February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
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Mark Virkler's blog

Waves of Compassion in an Ocean of Love - by Charity Kayembe

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I sent my daughter, Charity, an email with some of my initial research on compassion. I wondered how it is different from love, as these are two distinct words in the Greek New Testament. I included several definitions from the Greek, but it still wasn’t really clear. Below is some of the awesome revelation she shared with me on her understanding of love vs. compassion. Looks like the surf’s up!

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Release faith, healing, miracles, and creativity by filling the five senses of your spirit with God

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Question: I want to do great things for God. I want to see miracles happen through my life. How does this happen?

Answer: As I pondered that question, while praying at the altar of my church over 35 years ago, in a flash God showed the following to me. I have lived out of this revelation ever since. By following a few simple steps, God has birthed miracles as well as an international ministry out through me, which is far beyond my wildest imagination. I pray He does the same for you as you let God fill all five senses of your spirit with Himself.

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Kid's Camp in Tennessee

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Do you want your kids on fire for God? If so, bring them to this week-long camp June 22-27 in Tennessee! At this "Mountain Movers" camp, not only will the kids be drawn into intimacy with the Holy Spirit, where they hear His voice and experience His manifest presence (and more), but there are even sessions for the parents as well. 

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When Reason Challenges Faith... What Am I to Do?

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Question: I find I am always doubting what I receive in my journal. God speaks something, and reality does not appear to be lining up with it. What do I do?

Answer: When God speaks to us, through two-way journaling or any other way, He is offering us His potential blessing for our lives which we can receive if we embrace it, believe, speak and wait patiently for it, while following His instructions. It seems that the biggest battle we all fight is that these rhema words get attacked through the reasoning of our minds. The accuser comes through with the thought, "Did God really say...?" So when reason attacks faith, what am I to do? Which is to be allowed to rule in my heart? What does the Bible declare we receive through faith? What does the Bible declare we receive through reason? Let's see...

Faith is acting like it is so

When it doesn’t appear to be so

So that it will be so

Because it is so

(Mk. 11:22,23)

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My Philosophy Concerning Health Care - Prayer, Passionate Pursuit and Persistent Action

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Question: As I counseled a troubled girl after one of my classes, her tearful passionate question was, "Why did my mom die last year of cancer? My mom believed with all her heart for a miracle of healing. There were prophecies by several recognized prophets who said she would be healed, and yet she died. I don’t know why. I need an answer!"

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Our New 4 Keys Article Is Now on the Charisma Website and...

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Charisma has just published our blog on "You Can Hear God's Voice!" We would appreciate it if you went to the Charisma website and responded on the article.

Click here to read the article and the comments.

It would be great if you posted the impact of these 4 keys in your life, and perhaps even a bit of your journaling if you feel led to. Let the world know these keys work!

Here's what you can do...

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Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - Is It Really a Life and Death Issue?

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Do I even need to consume a daily multivitamin?

According to Taber's Medical Dictionary, vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth and life of the body (page 2000). They are indispensable for the maintenance of health. There has been some controversy regarding the necessity to supplement vitamins back into the diet. The Journal of American Medical Association concluded from a study that every individual should take a multivitamin every day, thus ending that controversy (view article here).

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You Can Hear God's Voice!

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I tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep. The thought kept going through my mind: “What if I died tonight? I’m not ready to go to heaven.” Since I could not shake the thought, I got up, went downstairs and waited for my parents to come home from their meeting. When they did, I announced that I wanted to get saved, and they took me straightway to the pastor’s home where he explained the plan of salvation and led me in the sinner’s prayer. I was 15 years old when I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Savior.

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Fast or Furious? Living in the Eternal Now of God - with Charity Kayembe

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Lord, what about my digestion issues? Mark, it is a result of your “Type A” behavior and attitudes. You do everything fast. You eat fast, sleep fast, work fast, play fast, push hard at all times. You want to redeem the time, be the first, and be on top. That is fine as long as it is not the number one drive of your life. Living in peace and flow with Me MUST come before being fast and first. Otherwise the imbalance in your soul produces an imbalance in your body and your digestion is off.


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