daily word - easily offended?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that I am easily offended? You know people like this and you don’t enjoy their company, because you have to walk on eggshells around them. The story of the ten thousand talents implies that your offenses toward me are great relative to your offenses to your brother, but the point of that story is forgiveness. Contrast that with another story with fewer talents about servants who worked (or did not) while their master was away. The one who thought his master was harsh and unjust and acted accordingly did not fare well.

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daily word - pain

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard the old joke about the man who went to the doctor and said, it hurts when I do this? The doctor said, don’t do this. That is one approach to dealing with pain. The more modern approach is to get a pain killer that will allow you to do the same activities that lead to pain without experiencing pain. So which approach is really better? Is there a spiritual parallel to this story? Have you ever experienced spiritual pain? You could think of this as isolation and alienation from your true self and from your destiny.

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Your Worship Moves Me - Journaling Prayer By LaWanda

Mark Virkler's picture

LaWanda -  O Lord, You continue to blow me away.  When I read your words to me, it touches me so deeply.  That the Creator would share himself so beautifully with His creation.  It is just beyond me, Lord.  I am undone in Your presence but I long for even more.  Jesus, I see you standing, talking to a group but at the same time, whispering in my ear, explaining what you are saying.  Oh, Jesus, speak to me now.

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daily word - redemptive purpose

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you involved with the work of redemption? You may protest that only I could do that, and there is a level at which that is correct, but that does not absolve you from involvement in the work of redemption. Does this make you think of the Great Commission, where your part is to proclaim the good news of the gospel, that is already a finished work, to every creature?

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daily word - location?

Dale Cresap's picture

I held a conversation with a woman who raised the question of the correct place to worship. I replied that manner was more important than location and said that the time was coming, and now was, to worship in spirit and in truth. Do you think of worship location as being of great importance? I do not criticize the building of structures for this purpose, but I do not inhabit the works of men’s hands. As I emphasized, the more important question is to worship God in spirit and in truth. Do you understand what this means?

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daily word - loud world?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a loud world? A prophet wanted to hear my voice. There followed a series of natural calamities but I was not in them. But after them I spoke to him in a still small voice. You may face an even greater challenge than the prophet. Even without the natural calamities, are you surrounded by loud voices looking for dominance, even those without insight or wisdom that try to establish themselves with volume and persistence? Natural disasters have a fixed duration, but will these ever shut up?

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daily word - relationship

Dale Cresap's picture

You describe your faith as a relationship with me, and you are right. I portrayed this in my teaching on earth in many ways, in the story of the Good Samaritan, and in my acceptance of the Centurion, the woman at the well, and the Syro-Phoenician woman, among others. I showed favor to those outside of the conventional practice of faith, and criticized those at the top of the religious dominance hierarchy. I commended relationship but conducted my ministry as an outsider to the religious establishment.

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daily word - good news?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to get good news? Who doesn’t? You know that the word gospel means good news. Have you found that the people you share this message with regard it as good news and receive it gladly, or avoid you if they know what is on your mind? For those who know they need forgiveness of sin, this message is good news, but how many people do you meet with this awareness? It is the Holy Spirit that convinces of sin; if you try to do this it may explain why people are not more eager to hear your message. How can you present the gospel message so it is received as good news?

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daily word - love your enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

I teach you to love your enemies. How do you go about this? Do you find it is easier to do in the abstract than in the concrete? Do you understand that the commandment to heap coals of fire on their heads is to be taken figuratively rather than literally? Do your enemies know that you love them? They should if you do this in real tangible ways rather than just as mental assent. Does this require you to donate money and support for people and organizations you do not agree with?

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daily word - tares

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the wheat and the tares? They were allowed to grow together side by side until the time of the harvest when they were separated. This story is presented on a large scale with the separation taking place at the time of harvest, or at the end of the age. Could it be applied on a smaller scale as well? Can you distinguish between beneficial things in your own life that you should nurture and care for, and tares that consume time and resources, energy and attention and produce no value?

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