional Freedom Techniques by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  30. Down Under Diaries & International Trip Reports by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  31. Business and Creativity 
  32. Healthy Relationships - Marriage, Family, Body of Christ
  33. Honoring the Third Member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit
  34. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  35. Revelation-Based Learning – What, How, Why
  36. Narrative Theology Series
  37. Revelation-Based Websites (University, Electronic School of the Spirit, Salvation, Health, Ordination, Social) 
  38. A "Journey of Compassion” to India 
  39. Heavenly Encounters 
  40. National Issues 
  41. Testimonies
  42. Interviews & Video Teaching with Charity Kayembe
  43. Interviews & Video Teaching with Mark Virkler
  44. Wisdom Bits
  45. Bonus Blogs
  46. 25 Days Of Christmas Devotionals
  47. Dissertations by Christian Leadership University Students

Re-Thinking Daily Devotionals - What Might They Look Like?

  1. Is There Anything Better Than the Standard Devotional Time We Have All Been Taught?
  2. What's More Important Than Bible Study?
  3. Make Your Devotional Times Living Encounters With Almighty God!
  4. You Can Begin Your Morning Devotional With Last Night's Dream
  5. We Are the Bridge - Exploring HOW one has spiritual experiences
  6. 600 Blogs Topically Categorized and Linked: Trusted Information at Your Fingertips
  7. Logos vs. Rhema and Hearing God’s Voice
  8. Is the Bible the Only Trustworthy Source of Truth?
  9. Meditating on the Tabernacle of Moses 
  10. Journaling from Mark Virkler on Galatians 2:20 An extension of the teaching of Naturally Supernatural - 
    ​Download as: Microsoft Word  or Adobe PDF 

Easily Learn How to Hear God’s Voice

  1. Skilled Journalers Willing to Confirm Your Journaling
  2. You Can Hear God's Voice!
  3. 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice (video teaching by Charity Kayembe)
  4. Free "4 Keys Wallpaper" to Download for Your Computer
  5. Free "Your Extraordinary Life Wallpaper" to Download for Your Computer
  6. How You Can Hear God's Voice and Experience His Love!
  7. The #1 Tool in the World for Introducing People to Hearing God's Voice Is... 
  8. Discover How Over One Million People Learned to Recognize God’s Voice
  9. FREE video downloads on 4 Keys to Hearing God 
  10. NEW 14-Minute Introduction to the 4 Keys
  11. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  12. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  13. New Release - Journaling Questions e-Booklet
  14. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  15. New Podcast on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
  16. Select Revelation-Based Training Which Perfectly Meets Your Needs
  17. Podcast with Dr. Karl Lehman, a board certified psychiatrist on Hearing God's Voice
  18. Conversation Starters by Gloria Gieranch - NEW Products
  19. I Hate Writing So How Can I Do Two-way Journaling?
  20. Speaking Your Journaling Back to the Lord as Your Personal, Present-Tense Reality
  21. The Value of Repeating the Training on Hearing God’s Voice
  22. Under What Conditions Would I Seek Out the Counsel of Spiritual Advisors?
  23. I Believed The Lie That I Should Test Spiritual Experiences Against My Theology 
  24. One of 49 Lies Is That I Am to Live Out of the Bible
  25. Two-way Journaling Combined with St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises
  26. A Template for Biblical Contemplation
  27. Two Biblical Contemplations - John the Baptist and Resurrection of Lazarus
  28. Lord, What Does a Lifestyle of Living in "Flow" Look Like?
  29. Don't Let Satan Steal God's Voice from You!
  30. Why Do I Receive "False Positives" in My Journaling?
  31. How Am I to Respond When Reason Challenges Faith?
  32. God’s Voice Can Come Through Miraculous Events
  33. Checklist for Abiding in Stillness 
  34. All Uses Of “Rhema” In The Bible
  35. Overcoming Blocks and Hindrances to Hearing God's Voice  
  36. AMAZING Testimony of Left/Right Hemisphere Brain Functions from a Stroke Victim
  37. Downloadable Brain Preference Indicator Test
  38. Brainwave Activity Levels and Their Spiritual Significance
  39. 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice Are All Mentioned in This Song
  40. How Would You Respond to Those Who Don’t Believe God Is Speaking Today?
  41. Can a Demon Speak While a Person Is Prophesying?
  42. Muslims Receiving Christ by Hearing the Voice of God
  43. How Can I Have a Spirit-Led Corporate Prayer Meeting?
  44. Would You Believe the 4 Keys Were Taught 400 Years Ago?

Training Children to Hear God's Voice

  1. Resources for Training Children to Hear God's Voice in English and French - FREE 
  2. Tent Time – A Fun Way to Teach Children How to Hear God's Voice - Free Downloads
  3. Tent Time - A FREE Children's Curriculum Based on 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
  4. Children's training on hearing God's voice – scroll all the way down
  5. New Free Spiritual Music for Children by Linda Harper
  6. Introduction to Kids in Renewal – Free Downloadable Curriculum by Bill and Sue Dupley
  7. Children's curriculum on Holy Spirit empowerment
  8. Monica's Miracle - New Children's Book on Hearing God and Experiencing Miracles
  9. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  10. Training Children to See With the Eyes of Their Hearts
  11. Teach Your Kids to Hear God! - Monica McKeen
  12. What Free Children Resources Are Available to Teach Them the 4 Keys?
  13. Have You Taught Your Children and Grandchildren to Hear God's Voice?
  14. Grandchildren Journaling
  15. Pamela Amlung has just released a new children’s book “Come See What I See!
  16. Can Unsaved Children Hear God's Voice?
  17. 4 Keys Song for Children Now Available!
  18. What Version of the Bible is Best for Kids?
  19. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  20. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  21. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  22. Children in Six Orphanages in Chiangmai, Thailand Learn to Hear God’s Voice
  23. Teaching Children the 4 Keys Transforms Families by Shelli Brown

YOU Can Spread Revival by Saturating the World with Communion with God - Make a Difference! 

  1. Join Our Team And Mission – Spread Revival by Saturating the World with Communion with God
  2. Help Build God's Kingdom by Re-posting CWG Blogs and Linking to CWG's Website
  3. An EASY Way for You to Spread Revival: Have Mark Virkler Teach Your Zoom Group!
  4. Enjoy listening to short podcasts? It’s a great way to learn! (share this blog so you friends can discover 70+ podcasts)
  5. FREE - Sea of Galilee Guided Devotional is the # 1 Tool For Hearing God's Voice
  6. Testimony - The Sea of Galilee CD Introduces Groups to Hearing God's Voice!
  7. Now to EASILY Host a Spiritually Transforming Home Group Using Our DVDs And Workbooks!
  8. NEW FREE 14-Minute Introduction to the 4 Key to share with your friends
  9. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  10. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  11. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  12. Yikes! I Only Have 45 Minutes To Teach the 4 Keys. Do You Have a FREE Handout?
  13. Would You Like Mark Virkler to Show Up at Your Class?
  14. A Trip by Zoom to the Philippines
  15. Rev. Don Paprocky is HIGHLY recommended as a Zoom counselor or seminar speaker
  16. Distribute these 4 key wallet cards 
  17. Insert this 4 keys article into a book you are writing
  18. Dear Pastor – An Open Letter From Mark Virkler Introducing You to Communion With God Ministries
  19. We Are the Bridge - Exploring HOW one has spiritual experiences
  20. We are the Bridge - Part 1 - I Would Love to Bring the Experience of a Spirit-filled Conference Home with Me! Can I?
  21. We are the Bridge - Part 2 - BLOCKED from LIVING the Bible? Here Is the “MISSING LINK” You've Been Searching for!
  22. We are the Bridge - Part 3 - Passionate Pursuit - 10 Kingdom Passions Which Empower You to LIVE as Jesus Did!
  23. We are the Bridge - Part 4 - The Foundation of a Christian's Life - Not What You Thought
  24. Select Revelation-Based Training Which Perfectly Meets Your Needs
  25. Shawn Bolz Interviews Mark Virkler on "Exploring the Prophetic" Vodcast
  26. Sharing 4 Keys with Pastors in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria and Malawi - by Pamela Ayres
  27. God IS Roaring and the World IS Changing
  28. God Releases REVIVAL | Communion With God Ministries (
  29. Don Paprocky Trains Pastors to Hear God's Voice - Let His Story Inspire You to Spread Revival!
  30. Why I Believed I Could NEVER Be Part of Revivals & WHAT CHANGED MY MIND
  31. Revival Will Heal Our Nation! 4 Keys to Revival
  32. Online Spirit Life Workshops with Patty Sadallah
  33. Be Encouraged - Spiritual Intimacy Is Spreading and Bringing Revival
  34. I Really Want to be Part of a Small Group that Is ANOINTED and LIFE-GIVING!
  35. I Had a Dream Last Night
  36. God Is Saying "It's Time to Say Something" by Denise Archer
  37. See how this woman brought revival to the world - Get inspired!
  38. Communion with God Training in Burundi, Africa by Hae Jung
  39. Tiffany Starts a Zoom Group on How to Hear God's Voice
  40. Books on Hearing God's Voice and Two-Way Journaling Written by Our Spiritual Children
  41. What would you do if you only had a few hours to share My heart?
  42. Taste and Hear that the Lord is Near
  43. Learning to Be Loved
  44. How do you inspire lasting change in a generation? By Cathy Harris
  45. How To Strategies To Help You Lead Others Into Communion with God
  46. Working Together to Fulfill God's Mandate to "Saturate the World with Communion with God"
  47. A Prophetic Word to the Church – Do NOT Forfeit Your Destiny!
  48. The Revival That Is Needed Which Can Usher in a Reformation
  49. One Solitary Life
  50. Do Your Part! Light Your Arena!
  51. Spiritual Intimacy - God’s Idea, God’s Passion, God’s Reformation
  52. Patti Sees Angels Protecting the Message of Communion With God
  53. How Do You Fund Ministry?
  54. An Exciting Way to Show Your Support for Communion With God Ministries
  55. Year End Gifts of Stocks Can Be Received by CWG Foundation
  56. Lorraine O’Neal Has Trained 1,000 to Hear God!
  57. Train 100 people to hear God’s voice!
  58. Ingela de Bruin Teaching Communion With God in Europe!
  59. Pauline Burthwick Takes Prayers That Heal the Heart to Uganda And Kenya
  60. Mary Jewell Shares the "4 Keys" Around the World
  61. Togo Has 9th CLU Graduation as God's Voice Transforms Students' Lives in Africa
  62. I Had an Opportunity to Speak at the Austin Disaster Relief Network
  63. Waiver of liability form for those who counsel 
  64. Deliverance in Uganda
  65. Pauline Burthwick in Kenya Offers the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
  66. Scandinavian Speaking People Now Have Access to a Book of Two-Way Journaling

Experience Salvation and ALL Its Benefits! Welcome to Your Extraordinary Life

  1. How Can I Get Closer to God and Experience Forgiveness? Discover the Gospel Plan of Salvation!
  2. Soul Winning Simplified
  3. An Easy Approach to Evangelism - Be a Friend, Share Your Story, Offer to Pray for People
  4. Life In The Spirit IS An Extraordinary Life!
  5. Free "Your Extraordinary Life Wallpaper" to Download for Your Computer
  6. Experience Salvation and Promote This Salvation Website
  7. Experience The Power of the Cross,12 Exchanges Which Took Place Between You and Christ!
  8. Experience Salvation - Be Born of the Spirit
  9. Salvation Is the Bridge - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  10. The Lord’s Supper – Symbol or Sacrament?
  11. Can You Imagine Starting New Believers Off with the Holy Spirit!
  12. Speak LIFE Over Yourself – "My Confession of Who I Am in Christ"
  13. Advance in the Spirit by Having Precise Definitions of Spiritual Realities Which You Are Pursuing
  14. “I wish there was a simple way to introduce people to Supernatural Christianity…”
  15. Can I REALLY Be a Part of Sharing the Gospel of Salvation with 1 Million People Every Single Day?
  16. Can't I Just Hand Out a Wallet Card that Introduces People to Supernatural Christianity?
  17. “I Don’t Push Salvation Because It’s Not the Ministry Focus God Has Given Me”
  18. Choose to Be a Blesser Rather Than a Converter
  19. If I Die Without Confessing My Last Sin, Will I Still Go to Heaven?
  20. Will the Holy Spirit Leave a Person If They Contract HIV?
  21. How to Give an Altar Call 
  22. Power Evangelism: Learning to Depend on the Holy Spirit, His Healing, His Gifts & His Power to Follow the Pattern of Jesus' Kingdom Ministry (Gary & Catherine Greig) 
  23. First Bible with the Plan of Salvation & 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice in the Front

