Mark Virkler's blog

From Guru to God - Transformed by Journaling

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Dear Mark,
In Toronto, 2006, you taught a group of us your journaling technique on 'how to hear God's voice.' You stated that if we did this consistently for three months it would change our lives. I complied. Indeed I have been journaling in your manner almost daily ever since and it has been a most most comforting, encouraging and helpful element of my Christian walk. Thank you! Sincerely in Him - Michael Graham

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God Will Be Worshiped on Capitol Hill!

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Some amazing friends of ours, David and Tracy Ruleman, are organizing the second year of David's Tent, 40 days and nights of worship on the Ellipse of the White House. I want to introduce you to this upcoming event, and to David and Tracy and their ministry in and around Washington, DC.

Our nation is at the precipice of revival, and events like Reinhard Bonnke's crusades in the U.S. and David's Worship Tent on the Capitol grounds for 40 days of praise and prayer are key to this impending revival. Let’s all get involved in bringing America back to her knees before the Throne of God in worship to the true King of King and Lord of Lords. We are the light set on a hill that enlightens cities and nations. Let us shine and bring God's light to America!

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Welcome to Those Joining the Bible Lover's Webinar Beginning Sept. 9th

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We are excited to welcome you as a participant in our Bible Lover's Series. We want these to be powerful life-giving times of sharing revelations together. We are planning on one hour, once a week on Monday 9:00 EST, beginning Sept 9th. The first course of this series (Pentateuch – first 5 books of the Bible) takes 12 weeks to complete. We will be following the Scripture reading assignment schedule posted weekly during the webinar.

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Grace Walk: Learning to Rest in God's Love

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This 138-page e-book is available for only $5.25 when you purchase it for your Kindle. I met the author Jay Fernandez while teaching in Toronto recently, and I enjoyed the copy of this book which he gave me fresh off the press. It describes Jay's real-life struggle to discover and experience the grace of God and the joy of his salvation as he battles to put away sin. If you are looking for a story of grace, here is a good one.

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Reinhard Bonnke Orlando Crusade Sept. 27,28

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Reinhard Bonnke's U.S. crusades are beginning NOW! After doing crusades for many years in Africa, God has instructed Reinhard to do the same all across America. Many years ago, God told Reinhard, that "All Africa will be saved." Now God is telling him, "All America will be saved." Check out Orlando crusade details here.

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