Meeting from house to house (Acts 20:20)
Interactive Online Video Conferencing Communities
Are a 21st Century Expression of Small Groups
A different kind of small group - Experience a Spirit Life Circle, a small group created for you where each week we each share a revelation from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ which we received during the previous week. This includes dreams, visions, two-way journaling, prophecies and insights from Bible meditations or from a book you are reading, or a class you are taking. This brings the presence of God to the group! We hear what Jesus has been doing this past week!
Click here for a full color brochure showing Spirit Life Circles in action
Heart needs are met through inner healing, deliverance and Spirit-led counseling which can occur during or after the small group meetings. Words of wisdom, words of knowledge and prophecies flow freely from the Holy Spirit as ministry occurs.
This is a safe place to practice operating the gifts of the Holy Spirit and results in a holy boldness as we minister these gifts in the world, growing into new levels of faith in action, living naturally, supernatural lives.
Every gathering culminates with a time of two-way journaling where God speaks to each participant, providing encouragement, revelation and commissioning. Everyone has the freedom to share their journaling; no one is forced to. Faith soars. Friendships deepen. Walking and living by the Spirit is cultivated (Galatians 5:25). If you are hungry for this type of environment then Spirit Life Circles are for you! Here is an example of what happens in these small groups as they hear from God.
God's Voice Reigns - The foundational requirement for participation in these groups is that each participant is able to hear God's voice and be proficient on two-way journaling and seeing vision.
Training which promotes these skills is available in the Hearing God's Voice electronic training module or through CLU's independent study course Communion With God. Other alternatives include these training materials by Mark and Patti Virkler or you may have been taught these principles by a student who has been through the 4 Keys training.
If you have not already received training on the four keys to hearing God's voice, you may join one of the Hearing God’s Voice Circle's listed below as you work through the training (pictured below).
Attendance is available worldwide - Our groups are active in various regions of the world, and offer weekly internet group sessions and/or home group sessions. You are welcome to join any group listed below as long as they have available space. Our goal is to keep the groups between 5 and approximatly 10 members so each person can participate meaningfully and give and receive ministry.
These groups will be focused on each participant sharing revelations, questions and insights from their weekly studies and life experiences. These studies can be from various sources including the 100+ independent study courses at Christian Leadership University or the 20+ modules at CLU's electronic School of the Spirit or other books outside of this list that inspire you to live the Holy Spirit-led life.
Key Biblical Values
- Everyone contributing Spirit LIFE: Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification (1 Corinthians 14:26).
- Enlightenment: I pray that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened; that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1:18).
- Revelation: "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32). 'AND IT SHALL BE IN THE LAST DAYS,' God says, 'THAT I WILL POUR FORTH OF MY SPIRIT ON ALL MANKIND; AND YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY, AND YOUR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS, AND YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS (Acts 2:17).
- Loving encouragement: Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24-25).
- Restoration: Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:1-2).
- Strengthening: Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion… And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
- A safe place to practice: The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things (Philippians 4:9).
Friendship - Revelation - Transformation
Explore Spirit Life Circles in Depth
- Explore an article on the value Scripture places on home groups (Acts 20:20)
- What Should I Expect in a Typical Weekly Spirit Life Circle Meeting?
- Look Where Practicing Spontaneity Together Took This Group
- Discover easy steps for using the online software "Free Conference Call"
Monthly participation fee
The cost for participation is $1.30 a day (i.e. $39/month), which will be paid by automatic monthly credit card withdrawal. You can terminate your involvement in these "Life Circles" at the close of any monthly cycle.
Why should I invest in my spiritual development?
For personal benefit: We value that which we invest in. When we receive something for free, it is often unappreciated, unused and gets set on a shelf. So the questions are:
"How much value do I place on building friendships with individuals who are pursuing life in the Spirit and the Kingdom realities of divine wisdom, power, healing and creativity? How hard is it to find a group that journals together weekly and shares what God has spoken? How much faster will I grow if I am part of such a group?"
A workman is worthy of his hire (Lk. 10:7). The Lord has directed that those who proclaim the Gospel are to receive their living from the Gospel (1 Cor. 9:14). Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching (1 Tim. 5:17,18). One who is taught the word must share all good things with the one who teaches (Gal. 6:6).
Take these simple steps to join a Spirit Life Circle
- You need to clearly and easily hear God's voice so begin with a Foundational Circle. If you have not been trained in the four keys to hearing God's voice and cannot do two-way journaling, sign up for the training module Hearing God's Voice. You can experience week one here for free. Locate a Foundational Circle on "Hearing God's Voice" in the offerings below. Those enrolled in the Hearing God's Voice downloadable module or the correspondence course Communion With God should join this group for a three month period to deepen and master the skills of seeing vision, hearing God's voice and two-way journaling. Then move on to another group of your choosing.
- Determine which group you would like to join by reviewing the profiles and focus groups listed below.
- Email the coach from whom you would like more information and to see if they have room to take you into one of their groups.
- Once confirmed for entrance into a group, your group coach will provide you information concerning how to make your automatic $39 monthly payment.
- Get mentored on Free Conference Call Software - Review and follow this page of instructions, and then contact your coach to see about connecting for 15 minutes to learn your way around the software so you are comfortable as you begin your first group meeting.
- Show up at your weekly Spirit Life Circle meetings with a revelation to share from your week.
- Invite your friends to participate in a Life Circle. Spread the fire!
“Spirit Life Circles” – Coaches & Circle Types
Click on Hyperlinked Name to jump to individual
- Patty Sadallah, Cleveland, OH
- Isabelle Declercq, South Africa, Belgium, The Netherlands
- Cyprien Afrika, Kenya Africa
- Margaret Cornell, Isleham, England
- Vanessa Janusz, Long Island, NY
- George Medellin, Sweet Home USA
- Mike Bastien, Belle River, Ontario, Canada (Windsor, Ontario area)
- Wiley Smiley, Barton Mills, Suffolk, United Kingdom
- Maria Sachlis, Virginia
- Pamela D White, Illinois
- Roma Flood-Leembruggen, Australia
- Dorina Saigh, Germany
- Francis Attikpo, France
- Michelle Kirby, Alaska
- Yvonne Turner, Ohio
- Sharon Garos, Texas
Dr. Patty Sadallah, Team Leader
- Contact by Email:,
- Location: North Royalton, OH (Cleveland, OH area) USA
- Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
- Languages: English
- Offering: Face-to-face and online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: Mornings, afternoons and evenings
Get to know Patty
I discovered experience-based learning my first semester of college and no other way would do from that time on. I earned both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Organization Development (a leadership field practicing planning, training and group facilitation) by experientially designed programs. I have more than 35 years’ experience in group facilitation and experience- based planning and training.
I had written two books and knew that God wanted me to write more books. I discovered CLU through a prayer partner and received a deeper level of learning and spiritual growth by direct Jesus encounters.
