daily word - life story

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your life as a story that could be written in a book? Who would write the story? You don’t get to write the first chapter. So many things are out of your control. The time and place of your birth, the cultural, social, and economic circumstances of your upbringing, and your nation, race, gender and tribe are given to you. But even given all of these initial conditions, there comes a time when you are able to make the choices that control the direction of your life. How soon will you do this and what will they be? The end matters more than the beginning.

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daily word - destiny

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever sense that you were born for a destiny but that you are stuck in a mundane life? Are you stuck in such a way that you are going around in circles or unable to move forward at all? If this causes you distress it is because of the tension between the life you live and the destiny that calls you forward. Is this a vague sense of disconnect, or do you hear a clear call to expand beyond your current limitations? Pay attention to the longings of your soul, even if it increases the tension with the life you currently live.

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daily word - prayer

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you pray? Do you understand prayer as a request, a petition, a supplication? It is asking for a favor. These are familiar concepts for you and you are most receptive to receiving them yourself if they are offered in respectful humility. Yet my word speaks of fervent prayer. How does fervency fit with the above concepts? Does this appear to be a mismatch? I told the story of the importunate widow to illustrate this. The widow was dependent on the unjust judge for justice, but she would not be denied.

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daily word - One True Church?

Dale Cresap's picture

Some churches are blatant about their claims to be the one true church, and others find this annoying, but is there any church that is completely free of this mindset no matter how subtly it is expressed? Do you pull into one parking lot rather than another on Sunday mornings because they are doing it right or because they are doing it wrong? I describe my church as one body with many members. Each has its own purpose and contributes something valuable and even essential. Do you see this same concept as being scalable from individuals to churches? No one of them is the one true church.

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daily word - Welcome in church?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know that I attended church? At least I did until one day it was my turn to read from the scriptures. This was not well received. I went on to point out examples from the same scriptures of how the favor of God was poured out on those outside of my Jewish tradition. I portrayed the love of God toward everyone and as a result wore out my welcome and never went back. This was the beginning of my independent ministry to the common people and outsiders. Churches have identity and character, one aspect of which is how they view the love of God toward those without.

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daily word - circle of love

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that by this would all men know that you are my disciples, by the love that you have one for another. Does it surprise you that I didn’t say by the love you have for everyone? So how large is your circle? Presumably it includes your local church. Does it include your whole denomination? What about other denominations? How widely will you extend full faith and credit? Do you see how this question is similar to the one posed to me about who is my neighbor? My answer shocked the one who asked. Did it shock you? How large is your circle of love? Is it getting larger?

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daily word - judging?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider yourself to be judgmental? There are plenty of verses in the Bible that say you should not be. What is the default position of humanity? Does it take discipline and effort to be judgmental, or not to? Have you ever found your mind making assumptions and drawing conclusions about others when you didn’t have sufficient information to do so? Do you find it easy to categorize those who are not like you? Does your mind seem to go here without any effort on your part? Have you found that it takes deliberate focus and intention to avoid entering into judgment? Make the effort.

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daily word - kindness

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you favorably disposed toward those who are kind to you? You should be. If someone is generous to you, especially if it is their initiative toward you as a stranger, doesn’t it make you want to return the favor? If you later find out that they have some character flaw, does it make you less likely to criticize and judge them? This job is usually adequately staffed by others. Can you extend this to your relationship with me?

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daily word - alone?

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Have you ever felt alone? Have you ever had a problem or been in a situation and felt that you were the only one with this affliction? Did this make it difficult to discuss with others? Has the unbearable pain of this caused you to push ahead and find a confidant? Were you glad you did? It is likely that you found someone facing the same struggle but even if you didn’t, you may still have found a sympathetic audience. The great struggles of humanity are not unique to you. Do you confess your faults to one another that you may be healed? It is restorative to know that you are not alone.

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daily word - your burden

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the importance of empathy? Without it you cannot relate to the problems of other people. This can make you alienated, cold, distant, and aloof. Yet if you do relate to the problems of other people, you can take on their sorrows and assume a burden that will consume you. How invested should you be in the problems of other people? Don’t be eager to pick up burdens that are not yours, for they will wear you out without a beneficial effect.

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