Examples of Two-Way Journaling

  1. Experience Psalm 23 Today, Part 1 – Journaling by Emily Ladley
  2. Experience Psalm 23 Today, Part 2 - Journaling by Emily Ladley
  3. I AM a Bondage Breaker! - Journaling by Malachi Talabi
  4. Look UP and Be Filled with Joy and Hope by Eric McCracken
  5. Do Not Go On Passing Judgment Before The Time
  6. How important is it to use the eyes of my heart? Journaling by Cathy Kawar
  7. Prophetic Perspective for 2022 by Charity Virkler Kayembe (video blog)
  8. "I Am Not a Theory." - Journaling from Catch the Fire Leadership School
  9. Am I Enough? by Tamlynn Rideout
  10. God is waiting to open the windows of heaven - Journaling by Ken Day
  11. Do we use the word “please” when talking with God? Journaling by Anne Bolick
  12. Learning to Trust and Use the Eyes of Your Heart – Journaling by Catherine Ghaleb Kawar
  13. We are dust fused to glory!
  14. Let's Avoid Creating Ishmaels
  15. Joy Is the Language of Heaven - Journaling by Anne Bolick
  16. Oasis - Journaling by Aurora Wells
  17. God's Voice of Hope in an Age of Gloom
  18. Embrace the Beauty in Imperfection – Journaling by Nancy Yargus
  19. Take the time to practice until every gift feels natural
  20. Who is your hero?
  21. God speaks about the importance of journaling by Cathy Kawar
  22. Live humbly and live life through Me - Journaling by Cathy Kawar
  23. Lord, how You desire to work out my father’s death for the good in my life? By Cathy Kawar
  24. Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Business? by Cathy Kawar

  25. Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Marriage? by Cathy Kawar

  26. Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

  27. Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Work/Ministry? by Cathy Kawar

  28. Jesus asks, "Are you watching for those that feel unworthy and unloved?"
  29. You Are a Vessel of Honor
  30. Look for ME everywhere! Lean in…
  31. Jesus LOVES Molding Us Into Vessels Fit for the Master’s Use
  32. Stop, Focus, Ask is Jesus’s Counsel to Anne Bolick
  33. Forget the Past And Let Your Light Shine by Charles Cooper
  34. A Date with The Lord by Irina Jang
  35. An Early Valentine from the Lord - Journaling from Lynda Turner
  36. Shine on Everyone You Come in Contact With - Journaling by Ann Musico
  37. The Family That Journals Together
  38. The Anointing Is the Music of Your Life
  39. Listen Quietly, Watch Intently, Obey Immediately 
  40. Why Can't I Hear God's Voice Anymore?
  41. The “Fear Wall” Broken Using the "Sea of Galilee"
  42. There Is Freedom in the Bosom of Heaven – Journaling by Kalyn Garlow
  43. God, What Is Your Vision of My Finances?
  44. Your Beauty Is As...
  45. Altogether Beautiful - Journaling from Zoe Ayrton, Our Newest CWG Certified Facilitator
  46. Journaling through Matthew - from Rev. David Parker
  47. Paul Touches Eternity and Comes Back to Tell About It!
  48. Testimonies of Lives Transformed by Hearing God's Voice
  49. 50 Books promoting Two-Way Journaling and 4 keys to hearing God's voice free in 50+ languages
  50. Awesome Journaling from a Seminar Attendee
  51. Practicing Spontaneity Together - Look Where It Took This Group!
  52. Healed from Church Abuse by Julia Parker
  53. Watching the Fire Spread from Home to Home
  54. Another Minister Learns to Hear God’s Voice!
  55. Testimony from Pastor Banda - Pretoria, South Africa
  56. All Enemies Are Defeated in This Simple Truth... by Marc Snyder
  57. The Ocean
  58. Which Law Does God Say Is Most Important?
  59. Releasing Heaven on Earth
  60. Supernatural Missions in Uganda - Jacob Witmer
  61. Your Life's Impact Is Measured in Eternity
  62. Dialoging with God Through the Tabernacle Experience  
  63. Fear Not, I Will Not Let You Down - by Patricia Canazon
  64. Your Circumstances Are My Perfect Equation to Bring About My Desired End Result
  65. The Lyrics For My Song Came Through My Two-Way Journaling - by Tracy Miller
  66. Dead Fish Story Applied to the Church Through Two-Way Journaling - by Donna Trent
  67. Fr. Skip Beyer Hears God’s Voice and Prays God’s Prayers
  68. Two-Way Journaling from Vanderly Arnold
  69. Rivers of Living Water Flow… Healing, Lifting and Nourishing – Journaling by Mary Goebel
  70. A Healing Vision Showing the Power of the Cross by Cindy Fiebig
  71. God, What Is Stillness? Journaling by Peter Halvorsen
  72. Stillness Is the Womb of My Word
  73. Bible Meditation on the River Within - by Lieve
  74. Roaring Released an Intense Boldness in My Life by Karin R. da Silva
  75. I See the Beauty in the Beast - My TOUCH Heals and Transforms
  76. Jesus Heals the Lies - Journaling by Mike Bastien
  77. Working Together with Jesus - Journaling by Karin da Silva
  78. Prophetic Proclamation to Declare Over America
  79. Creating Memorials of What God Has Done
  80. How Do I Come Back to God After I Have Committed a HUGE Sin?
  81. The Lord Speaks - Journaling from Margaret Cornell
  82. I Have the Timing for Every Moment of Your Life - Mike Bastien
  83. No More "Grunt Work" - Have Fun With Jesus - by Susan Dolliver  
  84. Two-way Journaling Combined with St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises
  85. Appropriating the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
  86. Hearing the Lord’s Voice and ACTING on What He Tells Me to Do by Tom P.
  87. Guidelines for Prophetic Ministry Within Churches
  88. Join a Spirit Life Circle where two-way journaling occurs weekly
  89. Testimonies and Journaling About Miracles and Healing
  90. The River of Life - Journaling by George Strawbridge
  91. Perfect Love Proven by Don Paprocky
  92. "I don't use people, I partner with them." - Journaling by Lynne Bickford
  93. Your shame kept you from receiving from me – Journaling by Andrea Moxham
  94. Goodness - Journaling by Aurora Wells
  95. Trusting the Life of Jesus Within - Journaling by Janet Amegatcher
  96. The Significance of a Day (Purpose) - Journaling by Aurora Wells
  97. Topics to Journal About
  98. Perfect Love Casts Out FEAR by Don Paprocky
  99. Be Filled With Perfect Love By Don Paprocky
  100. Did God Offer a Book or a Walk And a Talk?
  101. Linda Burton Journals about Luke 14
  102. Does The Bible Say Jesus Is God?
  103. Seeing the Life of Jesus Through a Harmony of the Gospels

Two-Way Journaling by Linda Garmon

  1. The Joy of the Hunt by Linda Garmon
  2. Drinking of the Spirit - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  3. Does a quiet spirit mean I need to be quiet? Journaling by Linda Garmon
  4. Empowerment PLUS Intimacy Brings Anointed Success by Linda Garmon
  5. Lifestyle of Rest - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  6. Immanuel - Seeing God Everywhere by Linda Garmon 
  7. I will let you soar, dance, be revived by my spirit wind by Linda Garmon
  8. Practical wisdom from above available to all - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  9. I cannot take my eyes off you - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  10. Making Mud Mountains with Jesus by Linda Garmon
  11. Flowing with the Spirit Current of Ezekiel's River – by Linda Garmon
  12. ”I'm still a giddy school girl about my love affair with you” by Linda Garmon
  13. Two-way Journaling Fulfilled My Desire for Intimate Fellowship with Jesus by Linda Garmon
  14. From Brokenness to Power by Linda Garmon
  15. God Speaks Concerning Steps in Health and Healing by Linda Garmon
  16. You cannot cleanse yourself or fix what is broken - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  17. Worship is a magnifier and it transforms - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  18. Held Closely on the Father's Lap - Journaling from Linda Garmon
  19. One Way to Get a Better Night’s Sleep by Linda Garmon
  20. Lord, what would You say about theology and intimacy? by Linda Garmon
  21. Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together with Jesus – by Linda Garmon
  22. I Reveal Myself to You Bit by Bit – Journaling by Linda Garmon
  23. New Clothes - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  24. Lift Up My Name by Linda Garmon
  25. God Speaks About His Names - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  26. God speaks about His breath in us - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  27. Our Engagement Ring - Journaling by Lin da Garmon


Two-Way Journaling By LaWanda

  1. Hiding - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  2. Time with Me is the Foundation - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  3. Strength Disguised as Joy - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  4. I Receive Your Tears - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  5. Thou Art Mine! – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  6.  Your Worship Moves Me - Journaling Prayer By LaWanda
  7. It’s as Simple as a Choice – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  8.  I Am Forgiven - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  9. The Cross Provided Everything – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  10. I Come Not to Condemn - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  11. Just Come Again and Again – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  12. The Fruit of Your Time – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  13. The Crown of Lovingkindness – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  14. At Work Behind the Scenes – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  15. Your Heart Is Incomplete Without Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  16. I Am Not Done With You Yet - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  17. Personalized… Just for You - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  18. I AM the More You Seek – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  19. The Power of My Testimony in You! – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  20. Your Testimonies Are More Than Just Stories – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  21. There Has Never Been a Time – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  22. I Am Not Working from a “To Do” List - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  23. Eternal Flame - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  24. Keeping My Eyes on Him - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  25. Nothing but a Scar - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  26. Excellent opportunities for Christians to enact change in America!
  27. Journaling on the Power of God’s Word by LaWanda
  28. Two Powerful Inner Healing Scenes Experienced by LaWanda
  29. Journaling on Confessing God's Word - From LaWanda
  30. Journaling Prayer - Hungry for More From LaWanda
  31. Jesus Interceding for Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  32. Your “I can’t” Becomes My “I can” - Journaling Prayer By LaWanda 
  33. The Day I Tried to Die - Journaling Prayer By LaWanda
  34. Hiding - Journaling Prayer By LaWanda
  35. Quicksand - Prayer Journaling by LaWanda
  36. The Mud Puddle – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  37. Ingest My Word - Journaling Prayer By LaWanda
  38. Asleep at Your Feet – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  39. Asleep at Your Feet…Again – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  40. Just a Glimpse of His Love - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  41. Your Joy is My Strength - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  42. Your Word is My Weapon - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  43. No Scorecard, Only a Reservation - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda Badger
  44. At Rest in His Love – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  45. Near My Heart Is Where I Want You – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda  
  46. Floating Down the River – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  47. My Word IS the Prayer - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  48. Start Your Battle With Praise - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  49. My Love Has No Limits - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  50. Binding and Loosing is Necessary…and Already Done Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  51. See Me at Work in Your Life - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  52. The Father Has Heard Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  53. Be Available and Expecting to Receive - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  54. Doubt and My Word Cannot Peacefully Coexist – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  55. You are My Be-loved – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  56. The Most Beautiful Garden - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  57. Obedience Increases Your Faith - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  58. True Rest - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  59. Battle Cry and Rock - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  60. The Sweetness of Knowing Him – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  61. I Want Your Heart - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  62. A Snack or a Meal: The Choice is Yours - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  63. We Are God's Joy! - Journaling by Rebekah Perez
  64. I AM the More You Seek – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  65. Revival is Here - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  66. He’s in No Hurry to Let Me Go - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  67. The Oil of Your Mercy - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  68. The Oil of Your Mercy - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  69. His Righteousness Is More Than a Robe – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  70. Your Soul Is Planted in My Soil – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  71. I Am All You Need - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  72. Just a Glimpse of My Love - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  73. Pray in the Spirit - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  74. Pray in the Spirit - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  75. I Won’t Negate Your Free Will – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  76. Inherent in Obedience Is Trust - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  77. Come to Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  78. Just a Glimpse of His Love - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  79. He’s in the Boat – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  80. Best Part of the Day – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  81. I Speak the Name of Jesus Over Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  82. He Will Not Win – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  83. Hebrews 11:11 - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  84. So Much of Who I AM Is in the Psalms - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
  85. Power of Baptism - Journaling by Linda Garmon
  86. So Much of Who I AM Is in the Psalms - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