While working through my doctoral program at CLU, the Lord birthed in me a desire to share what I was learning and before I knew it, I had a group of people that I was teaching the CLU classes at a Bible study level in my home and church.
I was able to hear God’s voice before starting my CLU program, but I was not able to teach others how and was not aware of how easy it was to have direct encounters with Jesus. This changed my life! My dissertation was my third book: How to Live a Worry-Free Life: Just ask Jesus Book 1. I am currently writing my 4th book, How to Find your Calling: Just ask Jesus Book 2.
I have been an Instructor for CLU for the last 3 years. I am blessed to continue learning through the students’ work I have the pleasure to review.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach – After a couple years of teaching, the Lord said to me: “The one who does the work, gets the blessing.” He spoke to me about discipleship being an active equipping for people to become and serve the Kingdom plan. It was about the “crew and not the crowd”. He didn’t want people passively receiving what a teacher could offer, but a partnership of learning with Him and with each other. He wanted me to create a group coaching model whereby the group members bring learning to the table in a safe space allowing them to teach and practice what they were learning together. Everyone in the group was responsible for their own learning, and for sharing and coaching each other. This shared responsibility for learning and accountability kicked up the levels of anointing for each member of the group. We began to see holy boldness, signs, wonders and miracles at a much higher level.
I’m excited that Dr. Mark Virkler asked me to duplicate this process for CLU and School of the Spirit people who are interested in learning and practicing in community groups internationally. As an Instructor for CLU, I have been blessed to meet talented people with sold out hearts for God who are willing to serve as Mentor Coaches for this venture all over the world. With Jesus at the helm, I am pleased to lead this Mentored Group Coaching Membership program team and can’t wait to hear what God will do through its members.
An example of Patty’s journaling…
The Lord speaks to me in very often in metaphors. This is a small excerpt of a larger journal conversation that Lord gave me about a dream interpretation. This journal conversation happened 3 years ago, but, I share the bits of this now because I feel it is connected to the Lord’s purpose for having this Mentored Group Coaching Membership program. Generally, the dream was about me applying for contest for a reality TV show that was looking for people with an idea that would change the world. In my dream, my idea was selected for the show.
(The number 453 was in my dream and the Lord led me to Isaiah 45:3.)
… When I asked the Lord to help me understand the dream…
The first thing He did was direct me to Isaiah 45:3 “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”
The Lord said:
The secrets of the heart are the treasures of the inner man: spirit led wisdom, eyes, ears, mind, will and emotion – your heart connected with mine. I know you by name and have uniquely qualified you for a journey. Together we will come up with the way for you reach the masses – a platform for people to hear what I have to speak through you. You are getting ready for the message and the method with this doctoral program.
We will help people find their strength through brokenness. The secret treasures are related to people learning that their weakness is their strength because I fill in all the negative spaces they allow Me to with my Omni strength. It’s about cooperation.
Lord, please help me better understand this. Please show me a picture for that metaphor.
The Lord showed me pieces of shattered glass with the multiplication effect of reflection. An unbroken glass shows only one image, but the individual shards of glass have a multiplying reflective capability.
Lord, what was the idea as I was describing it in the dream I can’t remember.
It was fixing, healing, repairing and making new out of broken imperfections by finding the reservoirs of Living Water within.
Yes, I was speaking of people with disabilities becoming whole again. Something like that, I remembered.
The Isaiah 45:3 verse shows that the treasures were hidden below the surface. People didn’t know they were there. The treasures would be ready to be discovered when the time was right, and I allowed them to be discovered. You will help people discover what makes them whole. (Holy Spirit- Christ-Identity) When my perfection mixes with a person’s imperfection the result is stronger and better than before they were broken. You will help people discover what makes them better than new.
Kind of like the bionic man?
Yes, in the “6 million Dollar Man” show from the 1970s, the astronaut Steve Austin was nearly dead from an accident. He was rebuilt with materials that made him stronger, able to see better, hear better, run farther. He was able to serve better because he had parts that had been broken and now were better than new.
Like covering the broken bits with your power and strength. No longer human, but superhuman.
Yes, and every believer has that ability. If all My Children knew and embraced that Truth it would change the world.
Thank you, Lord, for selecting me to carry this message. It’s a humbling honor and I know you will fully equip me send it.
Isabelle Declercq
- Contact by Email:
- Location: South africa, Belgium, The Netherlands
- Time Zone: Central European Time
- Languages: English, Dutch, French
- Offering: Face-to-face and online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: Mornings and afternoons
Get to know Isabelle
Since I enrolled in CLU the Lord took my life in every aspect to a next and wonderful level of grace and intimate relationship with the Lord.
I experienced Him in much deeper and naturally flowing ways I could never have imagined before. Hearing His voice as a result of taking these specific courses has become my daily and nightly way of walking with Jesus. His Spirit is tangibly present in my heart and mind.
I started at CLU more than 10 years ago; it often provided me the medicine my heart needed, for that also I’m very grateful.
Now currently working towards a doctoral degree I write my thesis on childlike faith. Now that too is such a fun and exciting project in which I simply hear and follow the Lord’s directions and revelation. That’s what I find so foundational in every CLU course: God is totally present in the teaching. It’s not a sterile rational study; it’s experiencing our living and loving God in His living Rhema Word. It’s unavoidable: receiving rhema is receiving His healing touch.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I love people, I love to enjoy others, hearing their life journeys, learning from them. I’m encouraged by hearing how my Lord transforms lives and reveals Himself in such gracious ways. I went through some interesting journeys myself where the Lord was my steadfast Rock, best Friend and Healer.
I love to encourage others, keep them motivated, help them believe in God’s plan for them. Support and assist to get them further in the fullness of their calling.
I’m a teacher, I’m passionate to make sure everyone can receive truth at their own pace in creative ways. I’m aware we’re all created uniquely! Thank the Lord!
I’m also a nurse and I just love to take care of everyone, making them feel home and loved.
An example of Isabelle’s journaling…
Good morning my Lord,
I feel so good and regenerated after an early walk through the vineyards. Your presence is all over. Thank You for loving me so much. How do You feel this morning, Lord?
My dear child,
Thank you for asking, you’re so sensitive to my Spirit. Actually Me too, I feel great today, walking beside you is such a privilege and fun. I love your humor by the way. You know the feeling when parents carry their child for the first time in their safe and delicate arms, well that’s how I feel each time we have our very personal time together. I almost don’t want to say anything, I just look at you with my eyes full of admiration and endless love. These moments are so precious to me, Isabelle. I love you, and I really feel good. We started this day so well can’t wait to spoil you more with more favor! For that’s on My menu for you: My favor. Be blessed, dear child of Mine.
Rev. Cyprien Afrika
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Ongata Rongai (Nairobi), Kenya
- Time Zone: East Africa Time
- Languages: English, Kiswahili, French
- Meeting times: Mornings and afternoons
Get to know Cyprien
I was born in a family of 10 children, five boys and five girls. I am the sixth born in our family. I was born in the year 1975. When I attained my 12th year, I lost my father; that was in 1987.
