Mark Virkler's blog

How Your Body Speaks Through Muscle Response Testing (MRT)

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I learned how to do Muscle Response Testing (i.e. Applied Kinesiology) in 1997, and at that time I wrote a book titled Health Mastery Through MRT. The book provides a biblical and scientific basis for MRT and teaches the reader how to do MRT. MRT is amazing because it allows your body the opportunity to communicate back to you what its needs are and how to best solve them. And it does this free for the one who learns how to do Muscle Testing, which is something I want to teach you in this blog. If you have heard Muscle Testing is New Age, then read this blog to help set your mind at ease.

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Mark Holloway Is Our Newest Blogger

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I introduced Mark Holloway to you in a recent blog. He has written an awesome book of two-way journaling which details his battle with doubting that God is really speaking to him. I consider the book to be powerful because it describes with such reality the daily battle with doubt that we all struggle with. Satan wants us to doubt. God wants us to believe. Without faith it is impossible to please God. 

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Whole Brain Learning by T. David Manohar

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T. David Manohar is one of our recent doctoral graduates from Christian Leadership University. We are proud of this accomplishment in his life, and are glad to publish an article he is using in the secular workplace on Whole Brain Learning. His article gives a brief historical overview of how scientists have come to the understanding of left and right brain functions, and then explores the question, "How can I use both hemispheres more effectively?" The specific topic he uses as an example to demonstrate how to use both hemispheres is writing.

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A Christian Organization Providing Relief to the Philippines

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We look for ways to donate to victims of natural disasters where the majority of the money actually goes to the victims and not to administrative expenses, and where the organization is a Christian ministry so the compassion of Christ can be expressed through the help given. Below is such an organization. We have given through for years. Their newsletter is below, and they have a special link to give to those in need in the Philippines. 

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A New Brand of Christians - Praying for Healing on the Streets!

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David Rocha has a video below where you can watch him pray with people on the streets of LA to receive healing. And even though he is praying through an interpreter, people are getting healed! This is amazing and exciting. This is what is going to sweep America and the world and you can become a part of it.

You might ask, does it take a special background to make this happen? Well, David served a 5 1/2 year prison sentence, and took Christian Leadership University courses during two of those years. So I think the answer is all it really takes is for us to believe the Bible and get out there and start praying for miracles. Watch his video and see if you don't agree!

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The Freedom Diaries: God Speaks Back - New Book Now Available!

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I would like to introduce you to Mark Holloway, a new friend of mine from New Zealand. He has just published his first book called The Freedom Diaries - God Speaks Back.

In this book Mark describes how he learned to hear God speak, and then offers about 200 pages of his two-way journaling. God taught Mr. Holloway to hear His voice without him receiving training from anyone else, including our book on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

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Has Satan Stolen Your Bible from You?

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I used to scorn liberals (actually I scorned everyone who disagreed with me) because liberals lost their Bible through demythicizing (believing Jesus’ miracles and all supernatural references were myths). I was proud I was an evangelical who believed the whole Bible! Then the Lord spoke to me one day during my two-way journaling time, saying, “Mark, you don’t believe the Bible is for you either.” I objected, and said, "Of course I do!" He said, “No, you believe that the Old Testament is for the Jews, the Gospels are for Jesus, Acts is transitional, and the book of Revelation is for the future. The only part you believe is to be lived is the Epistles.” I said, “Good point!” and repented of my belief in dispensationalism.

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