daily word - Present in body and spirit

Dale Cresap's picture

Paul wrote a letter telling a church that he was with them in spirit, even though he was absent in the body. Have you ever done this? It is easier said than done. Paul was referring to more than well-wishing from afar. How much more is open to debate. Have you ever been present in body while absent in spirit? This is so commonplace today that most of the people you meet only expect clouded or distracted presence and that is all they have to offer. Are you working on being present in spirit with others as Paul did? Start by being present in spirit where you are present in your body. 

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I Am the Lord and I Will Be Known - Prophetic Word Through Ian Wilkinson

Mark Virkler's picture

The journaling below was done by Ian Wilkinson on December 30, 2022 as a year-end word of the Lord. It is a word of power and encouragement for all of our hearts concerning the days ahead!                                            

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh. For with a strong hand he will let them go, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.” 

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daily word - wounded healers

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that wounded people wound others? Have you seen this in practice, where people with unresolved trauma inflict it on others? Perhaps you have been on the receiving end of this yourself. Can this concept be turned around? Can healed people heal others? They are in a position to do so if they will. Yet they still carry their wounds, as I did, even after the resurrection. All wounds start out as ordinary, but the way you bear them can transform them into sacred wounds, even as I did. You too may have wounds that you will not be ashamed of in the resurrection.

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daily word - sheep

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the sheep and the goats? In this story you want to identify with the sheep, and the only deciding criteria is how you treat the least of these. In the story this is treated as an individual choice. Is this concept scalable? Can your church band together and assist the least of these in a unified, coordinated effort? Is your involvement in such an effort enough to make you a sheep? What about your government? If your government has programs to assist the poor and you pay your taxes, is that sufficient to make you a sheep? What is your part in this?

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daily word - bottom up

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concepts of top down and bottom up? These are different versions of developing and presenting concepts but they can be applied to the same ideas. This distinction is most  commonly applied in business and politics. Could it be applied to spiritual matters as well? What is the most common presentation you hear of the gospel message? Does it start from God and go down from there? This is clearly top down. Can the same message be presented starting with the unavoidable human longing for identity, belonging, meaning, and self-transcendence?

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daily word - win win

Dale Cresap's picture

In the world of commerce you hear about win-win arrangements. The principle is that both parties enter into a deal freely and voluntarily, so it has to provide an advantage for each. This is clearly better than win-lose. Do you think the same principle applies in church? The church needs workers for the things it does. You have spiritual needs as well. Can you find a way to serve your church that serves your spiritual needs at the same time? The win-win principle should apply as much at church as anywhere.

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daily word - resonance

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of resonance? It is a term of acoustics that refers to things that vibrate at the same frequency, but the concept is so powerful that the term has been appropriated broadly for human interactions and responses. Have you encountered people or ideas that you identify and connect with, even though you couldn’t offer a rational explanation for it? Has time shown these initial impressions to be true more often than not? You could also refer to this as discernment, or the experience of being led by the Spirit. Some things that are real cannot be explained.

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daily word - autopilot

Dale Cresap's picture

Airplanes can fly on automatic pilot, and there is work in progress on self-driving cars. What about you? Do you live your life on autopilot? You are surrounded by those who are eager to tell you what to do. Some offer good advice and some do not, and some have authority and some do not. Hopefully those in authority will offer good advice. But is there any external advice or program that will lead you into your destiny? You understand that I have a plan for you. Do you understand that it is detailed and intricate and tailored just for you?

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daily word - unwept tears

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible records that I wept, and you are familiar with this as the shortest verse in the Bible. What was the last thing that moved you to tears? Do you have to think very long about this to come up with an answer? Do you consider it an expression of self-control to avoid weeping? Perhaps you are trying too hard, and this is truer for men than for women. I gave you a full range of emotional expression and you do not honor me by being cold, distant, and unmoved. Have you ever found that emotional expression is restorative and healing? What are you missing because of your unwept tears?

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daily word - divine appointments

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you keep your appointments? If you arrange in advance to meet someone at a certain place and time for a haircut or dental exam or a multitude of other reasons then someone is expecting you to show up and the transaction is broken if you do not. Do you know that not all of your appointments are made by phone and marked in your calendar? Have you ever had an unexpected encounter that appeared to be by chance, and yet it was full of divine and redemptive purpose? Once could be attributed to coincidence, but if it keeps happening you may suspect correctly that I am involved.

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