From that year life became a bit hard. We stayed with our mum for 12 years and then she too went to be with the Lord in the year 2000. By then I had completed my high school. I married in the year 2005 then the Lord opened a door for me and I got an opportunity to join a University where by I completed in the year 2010 attained a Bachelor Degree in Public administration and good Governance . In 2008 I got born again because this is when I heard the voice of God telling me to follow Him. Here I became stranded and asked myself, “How?” But the same voice came back to me again and told me, “I will teach you so that you too can teach others”. God showed me website of CLU then, In January 2012, I began to study the courses on Bachelor of Christian Ministry where I completed in January 2014. I was ordained to be a pastor in the year 2013. In March 2014, the voice of the Lord spoke to me and told me to go and minister on the teachings He told me (teaching I received from Christian Leadership Seminary). He then gave me the direction to come to Kenya and begin it there. On 21st April, my wife and I started the journey to Kenya. Before we came to Kenya, I had already begun my study of master degree of Christian Ministry. When we first came to Kenya, we didn’t know where to begin; I recognized how God used CLU to fulfill his plan. Now I am serving in developing nations through CLU.
I started a ministry known as Talking with Jesus Ministries (Prayer Center) which has a mission: Intercession Prayer, Spiritual life Coaching, Counseling; Deliverance; Bible retreat, and Church planting. Transformation of communities for God’s Glory! James 4:7-8, 10. This prayer center will also be established in other countries across the World, God willing. I am very confident of the faithfulness of God, will keep in walking with me; I am thankful to CLU so that His plan revealed to me, will be accomplished through CLU.
These past 13 years since we got married, it has been a long journey, with many challenges, that required us to trust in God, and continue. I saw many things revealed to me by God; some of them have been realized and others will be accomplished soon or later, I believe. I thank God for using Dr. Mark Virkler without limit.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - When I was young at the age of 12-15yrs, I had a desire to work for the Lord. Through my prayer I told Him (God) if he will lead me through different levels of Education, I will serve Him anywhere he sends me. At the year 2010 God answered my prayers whereby I had finished University level and attained Bachelor Degree. In 2014 I also achieved to attain Bachelor Degree in Christian Ministry. In the very year of 2014 when I started Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry, God reminded me to Go and teach others what he had taught me. I started training people. I like to coach an individual as I listen to him/her and at the same time I listen to the flow from God that leads me to proper coaching. I don’t depend on myself but what God says in that moment.
An example of Cyprien’s journaling…
Lord, what do you want to say to me personally about this new mission and how you want to apply it in my life?
I am God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I know what you do and see every step you take; I am your rock, your protection, I lead you and guide you. My work I gave you, I , the lord I will do it myself in you , don’t be afraid, go to tell everyone if anyone thirsts , let him come to Me and drink, rivers of living water will flow out from their heart. Your life is in my hands and you are in presence of my eyes. I have changed your sorrow into dancing and clothed you my joy. Submit all to me and I will provide all to you, peaceful in your heart.
Margaret Cornell
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Isleham, Cambs England
- Time Zone: Western European Time
- Languages: English
- Meeting times: Thursday Morning, Afternoon, Evening
Get to know Margaret
My husband and I obtained the Virkler materials from the Bible school where he was in Buffalo New York in 1986, and worked through the 4 keys course, afterwards using it for 20 years in the church which we had pioneered in 1982. We also taught ‘Through the Bible’ and many other courses
Since we retired, we have both been preaching in various places and teaching 4 keys seminars and Naturally Supernatural seminars. From the start of my Christian life I heard God clearly and lived out of what I’d heard from Him, which I set forth in my autobiography ‘A Life Shared’ but all those years ago when we learned to journal it meant that I could hear God on a daily basis which strengthened my spiritual life enormously. We have met with Mark on many occasions and five years ago became his representatives in the UK, and are doing our best to promote the ministry.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I have been mentoring people for many years in groups or one to one. In 45 years, we had over 60 people live in our home who needed help and healing in one way or another.
Last year I had twenty people from all over the world who found me on the CWG website sharing their journaling with me. I love to see people mature and advance in their spiritual lives. It is a joy.
An example of Margaret’s journaling…
I had just been diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma. I said
“Where are you, Jesus, and what are you doing?” I focused my attention on Him, and wrote.
Lord, I find myself in the valley of decision – but not torn between two decisions as I thought I might be. I feel suspended. But I’m not afraid or anxious in any way. I know that I am safe in the palm of your hand and that your hand is upon me. In your presence I have such security and almost feel that whatever I decide to do will take care of it. I am overwhelmed by people’s response to my news and never believed that this would happen to me. I am looking for a strong inner witness about my choices, as I know I cannot be persuaded by natural circumstances. Of course I would like you to heal me without the treatment, as I know that you are greater than lymphoma and it must bow the knee to you. Ringing in my heart right now I have the words “I am not longer a slave to fear...I am a child of God” and I can only picture you, Jesus, fast asleep in Peter’s boat totally unfazed by the storm.
The picture I saw of Jesus fast asleep in the back of Peter’s boat with the storm raging all around was so powerful. He was at peace and obviously not bothered by the storm. I thought to myself; if Jesus is at peace about my storm, then so can I be! At that moment, I let go of the all the care of it and never worried about it again. So apart from a few occasions during the following months, although things were very hard, I stayed positive. Of course, fear tried to come but I knew what to do about it. Sometimes I felt miserable about the effects of what was going on in my body, but I had perfect peace in my heart and never doubted that whatever I went through, in the end all would be well.
As I waited for God to speak to me again, He replied;
I am Love, my child, and there is no fear in love. This is why you have peace, because my love is within you as well as surrounding you, holding you steady. Always be conscious of who I am in you – you are my temple my dwelling place where you have made a home for Me. Be assured that I will not see My home destroyed by a disease that I took upon myself on the cross...that I personally bought at such a great price. I paid dearly for it. It is my privilege and my joy to cleanse the temple and restore you to perfect health.
Vanessa Janusz
- Contact by Email:
- Location: East Meadow, NY
- Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone
- Languages: English
- Meeting times: Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings
Get to know Vanessa
Blessings to you, in Christ Jesus! I have been following hard after Jesus from a very young age. I have graduated Seminary, attained my Doctorate of Christian Counseling with Christian Leadership University, hold various certificates of spiritual power-based trainings over the years, and I am a Spirit Life Circle mentor.
I became involved with the opportunities that CLU offers when meeting Mark Virkler at a Global Awakening conference where I was working the CHCP/CPCP booth praying with people (having received my Practitioner’s Certificate with Global Awakening). Mark came by and joined in praying with people and I was joyfully surprised at the power and authority with which he prayed and ministered to those who came up for prayer. So I was excited to join CLU and have been so blessed, even more than I imagined at what I have learned to walk in so far and continue to grow in, spiritually. God is powerfully in this!