Ways to Test Your Journaling for Accuracy

  1. The #1 Way to Mess Up Your Journaling (and How to Avoid It)
  2. Do you STILL Submit Your Journaling to Spiritual Advisors?
  3. Fountains in the Bible (Know which fountain you are receiving from!)
  4. Praying with an Idol in Your Heart
  5. Avoid Making a Major Mistake by Honoring a Check in Your Spirit - by Susan A. King
  6. I Don't Have Anyone to Share My Two-way Journaling With
  7. Skilled Journalers Willing to Confirm Your Journaling
  8. Lord, Can I Trust the Thoughts and Pictures Which Come from My Heart?
  9. God's View Concerning the Value of Spiritual Advisors

Holy Spirit, Which Prayer Approach Shall I Use Today?

  1. Spirit-Led Prayer Organizer – 60 Prayer Patterns to Meet Your Specific Needs 
  2. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  3. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  4. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  5. 12 Common Ways God Leads You into Your Destiny

  6. 21 Destiny Prayers by Simi Adigun
  7. To Whom Do We Pray?
  8. Principles Concerning Prayer and Areas of Prayer
  9. Encountering God in the High Places of Heaven by Patty Sadallah
  10. Amazing Study Concerning Prayer and Timelessness
  11. Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises

Restoring Vision - I Pray that the Eyes of My Heart Be Enlightened (Eph. 1:17)

  1. Perfect Peace When Your Imagination Is...
  2. Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
  3. I Only Saw Blackness But Now I Can See!
  4. How Did King David Live in the Continual Presence of the Lord?
  5. What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
  6. Learning to Trust and Use the Eyes of Your Heart – Journaling by Catherine Ghaleb Kawar
  7. You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
  8. Poised Before Almighty God
  9. Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
  10. Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
  11. 5 Ways to Make Vision Easier by Charity Kayembe
  12. How Can I Envision Jesus When I Haven't Seen Him in the Flesh?
  13. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  14. Training Children to See With the Eyes of Their Hearts
  15. Why Are My Visions in Black & White?
  16. I See Jesus Heal, Come into Agreement and Do What I See
  17. Dreams and Visions Throughout Scripture
  18. Dreams and Visions Throughout Church History
  19. Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation
  20. The Entire Church Is Lying in a Hospital Bed
  21. Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
  22. Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
  23. Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
  24. Book  - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
  25. Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
  26. Protestantism's 500-Year-Old  Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
  27. Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
  28. Western Study Verses Biblical Meditation
  29. Also related to this topic: How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

Vibrant Health - Discover God's Health Plan

  1. Links to 100+ Blogs on Healing, Miracles and Health
  2. A New Discovery I Recently Made in the Area of Natural Health
  3. Water Purifying Units
  4. Discover How You Can Take Charge of Your Health Today (A health website)
  5. My Philosophy on Health Care, and Why I Have Adopted it
  6. Where Do I Find Expert Health Advice I Can Trust?
  7. A Checklist to Restore & Maintain Health – Includes Key Health Websites
  8. Three Keys to Walking in Vibrant Health Are…
  9. Activities Which Promote Vibrant Health
  10. Oh Great! According to National Averages My Life Is Essentially Over!
  11. Provoking Points to Ponder on Life and Growing Older
  12. Is It OK to Eat Unclean Meats?
  13. Receiving and Acting on a Word of Knowledge to Heal Chronic Sickness
  14. It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!
  15. What Is My Daily Health Routine?
  16. Victory Over Cancer
  17. The Raw Food Study - There's Hope for Everyone!
  18. Natural Substances that Fight Malignant Melanoma
  19. A Powerful, Peaceful Six-Day Detox Fasting Retreat
  20. Spirit-filled Naturopath Combines Words of Knowledge and Healing Prayer in Phone Consultations
  21. Blue Zones – Where a Higher Percentage of People Live Beyond Age 100
  22. After 40 Years of Migraines, I Had None! by Kathy Privitera
  23. Leaky Gut Syndrome Affecting Up to 80% of the Population
  24. Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 1 of 3
  25. Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 2 of 3
  26. Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 3 of 3
  27. Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 4: Questions and Answers
  28. Quarantine and Cleanliness: God’s Ideas or Just the Government's?
  29. We ALL Need a WONDERFUL COUNSELOR as Covid 19 Becomes a Worldwide Pandemic
  30. Confronting Covid 19 - A Picture from God
  31. Make Quarantine an Amazing Time of Personal Spiritual Transformation Through eLearning
  32. The Heavens Declare God’s Victory Over Coronavirus By Isabelle Declercq
  34. Free Bible Training and Songs During the Quarantine by Linda Harper
  35. Vibrant Immune Systems in the Midst of Coronavirus + What Really Are the Numbers?
  36. COVID-19 Facts That Flatten the Fear - Updated as of 7-20-20
  37. The Covid Vaccine

Introduction to Vibrant Health

  1. Prayer, Passionate Pursuit, and Persistent Action Restore Health
  2. According to My Blood Work - Healthier at Age 60
  3. Health Begins With Hearing the Voice of God
  4. Seeing: Is It a Gift or a Skill?
  5. Experience the Gift of Salvation
  6. Walk in The Gifts God Has Given You
  7. Healed of Crippling Disease by the Hand of God
  8. How to Heal the Sick – A Dream Providing Instruction

Principles Underlying Healing

  1. Healing - One Way the Kingdom of God Comes Near
  2. Jesus "Moved By Compassion" Healed
  3. Waves of Compassion in an Ocean of Love - by Charity Kayembe
  4. Emotions Are Created by God and Are Good!
  5. Spirit Emotions Are Usually Born by Revelation - by Desiree Dunleavey
  6. Quotes From The Book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit Born Emotions
  7. Three New Testament Words for Healing
  8. I Release Divine Energy – Energeo 
  9. All Uses of Energeo (and Its Various Forms)
  10. Kingdom Emotions Release Kingdom Power

Word of Faith - One Way God Heals - Meditating on Scriptures

  1. “Word of Faith” – 7 Step Model - Adobe PDF  - Closing prayer  -PowerPoint
  2. God’s truths written on the walls of our hearts - How exactly does this occur?
  3. Scriptural Confessions Compared to Mind Over Matter Philosophy
  4. How Faith & Love Flow Together
  5. Take God's Medicine Three Times a Day
  6. Healed by Taking God's Word as Medicine
  7. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  8. Does neutrality attract God’s promises and provisions in ANY area of my life?
  9. When is the stated story, not the whole story? An assignment to complete.
  10. How to Memorize And Why
  11. Approaching Scripture with a Listening Heart
  12. What Does It Mean When God Says He Watches Over His Word To Perform it?
  13. Faith Imagines
  14. How To Meditate on Scripture & Receive Life Transforming Revelation
  15. Hebrew and Greek Dictionary Definitions of Meditation
  16. An Example of Meditation
  17. A 7 Step Meditation Process Explored
  18. Healing Scriptures for Meditation
  19. A Scholarly Review of “Meditate” Showing "hagah" Includes Envisioning (Josh. 1:8)
  20. Prayer to Set Your Heart Free
  21. Why Do I Need to Pray More Than Once for Healing?
  22. Healing Through Acting on the Words of Knowledge God Gives
  23. What About Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh"?
  24. Don't Agree Things Are a Pain in the Butt Unless You Want a Pain in Your Butt - By Linda Burton
  25. Life and Death Are in the Power of the Tongue

Miracles - Another Way God Heals

  1. Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings!
  2. Miracles – 7 Step Model (4-page summary)
  3. Healed of Terminal Cancer - Testimony by Rick Calhoun
  4. The Miracle Service - Testimonies of What Happened
  5. Resurrection Power: The Dead Are Still Being Raised! by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  6. My Miracle  – Memorial & Testimony
  7. If I Touch Him, I Will Be Healed - A Theology for Using Vision to Come Into His Presence
  8. Resources for YOUR Healing Encounter or Miracle Service
  9. Will God Still Grant Me a Miracle if My Infirmity Was Caused by My Foolish Mistakes?
  10. Lord, What About The Release of Your Power Through Me? - By Margaret Cornell
  11. By Your Stripes I AM Healed and Symptoms Are Disappearing
  12. God Says I’m Healed Yet Symptoms Persist
  13. Symptoms Go into Remission as I Speak to My Body
  14. Kingdom Compassion, Kingdom Power, Kingdom Increase!
  15. Have You Built a Home for Jesus So Miracles Can Be Commonplace?
  16. Power Portals - Stepping from One Level of Spiritual Power to the Next
  17. A Working Definition of Anointed
  18. Bring a Gift When You Come Before a King
  19. Power Evangelism in India
  20. A New Brand of Christians - Praying for Healing on the Streets!
  21. Ministering Healing on the Streets!
  22. Healing on the Streets - The Way Jesus Did It!
  23. "Extraordinary Stories from an Ordinary Person"
  24. Laying on of Hands and Prayer of Faith Bring Healing
  25. What Helped Bill Johnson Move Into a Greater Healing Ministry?
  26. Seven Steps to Mastery
  27. Positional Prayers of Forgiveness, Victory, Thankfulness and Rejoicing Attract Miracles
  28. Identificational Repentance Breaks Generational Curses Which Affect My Life And Health
  29. Lord, My Friend Died! I Thought She Was Being Healed!
  30. Deliverance Brought a Miracle and 20 People Were Saved!
  31. A Miracle of Healing by Meditating on Scripture
  32. Healing Is Here in My Presence

Testimonies and Journaling about Miracles and Healing

  1. Healing on the Streets - The Way Jesus Did It!
  2. Lessons reinforced by powerful testimonies of Global students
  3. Dr. Phillip Goldfedder Is Passionate to Pray for Your Healing
  4. How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit & the Gift of Speaking in Tongues
  5. Tongues Are Like Sniper Guns
  6. How to Step into the Anointing
  7. Breast Cancer Risk Lowered for Those with Higher Vitamin D Levels
  8. Steve Kirsch Speaks at PA State Senate Hearing
  9. Get Trained in Healing and Minister Overseas with Steve Stewart
  10. Ellen, a Missionary to Namibia Describes Her Process of Healing
  11. Lord, What About The Release of Your Power Through Me? - By Margaret Cornell
  12. Stop Owning This! “Let me tell you about MY painful…”
  13. In a Vision I Stood in Court Before Jesus, Surrounded by...
  14. Kingdom Be-Attitudes
  15. Miracle at the Grocery Store!
  16. Touching Jesus in a Healing Meditation
  17. Twenty-Minute Immersion into the Spirit's Healing Stream
  18. Cancer FREE! – By Margaret Cornell
  19. Margaret Cornell Shares Her Testimony of Healing from Cancer
  20. Did You Lay Your Hands On The Sick As Commanded?
  21. Suicide Averted Through a Vision, Compassion and Intercessory Prayer
  22. Covid 19, Fear, Panic, Revelation, Reason and Anointed Action
  23. Confronting Covid 19 - A Picture from God
  24. Peace and Health in the Midst of Tribulation
  25. Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining - By Bill Dupley
  26. Coronavirus and FEAR
  27. Why Repeating Healing Prayers Releases MORE of God’s Healing Power

