daily word - toleration

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in toleration? This was not always prevalent. In times past it was considered normal to attack and dominate those who disagreed with you, even to the point of violent bloodshed and torment. So it was progress to accept the idea that you could live in peace with those who disagreed with you. Does this still leave room for improvement? Toleration implies indifference. Can you go beyond toleration to the point of active engagement with those with whom you have differences, and do it in a cordial and respectful way? What else would it mean to love your enemies?

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daily word - friends?

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Are you friends with everyone? Being friendly is highly rated in your culture, and if your friends are the dearest thing to you then presumably more is better. I told my disciples that no man had greater love than to lay down their life for their friends. This takes the concept of friendship to another level. Are you willing to lay down your life for everyone that you consider to be a friend? This isn’t a criticism or a suggestion that you reduce the number of people that you refer to as friends.

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daily word - bread

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I sent my disciples to get bread and when they came back I told them that I had bread that they knew not of. I wasn’t referring to a snack that I had hidden in my pocket. I had had a spiritual encounter while they were gone and it nourished my soul. You need bread or some other form of calories to sustain you, but that is not all you need. As I also spoke, man does not live by bread alone. What about you? You use the term ‘starving’ to refer to extreme hunger, but the same term is used to refer to other human appetites and appropriately so. What are you hungry for?

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daily word - woman at the well

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Are you familiar with the story of the woman at the well? We had a chance encounter and ended up talking about the Kingdom of God. In the course of the conversation I revealed that I knew her story, concerning her marital status and history. This was apparently a subject of shame for her and she changed the subject. There are hints in the story that she lived a life of shame because of this, coming to draw water when she did not expect anyone else to be around.

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daily word - faith and belief?

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you consider to be the essence of faith? Theologians develop proportional truth claims concerning me and my birth and life and death and resurrection, and these are propagated as essential truth, with those affirming them being accepted as believers and those who do not as outside the faith. Is faith only about doctrine? I commended a Roman Centurion for having greater faith than anyone I had found in Israel. Consider the magnitude of this statement. Was his doctrine superior to all others? His only expression was that I could heal his servant at a distance.

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daily word - worship

Dale Cresap's picture

Does your church teach you how to worship? In most churches this is a guided process, but without instruction as such. You know that you benefit by instruction in other things you do. Do you think instruction would be helpful here, or would you expect it to be totally intuitive? I have given you the standard to aim for in worship, that it should be in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks those who will do this. My disciples asked me to teach them to pray, since this was a common practice, and I did. If you ask me to teach you how to worship in spirit and in truth I will do so.

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daily word - One in Christ?

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My word teaches you that in Christ there is neither male nor female, Greek nor Jew, bond nor free, and goes on to mention other categories. Do not think that this list was meant to be exhaustive. It is a starting point from which you can add any other distinction that divides people, including liberal and conservative, and if taken seriously spells the end of racism, tribalism, nationalism and others. The fact that this is such a radically profound statement is an indication of the human propensity for group identification and exclusion. Where are you on the spectrum?

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daily word - verbal non-violence

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to resist not evil, even to the point of turning the other cheek to one who would strike you, to make it easier for them to do it twice. I used a very physical illustration to get the point across. Have you ever had the chance to respond in this manner? Have you ever done it? Can you apply the same principle to verbal assault? You probably have many more opportunities to respond to mean things spoken to you than to physical assault. Even here you have the choice to respond in kind or to decline the chance to escalate the conflict.

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daily word - sleep well

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How well do you sleep? Do you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you find the world to be so full of great injustices that it is detrimental to your wellbeing? Is this beneficial in solving the problems of the world? I came to give you peace. There are burdens that are assigned to you that you are able to carry, and those that are for me or others that you cannot. You can recognize the ones meant for you because they are suited for you and therefore light. One aspect of peace is knowing that you are not in charge, but that someone is.

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daily word - victory?

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Do you strive for victory? You live in a competitive culture. This is the nature of your economy where you must prevail over others to succeed. Even in areas that are not related to money you structure games to be competitive so there are winners and losers. Neither of these is in itself evil, but is there anywhere that the competitive approach is not beneficial? How well does it work in human relations? You can win an argument and get your way at the expense of alienating your brother. Can you see how win-win is a better goal than win-lose?

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