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - My heart is to see God’s love and power, His authority and beauty and grace fill me and anyone who is seeking Him. I long to do as Jesus did: do only what I see the Father doing and saying only what I hear the Father saying.
I gave my life to Jesus when I was seven years old and was taught by my Dad to follow hard after God, and taught by Keith Green, No Compromise. Although I have fallen on my face a few times in my life…and sometimes fallen hard, I have learned the love and grace of God and learned resilience from it. Growing up I was always taught in churches to be like Jesus, although I was never taught how to walk just like Jesus did in power and grace, and have had to search that out and learn that myself.
Since then I have been drinking deeply from the well of faith from leaders/teachers like Mark Virkler and others who walk in power and the deep love of God. Having been taught religion my whole life in the churches I attended and worked in…now I can see and experience LIFE in the Holy Spirit flowing freely from the Throne of Grace and the freedom that comes when we truly surrender to His Holy Spirit and it is glorious!
That is the joy I am leaning into and I want to bring with me anyone who has the same heart’s desire. So through mentoring and counseling and the Spirit Life Circles, I continue to help others step into so many of these life-giving truths through deliverance, breaking curses and the deep, deep love of God as well. If everyone could experience this fullness, the devil would have no joy at all in this world! I want to spend the rest of my life sharing that good news!
An example of Vanessa’s journaling from a recent Spirit Life Circle…
Lord, speak to me about the path You have me on…what new “tree” do you want to graft me into?
Vanessa, My darling, your new tree is your new cross and it is JOYFUL and FULFILLING and holds all the promises I have been telling you to expect since last year, and even before. It is the wood between the worlds - between Me, through you, to the world. You carry it and the joy of it will not be lost on you.
This wood, this tree is your new ministry of life, budding now because it is in its springtime. Do not fear the heights or depths I will bring you to - they are all in Me. Be consistent, however. Come more often. Let Me be - through you - in the world. Me, walking and talking through your physical body. You know how. Just watch for Me to release it through you - release Me, My presence and My love, in power and in greater grace than you have ever yet experienced before.
I love you. You’re my girl.
Paul Decius
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone
- Languages: English, French
- Meeting times: Evenings
Get to know Paul
I first heard about God in a Catholic Church because my father and my mother were catholic. In 1989, my mother had an encounter with God in a dream, and after this dream she received Jesus as her personal Savior. Few months later, God saved the whole family including myself, glory to the Lord. Thus, the grace of God has manifested, and it did not take long when God called me to serve Him as Sunday school teacher, youth leader and member of my church committee. As we serve God my family has been completely transformed and we can’t help testifying the grace of God in our lives day after day.
Since 2006 I am living in Canada, God keeps me in His grace and allows me to continue to serve Him. In 2009, I joined the Centre Reveil International Church as member where God grants me the opportunity to serve Him. I became a CLU student in 2016 in doctorate level. I plan to continue studying at CLU even after I finish our doctorate. The reason behind this is every single course that I have taken at CLU is more than interesting; therefore, I will take as many courses that I can. May God bless Dr. Virkler for founding one of the best theological Universities in the world.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - In my view, being a Mentor Coach is a blessing from God that will allow me to spend more times with God in meditating His words so that I can receive revelation to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ. This will also allow me to learn more from other people who are, just like me, thirsty for God’s revelations. The perspective that God may allow me to offer to the group is to help my group members to understand the importance of seeking first the Kingdom of God.
An example of Paul’s journaling…
Father what is you call upon my life?
Son, I want you to know that I love you and before you were even born I had a plan for you. I know your worries about your multiple mistakes that push you to question My love for you.
Paul, one thing you do not realize yet and I want you to realize it today: “LOVE IS MY NATURE”. Therefore, I do not love you for what you have done, you cannot do anything to deserve My love. I love you because I have decided before the creation of this world to love My creation. The only thing you should do is to accept My love.
Paul, The same way that I cannot change in nature, My love for you will never vary. Since I am eternal My love for you will also last forever. I have chosen you to be My servant because I AM Love. By My endless grace through My Son Jesus, I will make your feet to be the feet of My Son, your mouth to be the mouth of My Son and your hands to be the hands of My Son Jesus to continue the works that He has started doing on earth. This is My call upon your life Paul, because of My love for you.
Thank you, Lord!
George Medellin
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Sweet Home, Oregon
- Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone
- Languages: English
- Meeting times: Mornings, Thus afternoons
Get to know George
Holy Spirit led me to Communion with God ministries in 2011. I saw the book, “Prayers that Heal the Heart,” and thought to myself, “I need that.” God healed many heart issues thru Prayers that Heal the Heart (PTHTH) and with a prayer counselor thru Communion with God Ministries. I also learned to hear God’s voice and see Him in vision by reading Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice and doing the exercises at the end of each chapter. At the end of one of the PTHTH prayer sessions, I had a vision of a hand; my sense was it was my hand and also Jesus’. That seemed to mean that if I touched someone, Jesus was touching them. If I laid my hands on people to pray for them, Jesus was healing them. In 2015 I took Communion with God with a Personal Spiritual Trainer and my ability to see God thru vision skyrocketed. Additionally, I started to pray for people and began seeing people healed; in 2018, God healed 38 people I prayed for (or people I trained prayed for). I attribute this to being healed thru PTHTH, learning to hear God’s voice, and allowing Him to flow thru me.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I want to be a Mentor Coach because I know the feeling of NOT having a person familiar with CWG or the Four Keys to encourage me. Many spiritual leaders I knew did not know how to hear God for themselves and did not seem to offer much direction; they seemed to view me and my quest to hear God with suspicion. Being able to provide feedback and personal experience to people on the same path I believe is invaluable. Just refer back to Team Contact list: only three people from the United States are available! There is a need!
I believe my perspective of being healed by seeing God in vision and hearing His voice will add depth to those I coach; while I share how I learned to refine the vision skill, I can encourage the same people to build their faith that God can heal them as well if they need it.
I also believe my heart to influence the culture in which I live is unique. For example, God has shown me gold buildings, gold roads, building blocks of gold, pathways of gold, squads of angels, and a crown of gold and scepter. I believe these pictures relate to what God wants to do in the town of Sweet Home, OR, and I am actively pursuing God to show me how He wants me to participate with Him. In a practical way, I see myself influencing the economy of Sweet Home through the Chamber of Commerce and working with community stakeholders on economic development. As I sit in meetings, I keep the visions of gold God has shown me and ask, “What is my next step, Jesus?”
Hearing God’s voice and seeing Him in vision is not just to increase my intimacy with God, but unleash me to expand His kingdom.
An example of George's journaling…
“Yes, My son?! Yes?! What would you like to talk to Me about?!”
What would You like to say about my day?
“Onward! Onward! Go forward in the strength of the Lord your God. I am your Provider, Savior, Healer, King, Friend, Father. What would I hold back from you? NOTHING! Why? BECAUSE I GAVE MY ALL ON THE CROSS! All is yours, son! Roll over the works of darkness with the authority I’ve given you.