Gifts of Healings Are Additional Ways God Heals

  1. Gifts of Healings – Explored
  2. Checklist to Restore & Maintain Health
  3. Gifts of Healings - 7 Step Model
  4. Health Benefits of Speaking in Tongues
  5. “Soaking” Is Where You Soak Up God's Healing Rays
  6. Fast and Your Health Will Spring Forth Speedily
  7. Fasting: A Time Out by Charity Kayembe
  8. The Master Cleanse - An Excellent Way to Maintain and Restore Health
  9. Healing Soaking Prayer – What Is It?
  10. Cardiologist Explains How Nutrients Can Help Heart Palpitations
  11. YOU Can Stay Healthy! Know How!
  12. Healing on a Cellular Level
  13. Whole Body Vibration Provides Great Exercise
  14. EMF Shields - Protect Your Body from Electromagnetic Fields
  15. How to Receive a Word of Knowledge Concerning The Root Cause of an Infirmity
  16. The Power of Praying Over Your Food
  17. Worshipping in the Throne Room Fills You with God's Light
  18. Roar at the Darkness! (A miracle healing workshop)
  19. Three Health Websites You Must Know About
  20. Ex-Surgeon's Interview on What It Really Takes to Be Healthy
  21. Discover How You Can Offer Health & Longevity While Creating Another Income Stream
  22. Health Watch: Fluoride
  23. Exercise Produces Health!
  24. It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!
  25. Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance and Cheat Days
  26. Why Is It No Longer Healthy to Eat Bread?
  27. A Good Night's Sleep Is Essential for Health
  28. Health Tip for People with Type A Blood
  29. Is Chiropractic Really Safe?
  30. Vertebral Misalignment and the Corresponding Organ's Degeneration
  31. Is “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EFT) Effective and Biblical?
  32. Muscle Response Testing Is One Way to Listen to Your Body
  33. That Sounds Like a New Age Technique to Me
  34. Victory Over Cancer
  35. Vitamin D3 Interview with Dr. Charles Majors - Author of Cancer Killers
  36. MSG Caused My Headaches - by Josh and Charla Virkler
  37. Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - Is It Really a Life and Death Issue?
  38. Do Soda Pop and Diet Soda Damage My Health?
  39. Does Microwaved Water Affect Plant Growth? My Grandchildren Did a Research Project for Me.
  40. Coffee Has 1000 Compounds Which Promote Health!
  41. Don't Go Near the Harlot's Door – Emotional and Sexual Health
  42. Great Resources for Restoring Damaged Joints
  43. Do You Know Why Your "Silverware" Is Made of Silver?
  44. Would You Like to Breathe Clean Air?
  45. Health Tip - Toxic Household Cleaning Products
  46. Health Tip - Knock Out Colds
  47. Health Tip - How To Get A Good Night's Sleep
  48. Sugar Industry Hid Science Linking Sugar to Heart Disease
  49. A Spirit-Energized Sleep Technique
  50. Biblical Truths Related to Heart Disease
  51. Causes of Heart Disease: Inflammation, Oxidation, Sugar and Stress
  52. Drugs, Nutrition and the Lord
  53. What about prophetic soap and anointing oil?
  54. Part Five - Ever So SLOWLY Learning About Blood Pressure
  55. Part Six - Common Denominators of Great Diets
  56. Part 7 - For Heavens Sake Celebrate!
  57. God Says I’m Healed Yet Symptoms Persist
  58. Peg Yarbrough's Spirit-Led Approach to Healing
  59. What Power Flowed from God through Jesus to Heal?
  60. Water That Heals
  61. 10 Therapeutic Modalities Scripture Reveals Lead to Health
  62. When Jesus Could NOT Do Miracles (But Could Still Do Therapeutic Cures)
  63. Yikes! I didn’t get healed so now what do I do?
  64. God heals the pain of abortion so we can minister His healing grace to others
  65. Singing Builds Your Immune System - Dr. Gundry MD
  66. Do you know why Germans live 5 years longer than U.S. citizens?
  67. Do you know why DIFFERENT Greek words are translated HEAL?
  68. The Movie “Come Out In Jesus Name”
  69. Symptoms Go into Remission as I Speak to My Body
  70. Experience Rest by Learning How to Delegate
  71. Must I Work Hard to Be Successful? 
  72. Is Stress the #1 Cause of Heart Attacks?
  73. Overcoming the Fear of a Cancer Diagnosis – By Mike Bastien

Digestive Health 

  1. Digestive Health – All Disease Begins in the Gut
  2. Leaky Gut Syndrome Affecting Up to 80% of the Population
  3. Exploring Apple Cider Vinegar – An Amazing Fermented Health Food
  4. A 21 Day Prayer Meditation for Digestive Health 
  5. Taking God’s Word as Medicine - The Healing Power of Scriptures
  6. Why Is it Valuable to Repeat a Prayer BOTH Morning and Evening?
  7. After Three Decades Suffering from Poor Digestion, One Year of Focused Effort Brings Breakthrough!
  8. The Power of Enzymes - Digestive Pain Is Gone! Inflammation Removed! Skin Strengthened!

Healing Emotional Dis-ease Causes Physical Diseases to Evaporate

  1. Healing Emotional Trauma is Foundational to Restoring Health
  2. A Grateful Heart Is a Healing Heart
  3. How can I live in perfect peace when so much evil surrounds me?
  4. Extended longevity is right around the corner!
  5. A soft healing glow streams gently from God’s pictures held in my heart
  6. Referral Guide - Specialized resources when outside your area of expertise
  7. Jesus, Jonah, & Thanksgiving - by Charity Kayembe
  8. Interview with Patricia King on GOD TV - with Charity Kayembe
  9. The Kingdom Is Righteousness, Peace and Joy!
  10. Kindness Strengthens the Immune System
  11. The High Cost of Getting Even by Bill Dupley
  12. I Had a Blood Transfusion and Then My Emotions Went Haywire
  13. Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit Born Emotions
  14. Healing Soaking Prayer Worksheet
  15. Do I Know How to Effectively Sever an Ungodly Soul Tie?
  16. What Are the 8 Most Common Heart Wounds?
  17. To Remove Sin, I First Remove Its Underlying Spiritual Energy
  18. Do I know the 7 prayers which effectively heal heart wounds?
  19. 5 Clues Which Signal a Heart Wound
  20. Can a Christian Be Demon-Possessed?
  21. The Role of Feeling Power and Seeing Vision When Praying for Someone
  22. Learn To Unleash Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions
  23. The Christmas Season and the Spirit of Love
  24. Give the Gift of Appreciation - It Heals
  25. Lord, What Does a Lifestyle of Living in "Flow" Look Like?
  26. STAY FILLED with the Spirit by Singing and Making Melody in Your Heart
  27. Spiritual Songs to Heal Hurting People - Music Freely Available
  28. Bad Attitudes Equals Bad Health
  29. Breaking Agreement with Lies of the Enemy Releases Miracles and Opens Prison Doors
  30. Divine Thoughts Embraced as Part of My New Self
  31. Demonic Thoughts Taken Captive as Part of My Old Self
  32. Scriptures Which Build Faith, Hope and Love
  33. God’s Compassion Accomplishes All This?
  34. My Confession of Who I Am in Christ
  35. "I Am..."
  36. Learn to Live Life a Little Lighter
  37. Get Your Eyes Off Evil Men - Be at Peace! No More Depression!
  38. Forgiveness Is a Choice and Is Foundational for Healing to Occur
  39. The Manufacturer’s Handbook Provides “Rules for My Mind"
  40. Fast or Furious? Living in the Eternal Now of God - with Charity Kayembe
  41. The “Fear Wall” Broken Using the "Sea of Galilee"
  42. Finally Fearless: Journey from Panic to Peace
  43. Are You Still in the Dance with Me, My Beautiful One?
  44. Healed from Church Abuse by Julia Parker
  45. Healed of Sexual Abuse Through Divine Encounter by Peg Yarbrough Rhone
  46. Lord, Where Does This Agitation in My Heart Come From?
  47. Released from the Victim Mentality - Journaling by Julia Parker
  48. Detoxifying Your Heart, Body and Environment
  49. Prayer to Set Your Spiritual Heart Free
  50. Healing Prayer - Acting on the Words of Knowledge God Gives
  51. Forgiveness Is a Choice
  52. MUST We Dishonor One Another Based on Political Beliefs, Or Is There a Better Way
  53. How to Move from Judgment to Compassion
  54. Lord, What about Accusations in My Life.
  55. How to Experience Spiritual Transformation
  56. Overcome Satan's Common Lies
  57. Help! I Can’t FEEL God and I Don't Know Why
  58. Anger Fueled by Judgment - My Dream
  59. Healing Adrenal Fatigue by Living in "His Rest" Has Great Health Benefits
  60. How God Changes Your Brain
  61. Which of The 10 Commandments Can You Break And No One Raises An Eyebrow?
  62. Michelle Clears Cellular Memories and Experiences Healing

Restoring Emotions by Hearing the Voice of the Wonderful Counselor

  1. Podcast with Dr. Karl Lehman, a board certified psychiatrist on Inner Healing
  2. Beloved of God - A Valentine's Meditation by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  3. Write Messages on Your Heart by Using the Language of the Heart
  4. Perfect Peace When Your Imagination Is…
  5. The Steadfast Of Mind You Will Keep In Perfect Peace
  6. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  7. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  8. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  9. How Long Does It Take to Create a New Habit?
  10. How You Can Remove Emotional Roots to Diseases by Clearing Cellular Memories 
  11. Roar And Be Transformed
  12. "The Stories of Little Wrong Self" by Mary Jo Henry (Experiencing Inner Healing)
  13. This is the story of Little Angry Self (i.e. "Inner Healing") by Mary Jo Henry (Part 2)
  14. Pastor Eric Salleh's Testimony of Emotional Healing
  15. Counseled by the Wonderful Counselor - Journaling by Catherine Ghaleb Kawar
  16. Heavenly Encounters: How God Healed a Broken Heart
  17. You Can't Imagine My Guilt, But When Jesus' Hand Touched My Heart...
  18. I Forgave and My Eczema Vanished!
  19. Processing Anger Over Injustice
  20. #MeToo - Seven Ways to Heal the Scars of Sexual Abuse
  21. Overcoming the Accuser in My Mind - Testimony by Pastor Keith Carlisle
  22. "I Choose" - Awesome Devotional from Max Lucado
  23. The Truth About Fear — “I Am Not Alone”
  24. Freed from Fear - Testimony by Joanne Loberg
  25. Does Bible Prophecy Say the Tribulation Is Coming Soon? Should I Live in Fear?
  26. Are Chakras Demonic?

