daily word - friends?

Dale Cresap's picture

How many friends do you have? Are your friends closely aligned with your own positions, and prone to support you in whatever you do, or do they see the ways in which you are not becoming your best self and challenge you to move in that direction? It is easy and comforting to find friends who are similar to you, but is this best for you? If they have the same biases and prejudices you do then they may reinforce things that are not working for you rather than encouraging you to move beyond them. Do you have friends who will help you move into a better version of yourself?

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daily word - secure?

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Do you tolerate more from your children than you would from others? it is easy to criticize other parents for being too lenient with their children. It is not so easy when they are your own. The bond of relationship is strong, so sons and daughters can get away with more than servants can, who are merely hired. You can see this in family dynamics on earth. Do you think that the same principle applies with your Father in heaven? Are you aware that you experience favor with me based neither on your performance nor on legally derived claims but rather on relationship?

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daily word - change

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Have you heard that change is inevitable? This is a widely accepted proverb. If you recognize that this is true do you accept change or resist it? Does it seem futile to resist something that is inevitable? Do you cling to things that no longer work or try to hold together things that are falling apart? Even things that are useful and I have blessed may have a limited lifespan and there is wisdom in knowing when to let them go. Do you see my work in your life as static, or as a progression? Can you look back and see the arc of progress that your life has taken until now?

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daily word - all in

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Are you a gambler? Different denominations have different policies that they expect their adherents to follow in this matter, but most believers do not routinely play games of chance. Yet life forces you to make some decisions without complete information, so you can be risk averse or risk tolerant even without betting money at odds. Do you see me as a gambler? You may see this as an odd question, but consider how much favor and blessing I have lavished upon you hoping that you will respond and come to me. Do you see this as a large bet on my part? In your case I’m all-in.

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daily word - free stuff?

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Have you heard that the best things in life are free? Have you said this yourself? Do you live your life as if this were true, or do you put most of your effort into acquiring things that are not free? Is it fair to say that your true values are revealed by the way you spend your time? What simple pleasures do you enjoy? You get a sunrise and a sunset every day no matter where you live. Do you find that your connection to nature and to people has more meaning to you than the stuff that you accumulate? What else do you have that is free and yet priceless at the same time?

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daily word - favor

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Have you ever experienced favor from people? Are you surprised when they treat you better than you would expect based on the level of your friendship or the way you treat them? You can be grateful for this treatment whether it is common or rare. Most people wouldn’t claim to receive an excess of favor. Have you ever received favor from me? A better question would be, have you ever not? I send rain and sun on the just and the unjust alike. I open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. I love you more than anyone else does.

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daily word - love your enemies

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I tell you to love your enemies. Do you? Is this concept so far removed from your familiar life experience that you see this as an abstraction? How can you make it concrete? Do you view everyone as made in my image? If so then there is an essential human dignity that you can grant to everyone, no matter how different they are from you in the usual dimensions you use to make distinctions such as race, national origin, education, income level, political affiliation, and even belief systems. Is your awareness of my image in your enemies strong enough to overcome these things?

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daily word - identity

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What do you identify with? You can look at people who identify with their status symbols, such as clothes, cars, and houses, and realize that these are a shallow basis for identity. Do you look at your life accomplishments such as academic credentials, a successful career, or a good reputation and think that these provide a stronger basis for identity? Do you look at the spiritual gifts that you receive from me and consider them to be even more intrinsic to your being?

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daily word - redemptive purpose

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You understand my redemptive purposes. What about yours? Does this seem like an odd question? You understand that my redemptive acts were unique to me. It is not necessary or possible for you to duplicate them. But you are called to follow me. If my purpose was redemption, then shouldn’t you look for ways to express redemptive purpose also? You have been given the Great Commission so you identify evangelical work in this way, and rightly so. Is it limited to that? Can you think of any other ways in which you can manifest redemptive purpose? If you ask me I will show you how.

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daily word - find divine intent?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you look for divine intent in the events of your life? Do you find it? Is it easier to find when things are going your way and you get what you want? What about other times? Can you even now look back and see the beneficial effects of your experiences that were painful and difficult? Joseph was treated badly by his brothers, but it put him in a position to rescue them. He responded without bitterness and declared that what his brothers meant for evil God meant for good.

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