Onward! Onward!”
What is my strategy to do this, Jesus?
“My words. Call in all that you need. It is there – in My kingdom – for you.”
Yes, Lord!
Rev. Mike Bastien, Team Leader
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Belle River, Ontario, Canada (Windsor, Ontario area)
- Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
- Languages: English
- Offering: Face-to-face and online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: Mornings, afternoons and evenings
Get to know Mike
I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 17. I was born into a large family of 9 children, with 6 boys and 3 girls, I was the 4th born. After a few years I felt called to the ministry and went to Bible College and graduated 3 years later. I met my wife Jeanie there, and we got married a year later in 1984.
In 1999, when I was pastoring a church in Northern Ontario, I met Mark Virkler at a Leadership Training Course in Toronto and began this wonderful journey of learning to hear God’s voice. Hearing and seeing God over the many years has been profound and life changing. Jesus, the Lover of my soul continues to amaze me with His unwavering love and commitment to me, even at times when I was tempted to believe He should cast me away.
I began taking courses with CLU in 2001, but life got in the way and layed that aside for quite some years. Now, I am working toward completing my bachelor’s degree and then my Masters…and we will see from there.
Over the years, I have pastored churches, been involved in missions to the Arctic, to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mexico and India. Mark Virkler and I put together a book on sexuality, with many of my journaling’s. Also, Jeanie and I are involved in a worldwide marriage ministry where we do marriage weekends for troubled marriages.
It is my deep and sincere desire to see Jesus, knowing that the more I see Him, the more I will become like Him.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give”. It is my sincere desire to pour into the lives of people and to help each and everyone to grow in grace and in the wonderful knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. To see the Body of Christ to grow and come into an intimate relationship with Him, to get to know His heartbeat for us personally and then share it with the world.
It is amazing, to watch a brother or sister to blossom, to come out and be what God has called them to be. To see them hear the voice of God for themselves and to believe what God is saying, rather than what we have believed about ourselves and God over the many years, is simply breathtaking.
An example of Mike’s journaling… His very first attempt in 1999…
"Did I not say that you can come to Me and learn of Me. I will give you rest, and I will lift your heavy burden. I will replace your yoke with my yoke that is easy and light. I so long to impart rest to your soul. You are so easily distracted Mike; I AM THE LOVER OF YOUR SOUL. Let go of your worry, cast them at my feet and sit at my feet. You have not truly understood my rest that I have for you. Forget your heroic efforts of prayer and simply come to Me. Forget your efforts of bringing Me down and see I am with you. Simply know and see Me closer than a friend, than your breathe itself.
Come to Me often, remove yourself from your busyness and get alone. Lay aside your striving and just be with me. Turn your eyes away and turn to me. Listen and see and hear my whisperings of love and my melodies of approval and acceptance! Turn the gaze of your soul to me. You have missed me often in your striving to find me.
Wiley Smiley, Team Leader
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Barton Mills, Suffolk, United Kingdom
- Time Zone: London UK
- Languages: English
- Offering: Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: Mornings and afternoons
Get to know Wiley
I discovered the 4 Keys to Hearing Gods Voice in 2010, whilst watching Mark Virkler on Its Supernatural with Sid Roth. I had been taking teams on the streets in Cambridge, England and showing them how to receive words of knowledge and words of wisdom, praying for healing and also ministering pastorally to the homeless community alongside my wife Lynda. I believe that the 4 Keys can be applied to every area of your life and produces lasting intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At the beginning of 2019, I was invited by Margaret and Tony Cornell, who are the UK representatives of CWG ministries, to be a part of ministry team and help them impart the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s voice as a foundation for you to grow in intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Since also doing the course “Hearing God Through Your Dreams”, I have developed a passion for teaching people how to receive counsel from the Holy Spirit though dreams and visions.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - The reason I want to be a Mentor Coach is that is received a revelation from the Holy Spirit on how important it has been for me to be mentored in my Christian walk. It has been life changing to have had mentors at different stages of my life. Being a leader in a prophetic, a pastoral and an evangelistic ministry, I learned that it is vital to be able to hear God’s voice and to see God’s vision for his plans and purposes for the ministry. I want to be able mentor believers in how to hear and see God’s voice and to learn His way.
An example of Wiley's journaling
Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my work/ministry? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them and acting on them as You desire me to?” I saw myself giving Jesus a hug and Him hugging me back. It was good to see Him. He was glad to see me. We started racing against each other. I ran off first and he started laughing and then He appeared at the end of the race laughing at me. He picked me up and he ran with me on his shoulder to the top of this pyramid. He then said to me as we are standing on top of this pyramid, that I am going to be focusing on writing a lot.
Wiley, you are starting your journey into this area of your life. This is my will for you. I will walk you through this process. I’m proud of you for believing my word for your life. It can be difficult for my people not to believe that they have value. You have eternal value in my eyes, and it was worth my sacrifice on the cross for you all and for those will come to me the author and finisher of their faith. Wiley, trust my ways and you will stand in my courts whenever you want to. I want you to see what we do in my courts. Look at Psalm 44 about my courts and you will see the revelation I will release into your life.
Man, Lord, I can’t wait for you input into my writing ability. I love you so much. I really do.
I love you too Wiley. I can feel your love for me. I love it and I love you.
Maria Sachlis
- Email:
- Address: Richmond, VA
- Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
- Languages: English
- Offering: Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: Mornings and evenings

Get to know Maria - I came to Christ in 2003 at an Alpha course. After slow growth and desperately wanting to hear the voice of God, I watched Dr. Virkler’s training on the Global Awakening CHCP Inner Healing course. I had received some teaching and practice in connecting with Jesus through a model called Immanuel Approach, and learned how to use that approach to do lectio divina, but it was a struggle for me. Seeing Dr. Virkler’s training opened things up for me. I was in a season of very rapid growth in the charismatic stream, and two-way journaling was critical for me to develop my relationship with God. In time, I helped stand up a healing ministry at our church including weekly healing prayer training. In January 2018 I was on the CWG website getting info on the materials for us to run the 4 Keys course at church, and followed a few of the annoying popup links. I had for a few months been asking God what was next for me. Somehow, by the end of the week I was registered for CLU to get my masters in biblical studies. It was definitely not my plan, but I knew God wanted me to do it. Patty Sadallah was one of my teachers and told me about the new program being rolled out last year, but I was already so over committed that I couldn’t handle one more thing. This past spring with the COVID shutdown, I found myself with more time and needing more interaction with Christians to help work through the major stresses in my life at the time. I have been in Vanessa Janusz’ group since April 2020 (I think). I have also taken the dreams course.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - Mentoring and teaching is core to who I am. I have always been someone who listened and counseled others. Since 2013 I have been training and operating as a healing prayer minister, with my strength in inner healing. But I use a specific model which is very focused on helping people to connect with Jesus for whatever Jesus wanted to do or say, and to be able to do that for themselves outside of the ministry setting. Similar to what Dr. Virkler teaches. I love it. I’m frequently the “mother” that people come to for wise counsel. God has gifted me with wisdom, and he has made it clear to me that this is a gifting for this season of my life (I’m 59). I know that my focus for the rest of my life is to help people understand and receive the heart of God which will heal their hearts to love others and become who God made them to be. I am passionate about this assignment. Nothing gives me more joy than to see God set people from even the littlest misunderstanding. I am also an equipper. I believe that I have a responsibility, even a mandate, to teach others to do these things for themselves and to teach others. I am a trained spiritual director, which is a form of spiritual formation that uses questions to encourage people to seek God, hear Him and follow him. The mentoring style that I am cultivating is to ask questions to get people thinking and talking to God, and to limit sharing from my own knowledge or wisdom. I also tune to God, and try to share with people what I hear God saying. I’ve been told I have a “prophetic edge” to my interactions with people.