Casting Out Demons

  1. Misdiagnosis Meant My Pain Did NOT Go Away
  2. Align Your Inner Being to Experience Kingdom Realities
  3. Instantaneous Miracles & Process Healing
  4. Deliverance Came BEFORE Water Baptism in the Early Church
  5. Deliverance from Demons Through a "Revelation-Based Power Encounter"
  6. Prayers That Heal the Heart – 7 Step Model
  7. Prayers That Heal the Heart LEARN Notebook - Download as: Adobe PDF 
  8. Contributing Strands Worksheet - Download as: Adobe PDF  or Edit-Enabled Microsoft Word document 
  9. Deliverance Cheat Sheet 
  10. Deliverance Pictured 
  11. Suggested Approach for Counseling
  12. What I See Is So Different About Prayers That Heal the Heart Is Jesus...
  13. Prayers That Heal the Heart Ripples Around the World
  14. Prayers That Heal the Heart: A Healing Poem
  15. Readers Respond: "The Most Effective Inner Healing Program on the Planet!"
  16. Prayers That Heal The Heart Training Is Transforming Lives!
  17. What Is the MOST EFFECTIVE Way to Experience Prayers That Heal the Heart?
  18. Inner Healing with Jesus the Carpenter
  19. Wasn't it ALL Done at the Cross?
  20. Deliverance from Demons of Lust Has Transformed My Life! By Yousef Shaloufe
  21. Language of the Heart - 10 Musical Renditions
  22. Total Deliverance from Occult and Phobic Bondage by a CLU Student
  23. Teaming Up for Deliverance: A Prophet & Teacher Minister Together
  24. Healed of 35 Years of PTSD Through Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer
  25. Binding Demons – Why, When and How Does This Help?
  26. Group Deliverance During a Zoom Meeting
  27. Is it Ever Right to Hate?
  28. Killing the Demon of Self Effort by Patty Sadallah
  29. Freemasonry - How Do I Break Off These Curses?
  30. Freedom from DID and Alternative Personality Disorder
  31. Deliverance from Demons Without Trauma!
  32. God’s Hedge of Protection, If Unbroken, Keeps Me from Satan’s Attack Because I Have My Armor ON!
  33. Brokenness Healed Through Words of Knowledge
  34. Prayer Worksheet to Resolve Brokenness Using Words of Knowledge
  35. Checklist for Exploring Where Blessings and Curses Are Present in Your Life…
  36. A Witch Doctor Gives His Life to Jesus After Demons Are Bound 
  37. Total Deliverance from Occult and Phobic Bondage by a CLU Student
  38. Deliverance Brought a Miracle and 20 People Were Saved!

Summary of How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons! By Sue DeJesús
  2. Is Your Quiver Full Yet?
  3. Ministering Healing In India on a Journey of Compassion
  4. How to Keep Your Healing!
  5. When Reason Challenges Faith... What Am I to Do?
  6. Why is healing delayed when God could do it instantly?
  7. What is My Daily Health Routine?
  8. Live Life to the Fullest by William Dupley 
  9. Let's Take Our Places in God's Final Act
  10. How Could I Have Been So Wrong?

Worshiping in Spirit Releases the Manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit

  1. Leading Worshipers into the Throne Room
  2. Which of These Four Places Do You Gaze as You Worship? ONLY ONE Is Correct! by Jeff Duncan
  3. High Praises, His Presence & Roaring
  4. Where Can I Get Some Great Soaking Music?
  5. 1 Minute Singing Prayers
  6. Worship from a Place of Connection
  7. Worship Is My Warfare and Praise Is My Weapon
  8. How I Experience Life-Giving Music 24/7
  9. What Does It Mean to Worship in Spirit?
  10. Doug Sterner Tries Entering Vision During Worship
  11. Invited Into His Presence to Minister Before Him - by Dave Frincke
  12. Prophetic Guidelines: A Brief Introduction
  13. Spirit Led Worship - A New Book By Karen M. Gray

Receive God's Counsel Through Dreams -  Most blogs are by Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1. Anna's Dream: Words of Wisdom & Knowledge
  2. CBN Interview & Ministry Update
  3. 10,000 Downloads and Counting!
  4. A Dream of Unforgiveness
  5. Kari's Car Lot Dream
  6. Interpreting Shawn Bolz' Dream
  7. Dream Keys Podcast
  8. New Dream Interpretation App!
  9. Praise Report & Prayer Request
  10. Update from the Windy City
  11. Reviews: What App Users Are Saying
  12. Exploring the Prophetic Interview with Shawn Bolz
  13. Dream Team Coaching Available
  14. Free Dreams Crash Course
  15. Hearing God Through Your Dreams Now in Spanish
  16. A Prophetic Dream: God on Trial - Part I
  17. A Prophetic Dream: God on Trial - Part II
  18. Arabic Translation Published!
  19. 5 Ways to Receive Spiritual Gifts Through Your Dreams
  20. When Neurosurgeons Dream God's Dreams
  21. A Silver Lining of Scary Dreams
  22. New Mandarin Translation Published!
  23. A Warning Dream + Two New Interviews
  24. Saved from Human Trafficking Through a Dream
  25. Victory Over Coronavirus: A Prophetic Dream
  26. Dream Gifts: How to Receive a Word of Knowledge While You Sleep
  27. The 8-Year-Old Dream Interpreter
  28. Nightmares: Distressing or Directional?
  29. Are ALL Dreams from God? by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe
  30. Dream Declarations & Activation
  31. Dream Work 101: Dream Recording Tools
  32. Christmas & the Dreams That Saved Jesus' Life
  33. 3-Minute Video: God's Message Through the Smallest Cigar
  34. 5 MORE Tips for Improving Dream Recall
  35. The One Dream "Symbol" You Shouldn't Interpret Symbolically
  36. DAESI Dream Work Method
  37. New Dreams Book - Free Chapter Download
  38. Dreams and Physical Healing
  39. New Audiobook, Interview & Instagram
  40. The Family that Dreams Together
  41. Half a Million and Counting!
  42. 3 Reasons God Speaks in Symbols
  43. Dreams That Changed the World
  44. 7 Tips for Improving Dream Recall (video interview)
  45. What If I Remember TOO Many Dreams?
  46. Ant Attack - A Dream Interpreted
  47. The Spirit of Prophecy and
  48. “The Dream I Had in Rehab”
  49. The Secret to Solomon's Wisdom: A Listening Heart
  50. Sale & a New Album
  51. The Divine Intersection of Quantum Physics & Dream Work (video teaching)
  52. Dream Interpretation: The One Question You Should Never Ask
  53. New MP3s & Our Sid Roth Interview
  54. Dreams: Receiving God's Thoughts in the Night
  55. Dreams: A Form of Meditation
  56. Dreams: God's Contingency Plan
  57. Weird and Wacky Dreams
  58. Why We Dream of Things from Our Days (video teaching)
  59. Wonderful Counsel from God by Journaling about a Dream
  60. Dream Brings Massive Emotional Healing for Cindy Star
  61. Brown Eggs and No Ham - A Dream Interpreted
  62. Can Demons Speak Through My Dreams?
  63. I Had This Sexual Dream - Yikes!!!
  64. This Dream Set Me Free! by Elizabeth Kiessling
  65. The Chicken Dream
  66. Dreams CDs Discounted From $24.95 to $6
  67. Dreams and Visions Throughout Scripture
  68. Dreams and Visions Throughout Church History
  69. Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation
  70. Creating a Culture of Dreaming in Your Home By Stacey Linsalata

Everyday Angels by Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1.   15 Ways Angels Minister to Us (video teaching)
  2.   Children & Angels – A Match Made in Heaven
  3.   Talking Angels with Shawn Bolz (video interview)
  4.   The Angel in Shanghai
  5.   Angels at the Dentist + New Podcast
  6.   Growing Up with Angels (video interview)
  7.   Angel Rescue & New German Translation
  8.   Malachi's Recorder Angels
  9.   Saved by Supernatural Guardians
  10.   Testimony Time!
  11.   King David's Instruction to Angels
  12.   CBN News: Still Unsure About Engaging Angels?
  13.   Isabelle's Angel + International Events
  14.   Everyday Angels Update & Reader Request
  15.   What Angels Are Doing Around the World Right Now
  16.   An Everyday Angel of Provision
  17.   Angels We Have Heard on High
  18.   Have You Quoted an Angel Lately?
  19.   Everyday Angels Now Available in Spanish!
  20.   Glory Road TV: Who Should Expect Angelic Ministry?
  21.   Everyday Angels Audiobook Released!
  22.   LIVE Online with Joshua Mills: Angels & the Realms of Glory
  23.   God TV Interview & New USB Flash Drives
  24.   Podcast: Angel Medics & Hospital Room Miracles
  25.   Everyday Angels Interview with Awaken LIVE
  26.   Everyday Angels Are Here!
  27.   Brand New Workshops Coast to Coast  
  28.   Angels: God's Servants, My Friends
  29.   Angels: Guardians of Joy
  30.   Look-Alike Angels
  31.   Angel Diaries: Daniel 10
  32.   Lord of Angel Armies
  33.   Angels: My Personal Hegais
  34.   What an Angel Wants
  35.   What Angels Don't Have
  36.   Personal Angels - Our Match Made in Heaven
  37.   Worshiping Angels (with video overview)
  38.   Angels: Who's Your Daddy?
  39.   Jesus' Side of the Tracks ("I'm just not that into angels")
  40.   The Day I Couldn't See My Angels
  41.   Angels Q&A (video)
  42.   Angels: Fanning the Flame
  43.   Surrounded by Angels
  44.   The Angel's Sword
  45.   How to Partner with the Company of Heaven
  46.   What We Get Wrong About the 'Angel of Light' Passage
  47.   Dancing with Angels: A Workshop Testimony
  48.   How to Employ Angels
  49.   What 365 Biblical References to Angels Reveal
  50.   The Big Question: What About Worshiping Angels?
  51.   Angels and Christmas by Bill Dupley
  52.   What God Says About Engaging Angels
  53.   Activating Angels in Your City
  54.   GOD TV Interview & New Resources
  55. How I Learned It Is Right to Commission Angels

Seeing in the Spirit by Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1. 10 Ways to Get in Spirit
  2. Interview on the Sacred Supernatural (podcast and video)
  3. Jesus Dancing: A Shared Vision
  4. The Power of Visionary Intercession
  5. Seeing - Is It a Gift or a Skill?
  6. Initiative - Should I Take It?
  7. Angel High - A Dream Interpreted
  8. Fast or Furious? Living in the Eternal Now of God
  9. 5 Ways to Make Vision Easier
  10. Fasting: A Time Out
  11. Eternity in Our Hearts

Back to Eden: Restoring God's Super to Our Natural by Charity Virkler Kayembe

Kingdom Warfare by Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1. The Spiritual Battleground: Our Minds and Hearts
  2. Satan Exposed: Rethinking Everything You Thought You Knew
  3. 5 Enemy Entry Points You Probably Haven't Thought Of
  4. Kingdom Emotion: Our Spiritual Armor
  5. Satan as the Wizard of Oz

Emotional Freedom Techniques by Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1. Feeling Anxious or Stressed? Try This Technique
  2. The Supernatural Power of Self-Love
  3. Living Loved
  4. EFT & Alpha Brain Waves
  5. Healing the Emotional Component of Our Physical Pain
  6. Living to a Different Kingdom
  7. EFT: Studies, Statistics and Survivor Stories
  8. New EFT Book, New Seminar, New Website!

