daily word - true friends

Dale Cresap's picture

Do most of your friends go to your church? This is a logical place to find connection with like-minded people that you associate with regularly. Have you ever changed churches? How many of your friendships did you maintain with the people from your old church? This is typically few even if you haven’t changed doctrinal positions to oppose them. So are your church friendships based on direct personal connection or belonging to the same tribe? People change churches for many reasons, some valid and some not.

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daily word - peacemakers

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible teaches you to endure hardness as a good solider. Soldiers are known for focus, discipline and intense singleness of purpose. The same Bible says that the peacemakers are blessed since they are the children of God. Do you think of peacemaking as a timid and passive activity? That it is enough to not give offense and to have no other effect? That isn’t making anything. The term peacemaking implies intentional effort and results. Can you think of a way to bring to peacemaking the same focus, discipline, and intense singleness of purpose that soldiers bring to waging war?

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daily word - easy yoke?

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You are familiar with the passage of scripture that assures you that my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Do you find this comforting? Have you found it to be true? For you have direct observation and historical knowledge of those who have made great sacrifices for the faith. Perhaps you have yourself. If these were strenuous and demanding do you find that hard to reconcile with my promise of easy and light? Can you bear a heavier load if you know the reason for it, and that it contributes to the ultimate plan of eternity? On the other hand, who can bear a meaningless life?

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daily word - confiding

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I tell you to confess your faults to one another. Is this an activity you would prefer to avoid? Have you ever actually done it? What effect did it have? Did the action make you feel vulnerable and exposed? Hopefully you found someone who didn’t turn it into shame. Did you also feel the release of a burden? Some things are too heavy for you to bear, and this would include your own secrets. The power of your secret shame will be broken as you share it with someone else, and this puts you in a position to relieve their burden too. Does confession sound too legalistic and punitive to you?

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daily word - patience

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Do you understand the need for patience? If you need to have a crucial conversation with someone, it may be a matter of great importance to you, but if the timing isn’t right, your words will have no effect. If the other person is tired or angry or distracted it doesn’t matter how much it means to you to hold the conversation, for they are not in a receptive frame of mind. The more important it is to you, the more it matters that they be in a frame of mind to hear your concerns. I know this isn’t easy. I spend a lot of time waiting for you to be receptive to what I want to say to you.

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daily word - confess

Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells you to confess your faults to one another. It doesn’t say that you have to confess your faults to everyone. Can you be selective in whom you choose to confide in? You know that some people will use anything you say against you, or they cannot be trusted to hold a confidence, and you have a good guess as to who these people are. You also know loving people who you can trust to be oriented toward redemptive purpose, who will be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

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daily word - effect of change?

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What effects would you expect to see in the life of someone who responds to the gospel message? That they would affirm the truth claims of the Bible? So is the most fervent believer the staunchest defender of these claims? Can this happen apart from a changed life? Would you be more persuaded by someone becoming a better citizen, more loving, more thoughtful and considerate, and generous, not only toward fellow believers, but toward all humanity? Which of these did I place more emphasis on in the Bible? Which do you find more admirable in the people you meet?

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daily word - Radar

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Are you familiar with Radar? The term is derived from radio detection and ranging, and is of great benefit to air traffic control and navigation. Most people don’t deal with it directly, but is there a spiritual equivalent that is more widely available? Have you ever been aware of something you couldn’t explain? Did it turn out that you were right or wrong about this? Has this happened consistently enough that you have a level of trust in these impressions enough to act on them? Have you ever been wrong?

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daily word - outrage?

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What is your response to the evil in the world? Does it fill you with a sense of outrage over injustice? Does this help in bringing about a solution? Does your faith make you more or less sensitive to and aware of the presence of evil, and more or less likely to be outraged? I have promised peace to my followers. Can these things be reconciled? Do you have to choose between them or can you experience both at the same time? Is there a better alternative to rage? What would it be? What response would inspire you to act effectively without stealing your peace from you?

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daily word - correction

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Do you need correction? Who is qualified to give it to you? Do you require those who would correct you to be believers, to have credentials or offices, to have direct authority over you? If you hate correction you will look for any excuse to avoid it, but your pastor doesn’t have enough time to get the job done. Do you know that your enemies can see areas in your life in which you can improve? Do you know that I can use unbelievers to speak truth into your life? You should pay close attention when I speak this way. Do you see the value of correction?

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