An example of Maria's journaling - Lord, where were you… this week when I was tired, frazzled and craving escape in TV in the evenings?
Or, during the BH when I was stressed?
Maria, I was with you in every moment, I never left your side. Maria, even when you are escaping into TV, you can still talk to me. I'm there. I'm happy to talk to you no matter where you are. Talk to me in that place. I'm not the disciplinarian who will make you stop watching TV. But I will love you back to a healthier place emotionally so that you can make a healthy choice. My grace is not in the act of setting your mind to do something and then having the will to do it. My grace is in each moment of difficulty where you come to me, and I give you the grace for that moment. Really. Every little moment. In the middle of an eating binge. In the middle of a TV binge. In the middle of stressing because you don't know how to facilitate a discussion. You did remember to seek me a few times when you got stressed. Seek me more. I'm in the little moments, the little things. I am there. You are never alone. Don't save me for the "spiritual" moments. Seek me in the very earthly moments. I am there.
How do I remember to do that?? That's the challenge!
Be aware of how you are feeling, and if it's not peaceful then close your eyes and ask me to be revealed. Ask for help. You don't ask for help enough. Ask for help a lot more. I will help you. You don't have to just accept these things. Ask me, and we will overcome them.
Thank you Jesus!! Help me to ask for help.
Pamela D White
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Lincoln, IL
- Time Zone: Central Time
- Languages: English
- Offering: Face-to-face and online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: Mornings, afternoons and evenings

Get to know Pamela - I love education. I taught in the school system for several years. I’ve been a Bible teacher my entire adult experience. Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” That has been the theme of my life long before I knew it was a Gandhi quote. I made the choice to be a life-long learner when I read my first book. I was looking for an opportunity to continue my learning. The Lord led me to CLU. When I read it was a School of the Spirit and used many books and teachings by authors and spiritual leaders I already trusted and had in my library, I was hooked. I am currently enrolled in the doctorate program. Every class has brought me closer to my Lord and for that I am ever grateful.
I grew up in a little Methodist church in small town USA in the heart of the Midwest. I wanted to go to church so much that even as a small child I would walk to church by myself every week. When I was about thirteen, I went through our church’s confirmation exercises and somewhere in the midst of all that religion, Jesus became my Lord. Many years later, we had a new pastor who was a covert Spirit-filled, tongue-talking, radical-for-Jesus leader. She took me to a church one Wednesday night in a nearby town. I walked into an entirely different atmosphere of any kind of ‘church’ I had ever experienced. It was there I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on an entirely different level and began a more deliberate ‘seeking’ regarding spiritual things. Life hasn’t been the same since. A few years ago, I participated in a discipleship program. Out of that experience came my first book, Destiny Arise. I wrote several others since that time and published none of them. CLU training has inspired me to prepare them for publication and given me ideas for more. I am most grateful for the umph CLU provided in moving to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with my Lord. My CLU experience has been like icing on the cake of my spiritual walk.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - Throughout my discipleship experience, I have been blessed to work in the church in several different capacities. The one I enjoyed the most was Director of New Life. This was a discipleship program for new converts, those new to the church, and/or those new to a Spirit-led life. We would provide each person in our classes a mentor if they chose to participate. I have witnessed many lives changed radically with discipleship coaching. Personally, I have had several mentor coaches in my life who have guided and assisted me in becoming a better me so I can grow in my service to and with the Lord. To those mentors, I am ever grateful they allowed the Lord to use them. Through the years, the Lord has sent many people into my life for mentor coaching so I can multiply what my mentors did for me. CLU Spirit Life Circles mentor coaching experience provides a wonderful opportunity to ‘pay it forward.’
An example of Pamela's journaling – Lord what would you say to me today?
Welcome to the morning, My daughter. Hear the birds singing praise to Me. See the hummingbird flitting merrily outside your window in the joy of the morning. Feel the breeze blowing freely as it dances around the leaves. Even the cricket, small and unseen, sings a praise that is bold and confident. Creation is showing you how to greet the morning, My daughter. Joy rides on the waves of the morning. Freedom brings dance to your feet. Sing praises with the boldness and confidence of knowing your King. I AM the Morning Star. I AM Hope and Peace. I AM Joy and Promise. Feel the freedom, sing praises, dance in joy. I rejoice in you today, daughter.
Lord, You are amazing. Thank You that You are my joy. You are my hope. Thank You for peace and promise. I give you glory and honor. I shout your praise to the morning. You are my everything, Lord. I rejoice in You!
This day is prepared for you, my child. I have gone before you and prepared the way. Walk in grace.
Roma Flood-Leembruggen
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
- Time Zone:
- Languages: English
- Offering: Face-to-face and online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting Times: afternoons

Get to know Roma - I attended a Dr. Mark Virkler training in Australia in 1991 and picked up dialogue journaling immediately. The church I attended, discounted it, so it sat on the shelf for a while and I picked it back up. I taught others how to journal. God always has the correct response for my needs!
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I have a desire to share God’s goodness and grace and a deep yearning to dialogue with God and encourage each other as we share our journaling. It’s wonderful!
An example of Roma's journaling – The Lord brought to mind a moment when I prayed for a lady in the park this week.
Roma, I was right there with you. Absolutely I was there. I saw your heart to “go” and “be” the church. I saw the beginnings of faith flow. Now faith is the substance of things and it is the substance of faith that grows and increases as you pray with and for someone.
As you learn to release the substance of the anointing, the healing will manifest. It’s not due to lack on your behalf but the fact that substance is taking form and is on the increase.
Lord, but You said that if we have faith as the mustard seed we can move mountains.
Yes, a mustard seed is small, but it still needs to be planted and put in the ground. Your ground is being tilled and being made ready to germinate and spring forth. Keep watering the seed child, and indeed it will produce fruit. Don’t give up. Keep watching the seed of faith.