Down Under Diaries & International Ministry Tours by Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1. Asia Trip Report
  2. Warrior Angels Fighting for Us
  3. 2020 Kiwi Ministry Trip Report
  4. Angelic Activation Around the World
  5. Ministry Update: To the Nations!
  6. New German Translation & Sacred Supernatural Tour
  7. European Dream Tour: Belgium and Beyond
  8. European Dream Tour: Antwerp to Zagreb
  9. European Dream Tour: Dreams Around the World
  10. European Dream Tour: Dreaming of a White Christmas
  11. Down Under
  12. Down Under Diaries: Queensland
  13. Down Under Diaries: Kiwi Tour Expanded
  14. Down Under Diaries: ISIS & the Ends of the Earth
  15. Down Under Diaries: Final Trip Report

Business and Creativity

  1. To Dream the Impossible Dream
  2. Are You Pursuing the Dream God Has Given You?
  3. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  4. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  5. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  6. Rules for Brainstorming
  7. Improve Relationships by Learning to Ask GOOD Questions
  8. Release Divine Creativity – King David Journaled Out the Design for Solomon's Temple!
  9. Let My Spirit Break the Stronghold of Poverty – Journaling by Ken Day
  10. What Does God Say About Your Business? - by Deb Brown Maher
  11. Must I Master the Art of Creative Brainstorming in Order to Succeed?
  12. Must I be linked with someone who has a passion to share good news if I want to fulfill my destiny?
  13. Were There Really Only 12 Apostles & Why Does It Matter?
  14. Am I properly fitted into a 5-fold team so I can fulfill my destiny?
  15. Are communication skills crucial in achieving your destiny?
  16. Stay in the Lane God Called You To
  17. Must I draw upon Inspired Creativity to fulfill my destiny?
  18. Exploring the Heart Passion to Be Captain
  19. Release Divine Creativity - Journaling by Lyle Thomas
  20. Creativity, Innovation and the Kingdom of God by Bill Dupley
  21. Make Wise Decisions by Using The "Leader's Paradigm" 
  22. Testimony of the Voice of God Expanding a Business
  23. Learn to Love Marketing
  24. 12 Steps to Ensure You Don’t Achieve Your Destiny
  25. Seven Steps to Mastery
  26. 10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles
  27. The Virkler Grid   -- A Comparative Analysis of the Foundational Offices of Ephesians 4:11
  28. Leadership Teams Led by the Spirit
  29. Zig Ziglar Quotes - In Honor of His Life
  30. Three-part series on Success God-Given Passions Are a Key to Achieving God-Ordained Victories Discover Your Unique Passion and Giftings as These Pave the Way for Your Success Wholehearted Commitment to God-Given Passions Produced These Victories
  31. Release God's Creativity and Transform Society by Bill Dupley
  32. Can Non-Christians Receive God's Creative Flow?
  33. A Banner for Jesus - An Expression of Divine Creativity by Linda Burton
  34. God HAS Filled You with the Spirit to Succeed in the Home and Marketplace!
  35. Go First and Be Astonished at How Many Follow - By Dave Kahle
  36. My Business Is a Kingdom Company
  37. Is Money Secular or Is It Part of God’s Kingdom?
  38. Do I Know God’s View of Money? 
  39. I Don’t Think My Pastor Should Be Involved in Business Because…
  40. Am I on a 12-Step Program to Poverty?
  41. What Is God's 12-Step Program to Financial Abundance?
  42. Do You Know the Answers to These Money Questions?

Healthy Relationships - Marriage, Family, Body of Christ

  1. Enhancing Communication Skills
  2. Healthy relationships
  3. Improve Relationships by Learning to Ask GOOD Questions
  4. Bless Your Marriage by CELEBRATING Your Differences - by Linda Garmon
  5. Twelve Strategies of Compassionate Communication Within the 4 Keys
  6. Create and Sustain Romantic Love to Last a Lifetime
  7. Romancing the King of Kings
  8. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  9. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  10. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  11. The Unbreakable Marriage - Book by Jeeva and Sulojana Sam
  12. Face to Face with Jesus, Our Perfect Model for Intimate Communication
  13. What Is the BEST Marriage Counseling?
  14. Maintain Awesome Relationships by Honoring the N.T. "One Another" Commands
  15. Awesome Synergy as a Prophet & Teacher Minister Deliverance Together
  16. Enriching My Marriage
  17. Why Opposites Attract - Is There a Purpose?
  18. The Gift of Your Wife
  19. Hear People's Hearts – Going Beyond Words to What the Heart is REALLY Saying
  20. Leadership Teams Led by the Spirit
  21. Have You Considered Home Church?
  22. Walk in Your Divine Giftedness
  23. See the Gold in Others and Call It Forth
  24. A Marriage Healed by Hearing and Obeying God’s Voice!
  25. The Unbreakable Marriage - Book by Jeeva and Sulojana Sam

Honoring the Third Member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit

It’s Not Heresy! It’s Enlightenment! - A 9 blog series which constitutes the first 9 blogs below

  1. 3 Keys to the Anointing - Faith Energized by Love
  2. What is a heretic? Have I been one? Who defines misinformation?
  3. Shall we remove the words heretic and heresy?
  4. The main trait of a false teacher is an evil heart
  5. The main trait of a true teacher is a pure heart
  6. God’s highway of holiness is SAFE
  7. Roadblocks removed on His highway of holiness
  8. As I travel God’s highway revelation is EVER BRIGHTER
  9. A new day dawns as the Morning Star ARISES in our hearts
  10. Using e-Sword to explore the words heretic and heresy
  11. Prophetic Guidelines: A Brief Introduction
  12. My Tribute to Dr. Yonggi Cho
  13. Intercessor With Angel Wings
  14. Apostle's Creed: How does it deal with members of the Trinity?
  15. Father, Son and Holy Bible???
  16. Are You Rowing with BOTH Oars?
  17. What's Wrong with Protestant Theology's Foundations?
  18. Why Doesn’t the Church Offer Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles?
  19. Why Doesn’t the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 2
  20. Why Doesn’t the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 3
  21. Why Doesn’t the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 4
  22. A Salvation Website Which Honors The Role Of The Holy Spirit in Salvation
  23. Quantum Principles & the Spiritual Dimension
  24. I Fear I Have Committed "The Unpardonable Sin" or Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit!
  25. How Can I Have a Spirit-Led Corporate Prayer Meeting?
  26. 10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles
  27. Spirit-anointed, Spirit-empowered New Year’s Resolutions
  28. Is There Something Better Than a New Year's Resolution?
  29. Starting the New Year with a Word from the Lord
  30. Who is the Holy Spirit
  31. In My Passion to Live by the Spirit, I Looked Up ALL 1400 Verses on Heart and Spirit
  32. Why Do ONLY Right-Brainers Get Slain in the Spirit? Can Left-Brainers Experience This Also?

Baptism in the Holy Spirit 

  1. TV Interview + New Zoom Course by Charity Kayembe
  2. New Release: Overflow of the Spirit!
  3. Resting in Our Oneness with God by Charity Kayembe
  4. No Longer Thirsty Since I Received the Gift of Speaking In Tongues – Testimony by Anna Gibson
  5. Sue Caley Shares Her Experience of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  6. Michelle and Marlene Share Their Testimonies of Holy Spirit Baptism
  7. Margaret and Roma Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
  8. The Ease of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit - Anne Bolick
  9. Kim and Davidson Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
  10. The Power of Praying in Tongues by Malachi Talabi
  11. I Want to Speak in Tongues Fluently

Revelation-Based Learning – What, How, Why

  1. We're WIRED for Revelation
  2. God's six foundational experiences equip us to fulfill spirit anointed destinies 
  3. God’s truths written on the walls of our hearts - How exactly does this occur?
  4. Can the Bible Be Trusted?
  5. Is the Bible ALIVE? How am I to approach it?
  6. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  7. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  8. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  9. Walking with Jesus Through the Gospel of John
  10. Nothing Has Worked on My Personal Intimacy with Christ Like My CLU Courses
  11. Select Revelation-Based Training Which Perfectly Meets Your Needs
  12. Invitation to All Current and Past CLU Students
  13. Is God’s Definition of “Knowing” More Than Intellectually Comprehending?
  14. Does the Bible REALLY Say "Study to Show Yourself Approved"?
  15. How to Meditate on Scripture and Receive Revelation Knowledge!
  16. How Biblical Meditation Makes You a Tree of Life in BOTH Your Brain and Your Lifestyle
  17. How Does the BIBLE Say We Discover Truth?
  18. A Biblical Guide to Making Wise Decisions
  19. HELP! How Can I Discover Truth? The Best Epistemology Ever Is Revealed By Jesus
  20. Which Bible Translation to Use and What Is the Role of the Spirit in Coming to Truth?
  21. The Passion Translation - A Version with a Revelation of the Holy Spirit's Role in Our Lives
  22. Is This Anti-Christ Thing Blown Completely Out of Proportion?
  23. What Does It Mean When God Says He Watches Over His Word To Perform it?
  24. Healing Scriptures for Meditation
  25. Get the BEST Coach You Can!
  26. Einstein Quote Plus a Discussion on "Why did God create evil?"
  27. LIVE the Truth and THEN Move On...
  28. E-Sword – "World’s Most Popular Bible Software" and It's Free!
  29. Amazing Free Bible Atlas Websites
  30. Whole Brain Learning by T. David Manohar
  31. Has Satan Stolen Your Bible From You?
  32. Spirit-Anointed Teaching Seminar Guide - Download as: Adobe PDF (5MB) 
  33. Pamela Jones Tells What's So Great About a CLU Course
  34. Revelation Knowledge Versus Reasoned Knowledge and the Implications for Bible Colleges
  35. History of Seminaries and Accreditation (Dr. Gary S. Greig) - PDF click here   - Word  Click here 
  36. How to Develop Revelation-based Course Syllabi

Narrative Theology Series

  1. Narrative Theology Explains Why This Theologian Became a Storyteller
  2. Listen to This Charisma Podcast as Dr. Steve Greene Interviews Me on Narrative Theology
  3. I'm So Afraid - Please Give Me a Box of Rules So I Can Be Safe!
  4. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  5. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  6. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  7. Comparisons Between Systematic Theology & Narrative Theology
  8. If I Add Whole-Brain Learning to Heart Revelation, What Do I Get?
  9. Narrative Theology Series: A Return to Jesus Style of Training - Is This the Next Wave?
  10. Defining Spirit-Anointed Teachers and Spirit-Anointed Teaching
  11. How Do I Prepare a Spirit-Anointed Training Encounter for My Small Group?
  12. Are You Experiencing 20/20 Vision?

Revelation-Based Websites (University, Electronic School of the Spirit, Salvation, Health, Ordination, Social)

  1. Distinguishing Logos from Rhema (Communication from Speech)
  2. Christian Leadership University – Earn your degree with courses shipped to your door
  3. Christian Leadership University School of the Spirit – Electronic downloadable training modules
  4. Experience Salvation and Promote This Salvation Website
  5.  License and Ordination
  6. Select Revelation-Based Training Which Perfectly Meets Your Needs
  7. The Love Story Library
  8. Wading Deeper Into the River of God  (Chapters 1-3) - Download: Adobe PDF 
  9. Discover How You Can Take Charge of Your Health Today

A "Journey of Compassion” to India

The most transformational week of my life, as I took a huge step forward in ministering divine healing.

