daily word - best books

Dale Cresap's picture

What would you expect to find in a Christian Bookstore? Bibles, of course. What else? Insider information about end-time events? Are you aware of how many times that my return has been predicted incorrectly, or the number of incorrect identifications of end-time Bible characters with living people? Would you expect to find more books that reassure you that you are going in the right direction, or more books that served as invitations to do your difficult inner work? This last category has never been popular, but these books exist if you care to search for them.

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daily word - hidden costs?

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Have you ever had a transaction that had hidden costs? Have you ever ended up paying more than the price you understood? Do you think of this question only in monetary terms? This is the most obvious example, but the same concept can apply in other areas with even more damaging results. Do you desire respect? Has the pursuit of this left you distant from other people and cost you intimacy? Has a desire for wealth led you to dissatisfaction? Have you paid for your desire for prestige and power with self-absorption? You are made in the image of what you desire.

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daily word - like your enemies?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you draw strong distinctions between yourself and your enemies? Are you glad that you are not like them? How does this affect your prayer life? For I cited the bad example of the man who prayed thus with himself, that he thanked God that he was not like other men, such as the publican and the sinner nearby. Do you find this smug, self-satisfied self-righteousness appalling? Me too. I said that this man was not justified while the repentant sinner was. So what would be a better approach?

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daily word - a gift for God

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to give and receive gifts? Do you like to give thoughtful gifts that are considerate of the recipient; something they really want? Sometimes desires are communicated through a ‘wish list’. What would you give me? Do you know what is on my wish list? I have already given it to you. I’m looking for a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Do you know people that you would describe that way? How did they get there? Do you know anyone meeting this description who didn’t suffer to get there? Do you want to give me what I want enough to pay the price for it? You can afford it.

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daily word - complicated?

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Have you noticed that in response to simple questions you hear the response ‘it’s complicated’ more often? Do you find the degree of complexity in your own life to be increasing to the point of being overwhelming? Is it hard enough to figure out your own course even without allowing for random events beyond your control? Do you understand that I am the solution to the problem of complexity? That is to say, do you find it reassuring and comforting to know that a benevolent supreme being watches over you and will not allow you to be subject to more than you can endure?

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daily word - privilege

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Are you familiar with the concept of privilege? This has become a loaded word, and used as an accusation and a means of political leverage against broad groups of people considered to have advantages. The concept of privilege has been around longer than identity politics but there is a positive way in which to approach it. I said that of whom much is given much is required. Do you have advantages resulting from your education, financial position, or even the years you have spent seeking the Kingdom of God? These put you in a position to make great contributions to the Kingdom.

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daily word - true justice?

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Do you see evil in other people? Are you sure that you are right, and that you are exercising righteous judgment? It is a well settled principle of logic and law that the burden of proof falls on the one making the accusation. Do you have proof for your assertions? You may have, but you may also be putting more time and effort into being an accuser than the situation warrants. Are you looking more for opportunities for retribution or restorative justice? I have told you not to judge but you can do restorative justice without doing that.

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daily word - true self?

Dale Cresap's picture

Can you examine your life and see that you have shortcomings and weaknesses and bad habits? Do you identify with these things or do you see them as peripheral to your true identity? You are correct if you do not see them as the essence of your being. Do you apply the same standard to others? When you see other people demonstrating consistently bad behavior do you see it as intrinsic to their being? Are you aware that you shall be judged by the same standards by which you judge others? To be consistent you should extend the same grace to others that you extend to yourself.

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daily word - contempt?

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Have you ever been held in contempt? Have you ever held others in contempt? This is often confused with belligerence or hostility, but is more subtle and actually worse. You can acknowledge the essential humanity of those with whom you are angry, but to be contemptuous is to fail to recognize this humanity. How is this worse? Isn’t everyone made in my image? This is the basis for the sanctity of life and your point of connection to every person. To fail to see this is to misunderstand me, and yourself, and the entire human community.

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daily word - discipline

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Do you understand the value of discipline in your life, or do you see it only as punishment? Trains are a great form of transportation and their development has facilitated the growth of commerce but only if they stay on the rails. Otherwise you have a train wreck and this has become an appropriate cultural proverb for things going very badly. So discipline could be viewed as a matter of keeping the train on the rails. Of course trains are limited to going where the rails go. Do not be discouraged by this or reject the concept of discipline.

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