Dorina Saigh
- Contact by Email:
- WhatsApp Telephone: 004917657778347
- Location: Germany
- Languages: English, Romanian and German B1
- Offering: Face to Face and Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting times: Mornings and afternoons
Get to know Dorina Saigh

Almost 2 years ago God put on my heart to continue my Theological studies and to walk with Him in expanding His kingdom. I became a student at CLU for Master degree. In all this time, God reminded me about all that He invested in me and about all experiences He gave me with small groups and in discipleship areas of children, girls and women. When I took the course of Experiencing God in Small Groups, God reminded me of the desire to set up a center to help Christian women and girls have the opportunity to be disciples and to learn how to live with Jesus in their daily lives. It was the time when God spoke about this subject to me to make it in an organized and official way.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach
I believe that God has endowed me with this spiritual gift of making disciples. I was in university when a colleague asked me for help in studying for exams and after I helped her she succeeded. Then he told everyone that I can make people learn and succeed. Over the years, being a volunteer in the church we attend, I have noticed that many women and girls come to help them in the knowledge of Christ, and I have seen it as a confirmation that I have this spiritual gift of making disciples. I didn't know how to put into words or define on paper what I do, I only knew that it works, that it is done and that it gives results. The course helped me to define and put clearly on paper what God put in me: the gift He endowed me with. And I do this without thinking too much and with passion because I want people to succeed and because I love people.
An example of Dorina’s journaling
Me: My Lord Jesus, there is so much work and so few are your workers. I would like to have a greater impact with women and girls, and I don't know how. What can I do from here?
Jesus answer:
``My daughter, take it step by step, so that you won’t be overwhelmed. Until the day the apprenticeship help center opens, there are a few more steps you and your husband need to take. These are priorities that must be honored, and you must take each day as it comes from Me. Now is the time for re-evaluation, it is time for inner organization and to put into practice what I have taught you under supervision and guidance. Step by step, day by day. But don't forget, everything I put in you so far is not lost, on the contrary it is capitalized, organized and updated according to the level of maturity you have reached. Do not hurry, stay with Me, stay with Me, work with Me every day, and you will reach the fulfillment of the dream I put in your heart.
And yes, I want you to have a greater spiritual impact in the world of women and girls. You had good mentors up to this level, but you need more than you had at a deeper and higher level, and that's why I led you to continue your studies. I have brought mature people into your life, into university instructors, to learn, to grow, to update and to stabilize more deeply in Me.
It's time to grow up, it's time to apply more and more what you have learned and to know Me
like you never knew Me, it's time to love people more and more deeply like you have never loved before.
Let me love through you, let people know Me through you. For I am Love and all that has been put in you is for My love to be known on earth among the sons of men. Stay humble, seek, and know Me and make me known.
Me: Here I am Jesus, I submit all my life to you, and I am here to mold me, teach me and raise me as You wish, because You are My King and Lord.
Francis Attikpo
- Contact by Email:
- WhatsApp Telephone: +44 7851 181 232
- Location: France
- Website:
- Languages: French & English
- Offering: Face to Face and Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting times: Evening

Get to know Francis - I grew up as a total stranger among my siblings because, I felt they never really understood me. I had so much unanswered questions about Christianity. Some years later, while I was looking for training materials about the truth about hearing the voice of God, I came to know CWG. Since then, CWG materials have been a great reference for my spiritual growth. Among the many materials I was able to acquire from CWG, one the best book I have ever read is “Spirit Born Creativity” by Dr Mark & Patti Virkler.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I have been graced to live both in French and English countries and most of the engaging Christian trainings materials I have laid my hands on in my entire life regarding living supernaturally natural were mainly written in English. Does that mean, God’s favorite language is English? Of course, the answer is a big “NO”. God’s primary communication language is simply through the Holy Spirit. I am looking forward to removing the language barrier and reconnect the francophone world to the voice of the sovereign God who never changes. It’s possible every Christian can hear the voice of God and commune with him on demand. My mission is to spread and activate this truth with signs and wonders in my sphere of contact and beyond.
An example of Francis’s journaling
Dear Father, What’s wrong with the church?
Son, I miss spending time with you. Come up here and let’s look at the church from the right point. The church has kicked me out completely. She has taken on missions I never gave her, and she has been on her own agenda for so long. Worry not, for this is a reset time where I am cleaning the mess. I am leading the church to regain its rightful state.
Father, most Christians are sick and waiting hopelessly to die; many others are poor, broke, and begging the world for help; many others feel they are trapped praying to you for an answer that will come tomorrow while they need a present (now) answer.
My people perish due to a lack of knowledge. They are looking for me at the wrong place. Their man-made rules to massage their ego will not produce results for them. My offer for individual friendship is still open. Come on, I have room for more adventures, fun and discoveries for my people. I am limitless and I am showing up in their midst to bring healing and restoration to them as never before. I am not repeating what they thought will be the signs of my doing. I am being extremely creative in this season, and you all must be attentive and walk with me by revelation.
Father, the world doesn’t want to do anything with the church believing their life is better without the church which is unable to take care of herself. How can the church really lead the world when Christians don’t reflect light in this world?
Light should come from my Spirit that lives inside my people and not from outside. I apologize to all the people who couldn’t find refuge in the church, who couldn’t find help, who were disappointed by the church and her leaders in one way or the other. I haven’t abandoned the church. I am simply taking the church through transition to get her ready for what is about to come. I have removed every limitation on my church to partake in my kingdom disruption to save the world from its destruction.
Michelle Kirby D.C.C.
- Email:
- WhatsApp Telephone: +01 850-294-9948
- Address: North Pole, Alaska, United States
- Language: English
- Offering: Face to Face and Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting times: Mornings

Get to know Michelle - I began my journey with CMW by watching the monthly free courses. The Hearing God’s Voice series was life-changing. The shackles of being involved with a legalistic religion began to fall as I laid down the “rules” of loving God. God did a great work in me and has helped me heal from many past traumas. I began to have God encounters and knew I needed to gain new ways of learning along with my rhema walk with our King. So, I began coursework with CLU in 2019 and completed my Doctor of Christian Counseling in July 2020 and now in my Th.D. program. I also became a licensed minister with their Christian Leadership Network.
My connections with CLU, CWG, and School of the Spirit have grown as I also serve as a Spirit Trainer for School of the Spirit, I work with CLU to transform their courses to better tablet presence, and I am developing a marriage course for CLU.
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I am ready to see more of the “greater works” Christ promised. As a Mentor Coach, I will be part of a group seeking God’s face and anointing in the gifts. As God moves us more into the Kingdom Age, I want to be on the front lines walking with others as we realize His greater glory and plans for us. As a Mentor Coach, I will grow in His ways to nurture that in others while growing myself.
God has been so faithful to bless me with visions, dreams, and words of knowledge. He also gives me specific geographical prayer assignments and prayer strategies. The Lord has also assigned me to write saying, “Your pen is a key, and I will turn it.” What He grows within me is His work to bless His children.
An example of Michelle’s journaling
Read Jonah 5 7
After looking it up, I discovered here was no such scripture.
Lord, what do you mean? There is no Jonah 5:7.
“Read verses 5-7 of each chapter in Jonah.”
