daily word - size of your circle?

Dale Cresap's picture

How effectively are you able to limit your circle of contacts to those who are similar to yourself? This is possible now more than ever before. Increased mobility and electronic communications can open you to a broader world, or allow you to find and associate with an ever more narrowly defined community. Do you think that this is beneficial? How often do you have real encounters with those of substantially different beliefs, professions, political opinions, education and income level from yourself? Who would decline the benefits of affluence and technology?

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daily word - preferences

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Do you think that your tastes and preferences are better than those of others? Do you know anyone who doesn’t feel the same way? People tend to be strongly identified with their own preferences and consider them central to their own identity. Everyone can explain why theirs are superior but you should avoid doing this. For in doing so you disparage the preferences of others, which are just as valid for them, and you alienate them for no reason. Learn to see your own preferences as being no more than that, and hold them with a loose grip.

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daily word - your faults?

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Are you secure enough to admit your faults? It is helpful for your advancement if you can. Do you know people who have a ready excuse for everything, who can find an external reason to blame for everything that goes wrong? Do you think they are correct in this or could their own failings contribute to their poor performance? If you can own your part of the poor performance then you can focus on the ways you contributed to it and the ways you can improve. This is humbling but it is a growth opportunity unavailable to excuse makers and blame shifters.

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daily word - more justice

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Do you see me as a God of justice? There are plenty of verses in the Bible to support this, about wrath and vengeance and eternal flames. But there is another concept of justice that is restorative rather than retributive. The difference is between hurting those who hurt others and healing those who hurt others. These approaches are worlds apart. One looks to the past for punishment and the other to the future for a more peaceful tomorrow. You can find this approach to justice in the Bible too. So which one is dominant? Which do you see emphasized more in my dealings with you?

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daily word - type of justice

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Do you believe in justice? What type? Most people think of retributive justice in which punishment is meted out to the guilty. This may serve as a deterrent, but it doesn’t improve the situation. The common phrase, even taken from the Bible, is an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But there is another approach that is also found in the Bible. This requires the repayment of something stolen, in even greater measure. This also acts as a deterrent, but it has the additional quality of being restorative. The penalty helps the victim. Which system do you see implemented in your culture?

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daily word - ritual communion

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Do you take communion? This is one of the very few rituals common to all believers. The exact meaning of it has been a matter of intense debate and strife over the centuries; but not so much recently. Rituals are visible tangible symbols that point to a transcendent reality. People in general, even non-believers, use the word communion apart from a religious context to refer to an intimate relationship. Do you see that this is the reality that the ritual points to? Do you understand that the ritual is real and infused with transcendent meaning?

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daily word - need help?

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Have you reached the point in your life where you realize that you can’t make it on your own and need help? Do you also realize that I am the only one who can help you? Blessed are those who realize this. How do you think this works? Do you see it as me providing assistance for you or you consenting to me? There is a profound difference between these, for it determines which one of us is in charge of the process. If it isn’t within you to direct your own steps then no amount of assistance will help.

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daily word - Spirit Led

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Are you capable of running your life? Do you think that you can weigh your alternatives according to your values and make good choices? But your life is subject to factors that you don’t know, and even if you had perfect knowledge of all things affecting you, do you think you could do the math to come up with the optimum choices and implement them? This task is beyond you. Yet have you ever been moved to act in a way that you couldn’t explain, but future events proved that it was the right choice at the time? Is this your routine experience? It can be.

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daily word - goodness of God

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Are you familiar with the passage of scripture that says, ‘Don’t you know that it is the goodness of God that leads you to repentance?’ How can this be? Does this seem like reverse logic? Are you used to a message of wrath and judgment? You have encountered these motivations in other settings and they can produce compliance even if it is not heartfelt and not good for morale. Have you ever found it more highly motivating to want to please someone who loves you and has extended favor to you? In this case it is good for morale and joyful. Would you agree that love is stronger than fear?

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daily word - always right?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to be right? How important is it to you? Is it more important than learning and growth? Do you know people who are ‘always right’? Would you agree with their assessment of themselves? You have heard of the method of trial and error. People do not generally welcome trials or errors but this is a valid method for learning. Do you learn more by doing things right or by doing them wrong? You can only do everything right if you don’t attempt anything new. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly until you learn how. I have new things to teach you.

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