Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!
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Gifts of Healings - Explored
There Are Many Ways to Be Healed!
“God has appointed in the church… miracles, then gifts of healings…” (1 Cor. 12:28)
- Greek is: τρ πστις ν τ ατ πνεματι, λλ δ χαρσματα αμτων ν τ ν πνεματι
- Both are plural - χαρσματα & αμτων (charisms of healings)
I desire and prefer immediate miracles (see blog on Miracles – 7 Step Model). However, the Bible states that in addition to miracles, God has provided to us “gifts of healings” (both “gifts” and “healings” are plural in the Greek), which means there is a multiplicity of ways in which God can and will heal us in addition to providing an outright immediate miracle. God’s gifts are special enablements to perform various skills (i.e., Ex. 36:2-8; 1 Cor. 12:11; Col. 1:29; Gal. 2:8).
All Uses of Energeo (and Its Various Forms)
The Bible emphatically declares that we experience life when we live out of the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and we are cursed if we trust in our own strength.
"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words (rhemas) that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life (Jn. 6:63).
Thus says the LORD, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD (Jer. 17:5).
These verses really make me passionate to fully understand and embrace His power!
We know it is the release of God’s power that brings healing and deliverance. We want to understand this power as well as we possibly can. Our passionate question is: “What does the release of God’s divine energy (energeo) feel like, and what does it accomplish?” We want to gain an understanding of how God uses the word energeo. Below are listed every time energeo, or the various forms of this word, appears in the Bible. Click here to download a printable version of the file, “All Uses of Energeo”
I Release Divine Energy (Energeo)
For those of us hungering to see more of the miracle-working power of God released through us, we present this paper which explores in depth one of the three Greek words translated “power” in the New Testament. The summary below deals with Energeo, which is the active flow of God’s healing power out through our hands as we lay them on the sick.
An Early Valentine from the Lord - Journaling from Lynda Turner
Thank You, Father, for Your mercy on my loved one. A long, fearful, prayerful day, yesterday. And now life continues, by Your grace. What would you have me hear from You this day, Lord?
Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings - You CAN Walk in Divine Health!
God has appointed … miracles, then gifts of healings (I Cor. 12:28)
Question: I have been told that if I pray more than once for a miracle, then I have a lack of faith and I will not receive anything. Is this true? I have also heard that you must thank God for your miracle even before you see it as an expression of your faith. But what am I supposed to do if the miracle doesn't happen even when I thank God for my healing? If I am not healed when I ask or when someone else lays hands on me, does that mean God isn’t going to heal me for some reason? If I don’t believe that sickness is God’s will for me, and I am not miraculously, instantaneously healed, what can I do?
Healed from Church Abuse by Julia Parker
God speaks to Julia in her journaling: Daughter of Love and Mercy, You were in the crossfire of a very serious problem that had arisen in that church. There was contention and strife already present even before you entered. Just as you learned yesterday from your old friend as she spoke of an experience her husband had while talking to the pastor of your old church and how the pastor told your friend's husband that his church was not a democracy but a theocracy, so no one was allowed to voice their opinion or even have a say in any matter but the pastor and that only the leadership was allowed to do the stuff. This is what I call control and authoritarian leadership.
Prayer to Set Your Heart Free
Note from Pastor Dwight Jester: Since I have been praying this prayer for people, I have seen many set free in a short period of time. It is the most powerful and simple prayer that the Lord has ever given me. Feel free to distribute it.
Transformational Prayer Counseling or Consultation Available with Dr. Mark Virkler
Often an hour together can change the course of one's life, as there is an impartation, anointing and release that occurs which can help resolve an issue or point one in a new direction. Dr. Virkler is more than glad to schedule one-hour consultation or counseling sessions. In a consultation session, Mark will listen and provide a godly perspective. The focus of prayer ministry counseling will be divine encounter with Almighty God and experiencing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
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A Spirit-Energized Sleep Technique
May I offer you a technique which helps me fall asleep at night, and at the same time aligns my spirit with the Holy Spirit so my heart ponders God's truths and God's grace all night as I sleep? I have used it for many years, and those I have shared it with and who have tried it, have said it helped them. So let's see if it could be of benefit to you, too.