Jonah 1:5-7: "Even one person can cause a major problem for a people or a town, city, or country."
Jonah 2:5-7: As I was meditating on this word, I began to see blackness. I found myself on the ledge of a very steep cliff. I was stuck in sticky tar. Way below were others who had fallen into the tar pit and were crying out. I turned and found the Lord Jesus standing in His brilliance and began to walk to Him and began to fall at His feet to worship Him. He pulled me into His arms and began to walk away from the black scene. As we walk, the tar is gone from me and I am now dressed in an awesome white dress. I then see a whole host of angels around us.
The Lord says, "As you release My words, I will send angels to minister them." Complete word and video can be found by clicking here.
Yvonne Turner
- Contact by Email:
- Location: Ohio, USA
- Languages: English
- Offering: Face to Face and Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting times: Mornings, afternoons and evenings

Get to know Yvonne - I was looking for a school that would provide for the flow of the Spirit and the real supernatural life in God to pursue my doctorate. I was prompted by the Spirit to search for it. I know I didn’t just stumble on the CLU website by accident, I’m sure rather that the Lord led me to it. I got such a stirring. I prayed and meditated on it for a while. I thought, because I love to have a sense of community, gathering and socialization, I joined a Spirit Life Circle. Now I’m enjoying Jesus, the Father and Holy Spirit in new waves of glory. I’m praying more, reading, meditating, and fasting more and now journaling with it. And I know that it is so necessary to take my time right here. Dr. Virkler and Dr. Patti – this is wonderful! I’m on the right path and it’s a wonderful journey to say the least. I’m growing by leaps and bounds and having so much fun to boot being with Father, having awesome conversations and learning to live more freely in the liberty and abundance He promised. You see in getting to know him, I’m getting to know myself too! I was never able to be just a child of God. When leadership sensed the giftings in my life I was always given responsibility instead. Well, I still have responsibility and that’s ok, but here I get to be a child again too!
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - When you get in the right posture to receive the love that flows from within you from the Father in Heaven, there is no way you can just keep it to yourself. Well, I couldn’t so the Lord put it on my heart to mail out these beautiful journals that were handpicked for those who have now joined me, and I started sharing the 4 keys of hearing God. We meet every other Thursday to share and pour out of what we have received together. It’s truly amazing. I’m gifted as a teacher, exhorter and a Pastor. God has been doing supernatural encounters with me all my life. I have worked and served in some of the most amazing venues as the Lord opened doors strategically allowing me to host conferences, seminars and workshops to host the presence of the Lord. He birthed a school out of me after I graduated with my master's which served the kingdom for over 10 years. (Boy, would I love to do that over again, but this way.) We have worked in outreach and evangelism here in OH and in New York City.
The Lord has moved in me prophetically, with words of wisdom and knowledge, with bold insight and revelation and gifts of healings. It’s just wonderful to have the right platform in this hour to stretch, grow and receive more and more of Him as well as facilitate and mentor others to come to the greater in Him. To come to experience covenant relationship, and meet and talk with Jesus, our Bridegroom on their own. We need this, we need to know how to encounter God and live moment after moment in what he paid the greatest sacrifice for. His love! The harvest is ready and Spirit Life Circles is where I’m called to be!
An example of Yvonne’s journaling - Lord what do you think of me today?
Yvonne, I love you! I want you to enjoy my presence and the time we spent together today, let's not complicate it with thoughts of the future or other things. Let's just play a while and enjoy each other’s presence. We can talk again later! You can let go of my hand and run and jump and play in my field here. See the beauty of it. The flowers love you being here and let the grass tickle your feet and tickle your toes. I have designed this place so you can be relieved of any stress and burdens and be free of anxiety too. I love being with you. Just have a good time and be refreshed.
Yvonne, I know you like the swings. So, look over there, come on I'll ride with you! When you get on, I'll cause the breeze to push you up into the air and back. Take deep breaths as your swing excels. I am flushing out some toxins I noticed in your body and filling your lungs with my breath. So, swing and breath, when we are done you will breathe much better too! And, be healed! Thank you for letting me do that for you.
My response - No, I should say thank You Lord, you just always know how to do things and you don't mind. I love that about you. Who knew that spending time with you in this beautiful Meadow would be a moment of healing and deliverance? I love you so much.
Sharon Garos
- Email:
- WhatsApp Telephone: 972-670-4534
- Location: Dallas, TX
- Languages: English Spanish, French, Dutch, German
- Offering: Face to Face and Online Mentored Group Coaching
- Meeting times: mid-day

Get to know Sharon - I grew up in a missionary family and have been a Christian as long as I can remember. However, I felt like something was missing from my life. Prayer was a chore for me, because it was a one-way conversation of me talking to God. I found it boring - and then felt guilty for feeling that way. One day about 6 years ago, I was reading 1 John 5:14-15 where God says that if we ask anything in His name according to His will, we have received it. So, I asked God to help me love to pray. Shortly after that prayer, I came across Mark Virkler’s online training on “How to Hear the Voice of God”. That was revolutionary for me! I could now hear from God anytime that I quieted myself and focused on Him. It was wonderful for a few months, but then the excitement gradually wore off, because I had nobody to share this with who was also able to hear from God in this way. Finally, last December I recommitted to journaling on a more regular basis and decided to contact CWG to find out if there was a way to connect with others who can hear in this way and have a thirst to receive more from God. I was introduced to Spirit Life Circles and it has been transformational to connect with other like-minded, Spirit-filled Christians!
Why I have chosen to be a Mentor Coach - I have been a participant in a Spirit Life Circle for over 9 months and have grown so much in my spiritual walk because of this. It has been such a blessing to practice my Spiritual gifts in a safe setting and receive confirmation that I am truly hearing from God. It has also been wonderful to connect deeply with others who have the same passion to experience more and more of God, as well as, to witness their journey of greater intimacy with Jesus. Having personally experienced the power and blessing of these groups, I have a strong desire to share this with as many people as possible! I’m so excited to see how God will work in the lives of those He brings into my Spirit Life Circle!
An example of Sharon’s journaling - Lord, what do you want to tell me about “God is love” (1 Jn 4:8, 16)?
I exude love. When you come into My presence, feel My love. It permeates everything. It is My being. Everything I say, everything I do, everything I think, everything I make. Every action is love, done with love. It is who I am. When I think of you, it is with the most loving thoughts. I love you completely. Always and forever. When you come to Me, know that I absolutely love you unconditionally, incomprehensibly. More than you can imagine. Imagine My love for you and multiply that by infinity. There is no end, no definition to My love. I love you utterly.
What does that mean?
It means you can come to Me anytime. It means you don’t have to ever doubt your worth. It means you don’t have to ever guess if you are loved, if you are good enough. It means that you are perfect. It means that I delight in being with you. You don’t have to earn My love. I love just being with you. I love seeing your progress. I love seeing you try. I love you at all times. I love everything about you. I am love. I know only love. When I think of you, I think of love.