  1. Power Evangelism in India - It Works!
  2. Today I Was the Face of Jesus
  3. Feeding the Homeless and Healing the Sick
  4. Micro-Business Sewing School Graduation
  5. The High Point of My Journey

Heavenly Encounters

  1. A View of a Heavenly Home
  2. Visions of My Mom as a Rose In His Garden, Prepared Me for Her Graduation
  3. Taken to Heaven Where I Meet My Mom and Dad - By Becky Clevenger
  4. Dancing Together with Jesus in the Heavenlies
  5. Do You Want to Go on a Trip to Heaven?
  6. A Heavenly Encounter Heals the Loss of a Daughter by Tom Zinn
  7. I Saw My Kids in Heaven
  8. My Trip to Heaven by Julia Lynne Parker

National Issues

  1. Constitution Alive Courses Online 
  2. To whom then will you liken Me that I would be his equal? The Most High Rules!
  3. Join in Prophetic Warfare Battle - Pastor Peg Yarborough
  4. We just saw the musical production “Esther” by Sight and Sound – POWERFUL!
  5. Let's Come Together to Promote a Biblical Worldview
  6. Overview of the Republican and Democratic Platforms
  7. Let us lift up a standard TODAY!
  8. Revival IS HERE! Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand close interview by kneeling and praying
  9. Dogs Don’t Bark at Tombstones by Dave Kahle
  10. Practice Hospitality by William Dupley
  11. Great News You Can Use and Share 
  12. Saturate USA with the Jesus Film - 120 MILLION HOMES BY 2027
  13. States Are Returning the Bible to Schools
  14. How to get signed up to vote in federal elections
  15. Video - The Founding Fathers Set Up a LIMITED Government - Learn about it.
  16. Big moves in the presidential campaigns – BE INFORMED!
  17. Name-calling in the Bible 
  18. Have compassion for their blindness rather than anger for their stubbornness
  19. Bible Meditation on Psalm 91
  20. El Salvador went from the murder capital of the world to one of the safest nations
  21. Prophetic Word Through Flavien Williams
  22. Prophetic Word for 2024 by Ian Wilkinson
  23. God Speaks About 2024
  24. Why Prophesy? by William Dupley
  25. Hear both sides, then act with wisdom and integrity
  26. ANOTHER Mega Baptism: Church Dunks 1600+ New Believers on Beach, 'The Spirit of God Is on the Move'
  27. Be inspired as evil IS opening people's hearts to Christ and revival!
  28. The Resurrection is what makes Christianity different from all religions!
  29. These first-hand video clips will startle you, I guarantee
  30.  Revival in India - God is moving!
  31. 4 Keys Spreads in Zimbabwe by Don Paprocky
  32. Four Prophetic Words for 2024 from Malachi Talabi
  33. The Lord Is Our Deliverer So Let Us Call Out to Him NOW!
  34. Whoever tells the best story…
  35. ONE Kingdom Is UNSHAKABLE
  36. Underwater Volcano Heats Oceans Worldwide
  37. My Father Is the Gardener by Bill Dupley
  38. Persistent Prayer by William Dupley
  39. YAY, God Is UNCOVERING Evil!
  40. The reason we are still in captivity is… (Answer is straight from Scripture)
  41. God’s Voice, Power & Victory in Taking the Land
  42. The history of Thanksgiving
  43. Rise Up and Take a Stand for Me Journaling by Rev. Eric McCracken
  44. Life and death decisions
  45. New Movie Release by Angel Studios: "After Death"
  46. How is the World Health Organization funded?
  47. Prophetic Word Through Flavien - Calling My Reformers to Arise!
  48. Near Death Experiences Show Common Denominators from CBN News
  49. God’s wisdom to wash using running water - lost, rediscovered, resisted
  50. Togo Students Utilizing Christian Leadership University Courses
  51. Early Adopters Lived
  52. It’s Time to Speak the Truth
  53. Is the path of the wicked all that good?
  54. The Pesticide Turning Male Frogs into Females by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  55. The CDC and FDA discovered the risk of myocarditis is 133 times greater…
  56. Stop child sex slavery NOW by sending the message that God’s children are not for sale!
  57. Participate in Spreading The Current Revival of Spiritual Intimacy (An EASY Step)
  58. Resources to Restore America 
  59. Free Education Worldwide Through Khan Academy
  60. Should Christians Be Involved in the Military? We Need Kings Like David.
  61. Law of Proportion as It Relates to the Antichrist 
  62. Give Your Teens an Unshakeable Faith (Ages 16-22)
  63. Save a Life 
  64. Can I Live in Continuous Revival?
  65. Lonnie Frisbee and Messy Revivals
  66. The Best Way to Change Society Is to …
  67. Is There More Sin in the Church Today than in New Testament Times?
  68. God Calls His People to Spread His Love to a Hurting World by Dr. Ken Day
  69. Get Equipped to Be a Spirit Anointed World-Changer
  70. Billions of Angels Blowing Shofars by Peg Yarbrough
  71. How Do I Find and Relate to a Good Coach Who Can Help Me Succeed?
  72. 7 Actions to Take When Evil Leaders Are Destroying My World
  73. I Am the Lord and I Will Be Known - Prophetic Word Through Ian Wilkinson
  74. Anointed Conversation Amongst Medical Professionals
  75. Revival Breaks Out at Asbury University
  76. Why Are Some People NOT Open to Exploring New Theological Positions?
  77. Angels Have Been Sent and Walls ARE Going to Fall by Malachi Talabi
  78. HELP! How Can I Discover Truth? The Best Epistemology Ever Is Revealed By Jesus
  79. Journaling About Coming to Truth by Ivey Rorie
  80. Scientific Studies Defiled by Money WILL NOT Lead to Truth
  81. God Declares Rulers Are His Ministers and Kings Are His Shepherds
  82. God Fights for Us! This Is Why the Righteous Win! So NEVER Fear!
  83. I Am Confused Over WHO Rules
  84. The Church Need Not Fear the Rise of Evil Men as God Will Deal with Them
  85. Be BOLD and Join in This Prophetic Decree About Turnaround in National Government
  86. Vote now!
  87. Get Ready for God's Blessings to Appear by This Time Tomorrow by Malachi Talabi
  88. The Church Slept. Hitler Arose. Millions Died. Bonhoeffer Fought Back.
  89. Is the Church a Building or a Called-Out Assembly in the Town Square?
  90. Revival by William Dupley
  91. Transformation IS Occurring as We Arise Together and Declare He IS Lord of ALL
  92. In a Confused World, Jesus Clearly Explains How One Can Come to TRUTH
  93. A Biblical Guide to Making Stupid And Wise Decisions
  94. Grace Is His Power Effectively Released in Me by Ian Wilkinson
  95. Resurrection Blessings
  96. Marriage in the Kingdom Age - New CLU Course
  97. I think Psalm 10 was written just this week (Passion Translation)
  98. Jesus Warns Religious Leaders They Are Not Heaven Bound
  99. In This Season People Are Going to Fly to New Heights
  100. The Church Must Prepare, Hear, Fight, Win
  101. Wise Information Plus Action Removes Anxiety
  102. A Scriptural Precedent Concerning God's Protection
  103. Don’t Let Your House Be Blown Down In This Storm - BE FIERCE IN THE FRAY
  104. Discovering Your Assignment from God - Patti's Story of Building a Christian Library
  105. Are You Taking Part in This Reformation? We NEED You!
  106. Prophetic Word to the Church Through Nate Johnson
  107. I Saw a Tidal Wave of the Spirit Wash Across America
  108. God Has a SWAT Team by Malachi Talabi
  109. Angels Being Sent NOW to Fight for Our Freedom By Rev. Peg Yarbrough
  110. Jesus Laughing
  111. Get OFF the Fence!
  112. The Righteous Will Never Be Moved
  113. National Day of Prayer and Repentance (Watch for free)
  114. Every Vote Counts! Hearing from God About the Elections
  115. Build a Prayer Wall Around Every Voting Location
  116. Jonathan Cahn - A Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting On Election Day
  117. Prophecy from Flavien Williams
  118. Curses Removed - Expect National Transformation
  119. The Judge Has Spoken! – A Dream for the United States of America
  120. Who Rules? A Vision Concerning Washington D.C.
  121. Would You PLEASE STOP Believing for the Takeover of the World by Satan!
  122. National Day of Prayer and Repentance Sept. 26, 2020
  123. How to Pray Prophetically for Our Nation
  124. U.S. Supreme Court – Yikes! Should Jesus Have Gotten Upset Over the Roman Government?
  125. Can the Government Tell the Church What to Do? By C. Peter Wagner
  126. Our Churches and Places of Worship Are Under Attack!!!
  127. Understanding and Responding to Racial Tension
  128. Should I Just Hunker Down, Pray, and Try to Avoid All the Turmoil Engulfing the USA?
  129. "All Sheep Matter!"
  130. T. D. Jakes Explains Racial Issues in a Way I've Never Heard Them
  131. A Lieutenant Discusses Racial Discrimination Within the NYPD
  132. Healthy Relationships - Marriage, Family, Body of Christ (and Black White Racial Tension)
  133. Perception, Presumption & the Pain of Not Belonging
  134. What Can I Do To Help Heal Racial Tension?
  135. It's Time for Blacks and Whites to Talk About Race Issues
  136. A Prophetic Prayer Over the Nations by Linda Burton

Testimonies of how hearing God's voice impacts lives

  1. A Slogan from Jesus Through a Student Who Just Learned to Journal 
  2. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  3. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  4. Jesus Sets the Pattern for Living Out of Divine Initiative
  5. 16-Year-Old Meaghan Duggan Shares Her Healing Journey
  6. How the Course “Communion With God” Has Changed My Life by Lyle Thomas
  7. God's Voice Transformed Me - Lori R. Bell
  8. A psychotherapist in Indonesia transforms clients through the voice of God!
  9. Encountering Jesus About the Death of a Child - Interview with April Trush
  10. Caz Taylor Writes with Godly Inspiration
  11. Hearing God and Set Free - A Pastor Shares
  12. Russian testimonies - The 4 keys are bringing personal revival

  13. South African Pastor Embraces 4 Keys and Sees Miraculous Growth - by Dr. Don Paprocky
  14. Pastor David Rocha Interviewed on CBN
  15. Why Doesn't the Lord's Prayer Contain Any of the Four Keys?
  16. Rev. David Parker Leads His Congregation into Two-Way Journaling
  17. Lord, Speak to Me Concerning the Anointing in My Life - Part 1
  18. Journaling on Experiencing the Anointing - Part 2
  19. From Guru to God - Transformed by Journaling
  20. The LiveStream of 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Is Revolutionizing My Life!
  21. Refresher Teaching Has Been Great!
  22. "Everything" - Music Birthed From Flow
  23. Increasing the Anointing
  24. Naturally Supernatural
  25. The Lord Speaks Concerning Law and Grace
  26. Jesus Speaks Concerning The Importance of Abiding In Him
  27. Put Your Marriage Over the Top
  28. Healed of the Pain from My Husband's Death by Jean Freeborn
  29. Catholics Being Transformed by the Voice of God
  30. Obedience, Disobedience, and Hearing God's Voice by Maria Sachlis
  31. We ALL Need a WONDERFUL COUNSELOR as Covid 19 Becomes a Worldwide Pandemic
  32. Don't Get Bogged Down by Your Past by Mike Bastien
  33. Jesus Does a Miracle on the Highway
  34. God Speaks Concerning Law and Grace – Larry Walter Shares His Journaling
  35. Jesus and Solitaire - "Tell My Kids I’m Tired of Doing Things Alone"
  36. Going Back to the Basics: My Love Affair with Jesus - by Monica McKeen
  37. PROCLAIM HIS NAME Into the Atmosphere! by Jacqueline McKool
  38. These Courses Have Changed My Life Like Nothing Else Except Salvation!
  39. Reflections on Psalm 46:10by Ivey Rorie
  40. "I Saw Jesus Building Sandcastles"
  41. Linda Widjaja Journals About Being Naturally Supernatural
  42. The Bible Comes Alive!
  43. George Neitz Life Transformed by God's Voice!
  44. Growing in the Healing Anointing
  45. Pastor Doesn't Get to Preach Because God Is Moving!
  46. What Affect Does Sin Have? Two-Way Journaling
  47. God Speaks at Tim Horton's - While Standing in Line!
  48. Satan Stole the Revelation God Gave Me
  49. How One Pastor Learned to Abide in ChristThrough Naturally Supernatural
  50. I Want to Be Slain in the Spirit!
  51. Birthing Ministries Out of Our Pain
  52. Revelation in Times of Confinement
  53. Divine Creativity - Art Expressing Who I Am
  54. Confessions Which Allow Me to Live Naturally Supernatural
  55. The Holy Spirit Guides Through a Covid Encounter by Karin da Silva
  56. New Book - Motivation to Move by Karen Sue Smith
  57. From Prison to Ordained Minister
  58. "My Life as a Pastor Will Never Be the Same!" by Charity Kayembe

Interviews & Video Teaching with Charity Virkler Kayembe

  1. 15 Ways Angels Minister to Us 
  2. CBN Interview
  3. Interpreting Shawn Bolz' Dream
  4. The Divine Intersection of Quantum Physics & Dream Work
  5. Exploring the Prophetic Interview with Shawn Bolz
  6. Sid Roth It's Supernatural Interview
  7. 7 Tips for Improving Dream Recall
  8. Why We Dream of Things from Our Days
  9. Dream Keys Podcast
  10. Talking Angels with Shawn Bolz 
  11. Angels at the Dentist + New Podcast
  12. Growing Up with Angels
  13. Interview on the Sacred Supernatural
  14. A Warning Dream + Two New Interviews
  15. God's Message Through the Smallest Cigar
  16. 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
  17.  CBN News: Still Unsure About Engaging Angels?
  18. Glory Road TV: Who Should Expect Angelic Ministry?
  19.  LIVE Online with Joshua Mills: Angels & the Realms of Glory
  20.  God TV Interview
  21.  Podcast: Angel Medics & Hospital Room Miracles
  22.  Everyday Angels Interview with Awaken LIVE
  23.  Worshiping Angels
  24.  GOD TV Interview
  25.  Angels Q&A
  26. Interview with Patricia King on GOD TV
  27. TV Interview + New Zoom Course

Interviews & Video Teaching with Mark Virkler

  1. Browse this playlist of videos from our YouTube channel
  2. Mark Virkler on Exploring the Prophetic Video Podcast with Shawn Bolz
  3. Our Message on Hearing God's Voice in 8 Minutes!
  4. Our Message on Hearing God's Voice in 14 Minutes!
  5. Twenty-One Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  6. Six-Minute Presentation of the 4 Keys
  7. 100 Huntley Street - 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice: Part 1 (10 min.), Part 2 (9 min.)
  8. Overview of the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice (60 min)
  9. How to Hear God's Voice
  10. Bringing the Voice of God to Your Writing Experience
  11. Storytelling with the Holy Spirit - Interview on Narrative Theology with Dr. Steve Green of Charisma
  12. Prayers That Heal the Heart
  13. VIDEO - Prayers That Heal the Heart 7 Step Model
  14. Video - How to Have Mountain Moving Faith
  15. Spirit Born Creativity
  16. How to Speak in Tongues
  17. The Cross: The Center of Christianity and Christian Growth
  18. Video on Revival - How can I participate in the current revival?
  19. High Impact Wallet Cards (Video)
  20. Video - Your Winning Team
  21. Miracles of Healing Video - 7 Step Model
  22. Video: 7 Step Bible Meditation Process Explored
  23. Divine Healing Toolbox
  24. Resources for YOUR Healing Encounter or Miracle Service
  25. Hearing God Through Your Dreams Interview with Charity Virkler Kayembe (16 min)
  26. Hearing God Through Your Dreams Teaching at Catch the Fire Toronto with Mark Virkler & Charity Virkler Kayembe (76 min)
  27. Charisma Podcast as Dr. Steve Greene Interviews Me on Narrative Theology
  28. Charlette Holmes Discusses Her Experiences as a Prophetess
  29. How I Learned to Hear God’s Voice - Interview with Emily Ladley
  30. Dream Interpretation Journey - Interview with Emily Ladley
  31. Charlette Holmes Shares Her Experience at the Prophetic Healing Protocols Event
  32. Interview with Lyle Thomas - A Russian Missionary from the U.S. 
  33. How to Overcome Your Trouble Seeing and Hearing God: Connect in His Language by Dr. Patty Sadallah
  34. Meet Rev. Don Paprocky - Trainer and Coach in Hearing God's Voice and Prayers That Heal the Heart
  35. My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons! By Sue DeJesus
  36. Video Interview: Pauline Burthwick's Inspiring Testimony of Teaching Hearing God's Voice Worldwide
  37. Elizabeth’s Battles and Victories Learning to Hear God's Voice
  38. Set Free from Sexual Perversion – Testimony by Erroll Glee
  39. New TV Series Produced by CLU Grad Cheryl McKay 
  40. Elijah Force Interview with Mark Virkler
  41. Interview with Patty Sadallah - Join These Online Spirit Life Workshops
  42. New Free Full-Color Booklet on the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
  43. Hearing God Through Your Dreams
  44. 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice (5 - each about 20 min)
  45. Prayers That Heal the Heart (5 - each about 20 min)
  46. Hear God Through Your Dreams (5 - each about 20 min)
  47. Debbie Chavez radio interview: Learn to Hear God's Voice (30 min)

Wisdom Bits

  1. Wisdom from Jesus concerning FOCUS
  2. Wisdom from Jesus Concerning EMOTIONS
  3. Wisdom from Jesus Concerning Health
  4. Wisdom from Jesus Concerning FOCUS
  5. Wisdom from Jesus Concerning EMOTIONS
  6. Wisdom From Scripture Concerning Money
  7. Wisdom from God Concerning the Wicked, Justice and Injustice
  8. Wisdom from Jesus Concerning Might, Power, Strength and Rulership
  9. Wisdom from Paul Concerning Faith, Hope and Love
  10. Wisdom From Jesus Concerning Depression
  11. Wisdom from Jesus Concerning Peace
  12. Wisdom From Scripture Concerning Laughter

Bonus Blogs

  1. Browse 50+ Languages of translated materials
  2. 100,000 Reasons to Be Thankful by Charity Kayembe
  3. 10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles
  4. The Homeschooling Wave Is Huge
  5. Introduction to Christian Leadership Coaching (CLC101)
  6. Free eBook by Elizabeth Ellynshaw
  7. A Fun American Cultural History Curriculum by Charla Virkler
  8. Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago
  9. Did God Give Patterns for Approaching Him?
  10. Do you believe these affect your destiny?
  11. When is the stated story not the whole story? Almost always!
  12. Why Should I Be Baptized? by William Dupley
  13. The Lord’s Supper, Water Baptism, Marriage – Symbols or Sacraments
  14. What is your definition of "religion"?
  15. Is It EVER Right to Pronounce a Curse?
  16. Do I lead or does God lead when it comes to binding and loosing?
  17. 10 Temperament Commandments
  18. 500 Telugu Bibles Being Distributed Free in India
  19. CLU Graduation - Togo 2017
  20. Self-Check Test on Phariseeism
  21. Gender Dynamics In Ministry: Biblical Foundations of Women Alongside Men In Ministry (Dr. Gary Greig) 
  22. Does Your Church Have a Safety Program In Place?
  23. Heart of Generosity by Bill Dupley
  24. Overwhelmed By All The Prophecies Coming Out The First of The Year? - By Bill Dupley
  25. A Song for Mother's Day - by Craig Perkins
  26. The Rapture, Hell & Beards (And Other Things We Fight Over)
  27. News Websites
  28. Mark and Patti's Golden Anniversary

25 Days Of Christmas Devotionals

  1. A Christmas Dream: Santa & the Supernatural by Charity Virkler Kayembe
  2. Christmas Devotionals (1 of 25) by Jason Major
  3. Christmas Devotionals (2 of 25) by Jason Major
  4. Christmas Devotionals (3 of 25) by Jason Major
  5. Christmas Devotionals (4 of 25) by Jason Major
  6. Christmas Devotionals (5 of 25) by Jason Major
  7. Christmas Devotionals (6 of 25) by Jason Major
  8. Christmas Devotionals (7 of 25) by Jason Major
  9. Christmas Devotionals (8 of 25) by Jason Major
  10. Christmas Devotionals (9 of 25) by Jason Major
  11. Christmas Devotionals (10 of 25) by Jason Major
  12. Christmas Devotionals (11 of 25) by Jason Major
  13. Christmas Devotionals (12 of 25) by Jason Major
  14. Christmas Devotionals (13 of 25) by Jason Major
  15. Christmas Devotionals (14 of 25) by Jason Major
  16. Christmas Devotionals (15 of 25) by Jason Major
  17. Christmas Devotionals (16 of 25) by Jason Major
  18. Christmas Devotionals (17 of 25) by Jason Major
  19. Christmas Devotionals (18 of 25) by Jason Major
  20. Christmas Devotionals (19 of 25) by Jason Major
  21. Christmas Devotionals (20 of 25) by Jason Major
  22. Christmas Devotionals (21 of 25) by Jason Major
  23. Christmas Devotionals (22 of 25) by Jason Major
  24. Christmas Devotionals (23 of 25) by Jason Major
  25. Christmas Devotionals (24 of 25) by Jason Major
  26. Christmas Devotionals (25 of 25) by Jason Major 
  27. Season of New Beginnings

Dissertations by Christian Leadership University Students

  1. Free Books and Articles Here
  2. New CLU Course Brings God's Voice to Eschatology!
  3. Technology of Creation - How Intention Within Affects Our Words Outward


Results 1 - 10 of 482


4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 305 Pages | Retail: $16.99

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond?

Price: $14.95

Dialogue with God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 296 Pages

This top seller for 30 years from Bridge Logos provides a narrative, right-brain presentation of the principles of how to hear God's voice. Especially enjoyable for personal use, it makes a great gift for introducing a loved one to the voice of God. This book teaches the four keys to hearing God's voice in readable style, and also devotes two entire chapters to moving samples of people's journaling (i.e. their two-way dialogue with God).

Price: $17.95
Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

9 Books | 10 CDs | 10 DVDs | Save Over 20%

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond? When things don't seem to be going your way and your prayers aren't answered the way you had hoped, wouldn't it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life? Are you ever just a little bit jealous of others who say with such confidence, "The Lord said...."?

Price: $175.00

How to Hear God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 317 Pages

We recommend that you order the newest revision of this book titled 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. It includes 95% of the content of How to Hear God's Voice but is reorganized so it fits perfectly with the 10 DVDs on this subject by Mark Virkler. In addition, it gets you started using the four keys earlier in the book and gives you more journaling samples and exercises. Since we have removed the large margins, it is a smaller and less expensive book.

Price: $24.95

Prayers That Heal the Heart - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 320 Pages

Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit.

Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith. 

Price: $19.95

Counseled by God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 146 Pages

Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority, condemnation or depression? Have you tried to fight them off unsuccessfully? Is there an answer that is deeper than simply trying to mentally reason yourself out of these emotions? Is there a way that Jesus can speak a word of life into the depths of your emotional despair and bring healing on a deep level? Is there a form of Christian counseling that begins and ends with the movement of Christ within your heart, rather than simply with the words of man?

Price: $10.95
Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook Cover

Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 92 Pages

A newer book has been released that accompanies this workbook: Click here for Hearing God Through Your Dreams by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler (featured on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural", with almost a million views just on YouTube).

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? Wouldn't it be nice if you could receive mid-course corrections from the Lord while you sleep? Do you wish you could be receiving divine inspiration, creative solutions to problems, and direction from the Lord during that third of your life that you’re “just” sleeping?

Price: $11.95

Hearing God Through Your Dreams

by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe | 292 Pages

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

It is always fun to be on the winning team. Well look what God has done with Charity's new dreams teaching. It has taken off like a rocket with a live TV interview on Cornerstone Network and her Sid Roth interview which has almost a million views on YouTube!

Price: $16.99

Everyday Angels

by Charity Virkler Kayembe and Joe Brock 289 Pages

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $16.99
Hearing God

Hearing God - for Intimacy, Healing, Creativity, Meditation and Dream Interpretation

by Mark Virkler and Patti Virkler | 192 Pages

Reviewed by Sid Roth on It's SupernaturalWhat does it sound like to hear from Heaven? In this interactive journal, Dr. Mark Virkler takes you on a life-changing journey that reveals three powerful ways you can hear God’s voice and recognize how He is speaking in your life everyday.

Price: $16.95
